Publication detail

Optimization of the Cutting Speed for Ti-6Al-4V Using WEDM Depending on Quality of the Machined Surface


Czech title

Optimalizace rychlosti obrábění pro Ti-6Al-4V užitím WEDM v závislosti na jakosti obrobeného povrchu

English title

Optimization of the Cutting Speed for Ti-6Al-4V Using WEDM Depending on Quality of the Machined Surface


conference paper



Original abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional technology of machining that applies physical principles for material removal. To ensure efficient machining, it is appropriate to have the cutting speed as high as possible; however, the quality of the surface to be machined shall also be taken into account. Since the cutting speed cannot be directly set on the machine, but depends on the setting of individual machine parameters, an experiment was designed to find optimum values of individual parameters to maximise the cutting speed. The examined parameters included: gap voltage, pulse on time, pulse off time, wire speed and discharge current. In addition, the study dealt with the evaluation of morphology and quality of the surfaces of machined samples manufactured at the highest and the lowest speed using a contactless profilometer based on the principle of coherence correlation interferometry.

Czech abstract

Elektroerozivní drátové řezání (WEDM) je nekonvenční technologie obrábění, která k úběru materiálu využívá fyzikálních principů. Pro efektivní obrábění je vhodné, aby cutting speed byla co možná nejvyšší, avšak je nezbytné přihlédnout i k jakosti obrobeného povrchu. Vhledem k faktu, že cutting speed nelze na stroji nastavit přímo ale je tvořena nastavením jednotlivých parametrů stroje, byl sestaven plánovaný experiment určený k nalezení optimálních hodnot jednotlivých parametrů pro maximalizaci cutting speed. Zkoumanými parametry byly gap voltage, pulse on time, pulse off time, wire speed and discharge current. Studie se dále zabývala vyhodnocením morfologie a jakosti obrobených povrchů vzorků vyrobených nejvyšší a nejnižší rychlostí pomocí bezkontaktního profilometru založeného na principu koherenční korelační interferometrie.

English abstract

Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an unconventional technology of machining that applies physical principles for material removal. To ensure efficient machining, it is appropriate to have the cutting speed as high as possible; however, the quality of the surface to be machined shall also be taken into account. Since the cutting speed cannot be directly set on the machine, but depends on the setting of individual machine parameters, an experiment was designed to find optimum values of individual parameters to maximise the cutting speed. The examined parameters included: gap voltage, pulse on time, pulse off time, wire speed and discharge current. In addition, the study dealt with the evaluation of morphology and quality of the surfaces of machined samples manufactured at the highest and the lowest speed using a contactless profilometer based on the principle of coherence correlation interferometry.

Keywords in Czech

WEDM; elektroerozivní drátové řezání; analýza zorptylu; Ti-6Al-4V; kvalita povrchu, plánovaný experiment

Keywords in English

WEDM; electrical discharge machining; Analysis of Variance; Ti-6Al-4V; surface quality, Design of Experiment




Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering






Mechatronika 2016

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Mouralová} and Jiří {Kovář} and Tomáš {Prokeš} and Milan {Kalivoda},
  title="Optimization of the Cutting Speed for Ti-6Al-4V Using WEDM Depending on Quality of the Machined Surface ",
  booktitle="Mechatronika 2016",
  publisher="Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering",