Publication detail

Fluidized Bed Gasification of Biomass for Small Scale


Czech title

Zplyňování biomasy v atmosferickem fluidním loži v malém měřítku

English title

Fluidized Bed Gasification of Biomass for Small Scale


conference paper



Original abstract

Large scale boilers and gasifiers are often designed with a fluidized bed at present time. The fluidized bed offers significant advantages leading to higher efficiency and lower rates of air pollutants. Good ability of process controlling is the main advantage of fluidized bed technology. This ability is connected with structure of the fluidized bed. The fluidized bed is formed by a lot of particles rapidly moving in a limited room. Intensive particles movement allows intensive transfer of heat in whole room of the fluidized bed. Fluidized bed parameters are directly connected with air distribution and geometry of a reactor. This paper deals with utilizing of gas obtained from gasification of biomass. Direct utilizing of produced LHV gas in internal combustion engines is unacceptable due to high level of tar in produced gas. This issue has to be coupe for a long life of engines and minimal maintenance guarantee. From that follows, gas cleaning is necessary before utilizing of produced gas in a CHP unit.

Czech abstract

Zplyňování biomasy v atmosferickem fluidním loži. Fluidní lože v malém měřítku. nabízí významné výhody vedoucí k vyšší efektivnosti a nižší míry znečišťujících látek do ovzduší. Dobrá schopnost řízení procesů je hlavní výhodou technologii fluidního lože. Tato schopnost je spojena se strukturou fluidním loži. ve fluidním loži je tvořen mnoha částic rychle se pohybovat v omezený prostor. Intenzivní pohyb částic umožňuje intenzivní přenos tepla v celé místnosti fluidním loži. Fluidním loži parametry jsou přímo spojena s rozvody vzduchu a geometrie reaktoru. Tato práce se zabývá využitím zemního plynu získané z zplyňování biomasy. Přímé využití produkovaného plynu SV ve spalovacích motorech, je nepřijatelná vzhledem k vysoké úrovni dehtu v produkovaného plynu. Tato otázka musí být kupé pro dlouhou životnost motorů a minimální nároky na údržbu záruky. Od toho vyplývá, čištění plynů je třeba před použitím produkovaného plynu v kogenerační jednotce.

English abstract

Large scale boilers and gasifiers are often designed with a fluidized bed at present time. The fluidized bed offers significant advantages leading to higher efficiency and lower rates of air pollutants. Good ability of process controlling is the main advantage of fluidized bed technology. This ability is connected with structure of the fluidized bed. The fluidized bed is formed by a lot of particles rapidly moving in a limited room. Intensive particles movement allows intensive transfer of heat in whole room of the fluidized bed. Fluidized bed parameters are directly connected with air distribution and geometry of a reactor. This paper deals with utilizing of gas obtained from gasification of biomass. Direct utilizing of produced LHV gas in internal combustion engines is unacceptable due to high level of tar in produced gas. This issue has to be coupe for a long life of engines and minimal maintenance guarantee. From that follows, gas cleaning is necessary before utilizing of produced gas in a CHP unit.

Keywords in Czech

fluidní lože, biomasa

Keywords in English

fluidized bed, biomass






Denver, Colorado USA




World Renewable Energy Congres

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Jiří {Pospíšil} and Ladislav {Ochrana} and Zdeněk {Skála},
  title="Fluidized Bed Gasification of Biomass for Small Scale",
  booktitle="World Renewable Energy Congres",
  address="Denver, Colorado USA",