Publication detail

Behavior of Lode Dependent Plasticity at Plane Strain Condition and its Implication to Ductile Fracture


Czech title

Chování modelu plasticity závislé Lodeho parametru v podmínkách rovinné deformace a důsledky pro tvárné porušování

English title

Behavior of Lode Dependent Plasticity at Plane Strain Condition and its Implication to Ductile Fracture


conference paper



Original abstract

Variety of metals are complex materials exhibiting various behavior under different loading. Many metallic materials exhibit Tresca-like behavior rather than von Mises. It means different behavior in tension under plane strain and uniaxial stress conditions. This might be described by Lode dependent plasticity which should result in better prediction in force or torque responses of material tests. Good agreement between computation and experiment is also very important when calibrating the ductile fracture criteria. Several tests under plane strain and uniaxial stress states were carried out on aluminum alloy 2024-T351 where the Lode dependency was significant. The Lode dependent plasticity was implemented along with von Mises and Tresca-like yield criteria, which resulted in improvement of force–displacement responses of plane strain tests simulations. But it also caused significant change in the stress state of tensile flat and grooved plates which wrongly approached uniaxial tension condition. This inconvenience prevents plane strain experiments from using for calibration of ductile fracture criteria under these circumstances.

Czech abstract

Řada kovů jsou komplexní materiály vykazují různé chování při různých zatíženích. Mnoho kovových materiálů vykazují chování podle Trescy, spíše než podle von Misese. To znamená různé chování v tahu v podmínkách rovinné deformace a jednoosého namáhání. To může být popsáno modelem plasticity závislým na Lodeho parametru, který by měla mít za následek lepší predikci sílových nebo momentových odezev materiálových zkoušek. Dobrá shoda mezi výpočtem a experimentem je také velmi důležitá pro kalibraci kritérií tvárného porušování. Několik zkoušek při rovinné deformaci a jednoosém namáhání bylo provedeno na hliníkové slitině 2024-T351, kde byla Lodeho závislost výrazná. Model plasticity závislý na Lodeho parametru byl implementován spolu s podmínkou plasticity von Mises a podmínkou blízkou Trescovi, která měla za následek zlepšení odezev síly–posunutí v simulacích rovinné deformace. To také zale působilo významnou změnu v napěťovém stavu při tahu plochých a vrubovaných plechů, které se mylně blížily stavu jednoosého tahu. Tato nevýhoda za těchto okolností brání použití experimentů při rovinné deformaci pro kalibraci kritérií tvárného porušování.

English abstract

Variety of metals are complex materials exhibiting various behavior under different loading. Many metallic materials exhibit Tresca-like behavior rather than von Mises. It means different behavior in tension under plane strain and uniaxial stress conditions. This might be described by Lode dependent plasticity which should result in better prediction in force or torque responses of material tests. Good agreement between computation and experiment is also very important when calibrating the ductile fracture criteria. Several tests under plane strain and uniaxial stress states were carried out on aluminum alloy 2024-T351 where the Lode dependency was significant. The Lode dependent plasticity was implemented along with von Mises and Tresca-like yield criteria, which resulted in improvement of force–displacement responses of plane strain tests simulations. But it also caused significant change in the stress state of tensile flat and grooved plates which wrongly approached uniaxial tension condition. This inconvenience prevents plane strain experiments from using for calibration of ductile fracture criteria under these circumstances.

Keywords in Czech

Lodeho úhel; podmínka plasticity von Mises; chování podle Trescy; tvárné porušování; rovinná deformace

Keywords in English

Lode angle; von Mises yield criterion; Tresca-like behavior; ductile fracture; plane strain








Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture VIII





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  author="František {Šebek} and Jindřich {Petruška} and Petr {Kubík},
  title="Behavior of Lode Dependent Plasticity at Plane Strain Condition and its Implication to Ductile Fracture",
  booktitle="Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture VIII",