Publication detail

Validation of extended hybrid surveillance in Europe


English title

Validation of extended hybrid surveillance in Europe





Original abstract

Information paper presented during third meeting of the Aeronautical Surveillance Working Group of Surveillance Pannel in London, UK on 11th April 2016. Reference number: SP-ASWG3-IP/07. The objective of TCAS II with Extende Hybrid Surveillance capability is to considerably reduce the use of 1090 MHz by tracking some intruders using their ADS-B reports. This information paper presents validation results of TCAS with Hybrid Surveillance capability implemented according to DO-300A/ED-221. The validation was performed under SESAR programme within project SESAR 9.47 called "TCAS Evolution". Part of the validation was the first worldwide flight testing of this capability. The benefits evaluation of Extende Hybrid Surveillance showed reduction of Mode S interrogations by approximately 83%. This capability is already required by FAA in the current version of Technical Standard Order (TSO), i.e. TSO-C119d. Results indicated that Extended Hybrid Surveillance is very promising and important tool for reduction of 1090 MHZ utilization.

English abstract

Information paper presented during third meeting of the Aeronautical Surveillance Working Group of Surveillance Pannel in London, UK on 11th April 2016. Reference number: SP-ASWG3-IP/07. The objective of TCAS II with Extende Hybrid Surveillance capability is to considerably reduce the use of 1090 MHz by tracking some intruders using their ADS-B reports. This information paper presents validation results of TCAS with Hybrid Surveillance capability implemented according to DO-300A/ED-221. The validation was performed under SESAR programme within project SESAR 9.47 called "TCAS Evolution". Part of the validation was the first worldwide flight testing of this capability. The benefits evaluation of Extende Hybrid Surveillance showed reduction of Mode S interrogations by approximately 83%. This capability is already required by FAA in the current version of Technical Standard Order (TSO), i.e. TSO-C119d. Results indicated that Extended Hybrid Surveillance is very promising and important tool for reduction of 1090 MHZ utilization.

Keywords in English

TCAS; Hybrid Surveillance; Extended Hybrid Surveillance; Surveillance; ADS-B;



Pages count



  author="Eva {Jošth Adamová},
  title="Validation of extended hybrid surveillance in Europe",