Publication detail

The treatment of waste gas from fertilizer production - An industrial case study of long term removing particulate matter with a pilot unit


Czech title

Zpracování odpadního plynu z výroby hnojiv - Průmyslová případová studie dlouhodobého odstraňování TZL pomocí pilotní jednotky

English title

The treatment of waste gas from fertilizer production - An industrial case study of long term removing particulate matter with a pilot unit


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

This manuscript covers an on site industrial case study focused on the dry filtration of particulate matter (PM) from the waste stream of fertilizer production. In the industrial plant producing fertilizers, it was necessary to exchange the old wet scrubber with new cleaning equipment for PM disposal. A filter unit with bag filters and pulse-jet cleaning was chosen as the new waste-free technology. Unfortunately, one step in the production involves granulation with steam and water, therefore the waste gas stream was quite humid. Filter bags captured 10 g and 40 g of H2O/kg of dry gas for GR-SA and NPK fertilizers respectively. Due to dry filtration feasibility concerns, a long term pilot unit test was conducted. The impact of operating conditions, especially the inlet stream temperature and humidity was evaluated. A inlet temperature 100 degC for GR-SA and 110 degC for NPK fertilizers was necessary to prevent clogging of the filter bags. We found that different cleaning pulses periods and pulse pressures have a minimum impact on the filter pressure difference (ΔP). Based on the results of the pilot test, recommendations for usable technological conditions were given, in order to avoid problematic deposits on filter material associated with increased ΔP. In addition to this, a straightforward comparison method was proposed in this paper for filter clogging according to ΔP between cleaning pulses.

Czech abstract

V článku je shrnuta průmyslová případová studie zaměřená na suchou filtraci TZL z odpadního plynu z produkce hnojiv. V průmyslovém závodě vyrábějících hnojiva je nutno vyměnit dosluhující mokrou vypírku za nové zařízení pro odstranění TZL. Pilotní jednotka filtru s tkaninovými filtry a regenerací tlakovými pulzy byla vybrána jako nová bezodpadní technologie. Naneštěstí, jeden krok v produkci zahrnuje granulaci vodní parou a vodou a proto je odpadní plyn značně vlhký. Látkové filtry zachytávali 10 g H2O/kg suchého plynu v případě zpracování GR-SA a 40 g H2O/kg suchého plynu v případě NPK hnojiva. Z důvodu obavy o proveditelnost suché filtrace, byl vykonán dlouhodobý test na poloprovozní filtrační jednotce. Byl sledován vliv provozních podmínek, zejména teploty a vlhkosti vstupujícího proudu. Vstupní teplota 100 stC pro GR-SA a 110 stC pro NPK byla potřebná pro zamezení ucpávaní látkových filtrů. Bylo zjištěno, že různé nastavení intervalu oklepů a tlaků tlakového vzduchu pro oklepy má minimální vliv tlakovou ztrátu (ΔP). Podle výsledků poloprovozních testů byly dány doporučení pro vyhnutí se problematickým nánosům na filtračním materiály spojené se zvýšenou ΔP. Dále by navržena jednoduchá metoda pro porovnání zanášení filtru podle ΔP mezi čisticími pulzy.

English abstract

This manuscript covers an on site industrial case study focused on the dry filtration of particulate matter (PM) from the waste stream of fertilizer production. In the industrial plant producing fertilizers, it was necessary to exchange the old wet scrubber with new cleaning equipment for PM disposal. A filter unit with bag filters and pulse-jet cleaning was chosen as the new waste-free technology. Unfortunately, one step in the production involves granulation with steam and water, therefore the waste gas stream was quite humid. Filter bags captured 10 g and 40 g of H2O/kg of dry gas for GR-SA and NPK fertilizers respectively. Due to dry filtration feasibility concerns, a long term pilot unit test was conducted. The impact of operating conditions, especially the inlet stream temperature and humidity was evaluated. A inlet temperature 100 degC for GR-SA and 110 degC for NPK fertilizers was necessary to prevent clogging of the filter bags. We found that different cleaning pulses periods and pulse pressures have a minimum impact on the filter pressure difference (ΔP). Based on the results of the pilot test, recommendations for usable technological conditions were given, in order to avoid problematic deposits on filter material associated with increased ΔP. In addition to this, a straightforward comparison method was proposed in this paper for filter clogging according to ΔP between cleaning pulses.

Keywords in Czech

TZL; Poloprovozní jednotka; Hnojivo; Látkový filtr; Odprášení; Suchá filtrace

Keywords in English

Particulate matter; Pilot unit; Fertilizer; Bag filter; De-dust; Dry filtration











Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Vladimír {Brummer} and David {Jecha} and Pavel {Leštinský} and Pavel {Skryja} and Jiří {Gregor} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="The treatment of waste gas from fertilizer production – An industrial case study of long term removing particulate matter with a pilot unit",