Publication detail

Unique complex tools supporting decision/making in waste management


English title

Unique complex tools supporting decision/making in waste management


conference paper



Original abstract

In this contribution, a unique complex approach towards modeling of future changes in different waste flows between producers and processors (processing facilities) in an investigated region is introduced first. The approach consists of an application of two original tools NERUDA and JUSTYNE. NERUDA stands for an advanced network flow optimization model. It is able to handle a network with hundreds nodes representing waste producers and facilities (i.e. landfills, mechanical-biological treatment, waste-to-energy. These nodes are interconnected by a model of transportation infrastructure obtained from GIS (Graphical Information Systems). The processing capacities and collection areas of single facilities are proposed based on economic performance of each locality, specific local conditions and waste transportation. The second tool JUSTYNE represents a computational system for simulation and forecasting in waste management incomplete data problems. From the mathematical pal point of view it is a wait-and-see optimization model recursively applied to region divided into several sub-regions and also their parts. It processes variety of spatially distributed statistical data (data related from different regions) bound together through equations and constraints (e.g. mass and energy balances). This data is supposed to be incomplete (some local information might be unavailable or data from some regions are completely missing) and uncertain (the quality of some data is supposed to be poor or of lower relevance). The wait-and-see optimization model (sensitivity analysis) is used to obtain point estimates of desired parameters. JUSTYNE generates inputs for NERUDA. These are mainly future predictions about separate-collection rates, amount of residual waste or its composition. An effective cooperation of these tools will be presented via several examples. For instance, they have been used within complex study for the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic. This study proposes an optimum processing network for different types of waste (e.g. recyclables, biodegradable waste, residual municipal waste, hazardous waste etc.). The approach is convenient for many subjects (e.g. policy-makers, municipalities, potential investors and operators of existing plants) to support their decisions. It is based on open tools; therefore it can be hand-tailored according to particular objective and region of interest.

English abstract

In this contribution, a unique complex approach towards modeling of future changes in different waste flows between producers and processors (processing facilities) in an investigated region is introduced first. The approach consists of an application of two original tools NERUDA and JUSTYNE. NERUDA stands for an advanced network flow optimization model. It is able to handle a network with hundreds nodes representing waste producers and facilities (i.e. landfills, mechanical-biological treatment, waste-to-energy. These nodes are interconnected by a model of transportation infrastructure obtained from GIS (Graphical Information Systems). The processing capacities and collection areas of single facilities are proposed based on economic performance of each locality, specific local conditions and waste transportation. The second tool JUSTYNE represents a computational system for simulation and forecasting in waste management incomplete data problems. From the mathematical pal point of view it is a wait-and-see optimization model recursively applied to region divided into several sub-regions and also their parts. It processes variety of spatially distributed statistical data (data related from different regions) bound together through equations and constraints (e.g. mass and energy balances). This data is supposed to be incomplete (some local information might be unavailable or data from some regions are completely missing) and uncertain (the quality of some data is supposed to be poor or of lower relevance). The wait-and-see optimization model (sensitivity analysis) is used to obtain point estimates of desired parameters. JUSTYNE generates inputs for NERUDA. These are mainly future predictions about separate-collection rates, amount of residual waste or its composition. An effective cooperation of these tools will be presented via several examples. For instance, they have been used within complex study for the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic. This study proposes an optimum processing network for different types of waste (e.g. recyclables, biodegradable waste, residual municipal waste, hazardous waste etc.). The approach is convenient for many subjects (e.g. policy-makers, municipalities, potential investors and operators of existing plants) to support their decisions. It is based on open tools; therefore it can be hand-tailored according to particular objective and region of interest.

Keywords in English

NERUDA; JUSTINE; forecasting; optimization; waste; waste flow




WasteEng2016 Conference, Albi Mines/ Carmaux


Albi, France




Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2016) Ed. Nzihou A.

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Martin {Pavlas} and Radovan {Šomplák} and Lenka {Szásziová} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Unique complex tools supporting decision/making in waste management",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2016) Ed. Nzihou A.",
  publisher="WasteEng2016 Conference, Albi Mines/ Carmaux",
  address="Albi, France",