Publication detail

Quantification of adhesive wear of cutting tool


Czech title

Kvantifikace adhezního opotřebení řezného nástroje

English title

Quantification of adhesive wear of cutting tool


conference paper



Original abstract

The paper describes tests of longitudinal turning of medium carbon and high strength steels aimed at a qualification and particularly quantification of adhesive wear of cutting tool. An intensity of adhesion is appreciated on the basis of measuring of intensity of characteristic X-ray radiation FeKa at the area of tool face crater wear, where are adhesively bonded machined material particles. Influences of machined material, cutting speed and particularly tool material on intensity of adhesion are observed. Sintered carbides of WC+TiC+Co type shows low intensity of adhesion, compared with sintered carbides WC+Co type, coats of TiC,N and particularly Al2O3 considerably run down the intensity of adhesion. Cermet of TiN+Ni,Mo type shows low intensity of adhesion, compared with sintered carbides, there is effectively no adhesive mechanism in the wear process of cutting ceramics on basis Al2O3.

Czech abstract

Článek popisuje zkoušky podélného soustružení středněuhlíkové a vysocepevné oceli, zaměřené na kvalifikaci a zejména kvantifikaci adhezního opotřebení řezného nástroje. Intenzita adheze je stanovena na základě měření intenzity charakteristického rentgenového záření FeKa v oblasti výmolu opotřebení, kde byly zjištěny adhezně ulpělé částice obráběného materiálu. Byl sledován vliv obráběného materiálu, řezné rychlosti a zejména vliv nástrojového materiálu na intenzitu adheze. Slinuté karbidy typu WC+TiC+Co vykazují nízkou intenzitu adheze ve srovnání se slinutými karbidy typu WC+Co, povlaky TiCN a zejména Al2O3 výrazně snižují intenzitu adheze. Cermet typu TiN+Ni,Mo vykazuje ve srovnání se slinutými karbidy nízkou intenzitu adheze, v procesu opotřebení keramiky na bázi Al2O3 se adhezní mechanizmus prakticky neobjevuje.

English abstract

The paper describes tests of longitudinal turning of medium carbon and high strength steels aimed at a qualification and particularly quantification of adhesive wear of cutting tool. An intensity of adhesion is appreciated on the basis of measuring of intensity of characteristic X-ray radiation FeKa at the area of tool face crater wear, where are adhesively bonded machined material particles. Influences of machined material, cutting speed and particularly tool material on intensity of adhesion are observed. Sintered carbides of WC+TiC+Co type shows low intensity of adhesion, compared with sintered carbides WC+Co type, coats of TiC,N and particularly Al2O3 considerably run down the intensity of adhesion. Cermet of TiN+Ni,Mo type shows low intensity of adhesion, compared with sintered carbides, there is effectively no adhesive mechanism in the wear process of cutting ceramics on basis Al2O3.

Keywords in Czech

nástroj, adhetze, opotřebení

Keywords in English

tool, adhesion, wear

RIV year





Department of Interchangeable Manufacturing and Metrology, Vienna University of Technology


Vídeň, Rakousko




Proceedings of 4th ISMQC IMEKO Colloquium "Mikro- und Nanotechnologie"

Pages count



  author="Anton {Humár},
  title="Quantification of adhesive wear of cutting tool",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 4th ISMQC IMEKO Colloquium "Mikro- und Nanotechnologie"",
  publisher="Department of Interchangeable Manufacturing and Metrology, Vienna  University of Technology",
  address="Vídeň, Rakousko",