Publication detail

Characteristics and behaviour of multi-hole effervescent atomizers


Czech title

Vlastnosti a chování víceotvorových trysek typu effervescent

English title

Characteristics and behaviour of multi-hole effervescent atomizers


conference paper



Original abstract

The paper shows results of continuos research of multi-hole effervescent atomizers for industrial burners. The atomizer is powered with light heating oil and uses air as an atomizing medium. Here we focus on several new versions of multi-hole effervescent atomizers developed on the basis of previous research. Detailed description of spray quality is presented. 3-D graphs show spatial distribution of Sauter Mean Diameter and mean velocity. Influence of design and operational conditions on spray quality is analyzed. Size-velocity correlation and size and velocity distribution is described. The results are compared with results of other authors. Two-phase flow inside the atomizers is described by Bakers map for horizontal flow. Our previous results with two-phase flow visualization invoked a possibility of liquid-gas gravitational separation. Results of spray heterogeneity measurements show that differences between fuel flow rate of individual holes can be of the order of tens %. Effervescent atomizer sprays tend to be unsteady under some operating conditions. Spray unsteadiness at lower pressure and GLR were observed and measured.

Czech abstract

Článek popisuje výsledky pokračujícího výzkumu trysek typu effervescent. Bylo navrženo a testováno několik nových konstrukcí trysky. Je zde uvedena detailní dokumentace kvality atomizace ve formě 3D grafů. Je popsán vliv prpvozních parametrů na SMD a rychlost kapek, korelace rychlost-velikost a rozložení rychlostnního spektra kapek. Dvoufázový tok uvnitř trysky je popsán pomocí modifikované Bakerovy mapy. Dřívější výzkum indikoval možnost gravitační separace fází s následkem heterogenního spreje. Tento jev byl potvrze a dokumentován měřením. Dále byly zjištěny tendence k nestabilnímu chování spreje při nižších hodnotách tlaku v trysce a GLR. Výsledky měření nestabilit jsou také prezentovány.

English abstract

The paper shows results of continuos research of multi-hole effervescent atomizers for industrial burners. The atomizer is powered with light heating oil and uses air as an atomizing medium. Here we focus on several new versions of multi-hole effervescent atomizers developed on the basis of previous research. Detailed description of spray quality is presented. 3-D graphs show spatial distribution of Sauter Mean Diameter and mean velocity. Influence of design and operational conditions on spray quality is analyzed. Size-velocity correlation and size and velocity distribution is described. The results are compared with results of other authors. Two-phase flow inside the atomizers is described by Bakers map for horizontal flow. Our previous results with two-phase flow visualization invoked a possibility of liquid-gas gravitational separation. Results of spray heterogeneity measurements show that differences between fuel flow rate of individual holes can be of the order of tens %. Effervescent atomizer sprays tend to be unsteady under some operating conditions. Spray unsteadiness at lower pressure and GLR were observed and measured.

Keywords in Czech

velikost kapek, sprej, víceotvorový effervescent atomizer

Keywords in English

drop size, spray, multi-hole effervescent atomizer

RIV year





University of Nottingham




19th ILASS Europe 2004

Pages count



  author="Jan {Jedelský} and Miroslav {Jícha} and Jaroslav {Sláma},
  title="Characteristics and behaviour of multi-hole effervescent atomizers",
  booktitle="19th ILASS Europe 2004",
  publisher="University of Nottingham",