Publication detail

Relationship between Thickness of Entering Layer and Level of EHL Contact Starvation


Czech title

Závislost mezi tloušťkou mazací vrstvy na vstupu a úrovní hladovění EHD kontaktu.

English title

Relationship between Thickness of Entering Layer and Level of EHL Contact Starvation


conference paper



Original abstract

Film thickness in the starved EHL regime is often time dependent and its value is governed by lubricant supply. Rolling bearings contain multiple consequent elements which can increase the risk of starvation. Contact may starve if the replenishment mechanisms are not able to recover film thickness after element passage. One of the aspect governing the level of starvation is lubricant supply provided by previous element. This amount of oil is also used in some theoretical models as input parameter. This fact makes the experiments with ability of controlling input layer film thickness even more important. Therefore, this study presents an experimental study of relationship between lubricant film thickness at the EHL contact inlet and level of starvation. Ball on disc experimental rig with optical imaging and evaluating system was used and results of this study are compared with existing theoretical model.

Czech abstract

Tloušťka filmu v hladovějícím EHL kontaktu je často časově proměnlivá a obsahovat více následných kontaktů, které mohou zvýšit riziko hladovění. Kontakt může hladovět v případě, že doplňovací mechanismy nejsou schopny obnovit tloušťku filmu po průchodu valivého elementu. Jedním z hledisek upravující úroveň hladovění je dodávka maziva, která je definována průchodem předchozího prvku. Toto množství oleje je také použito v některých teoretických modelech, jako vstupní parametr. Tato skutečnost činí pokusy s možností ovládání vstupní vrstvě tloušťky filmu ještě důležitější. Proto se tato studie zaměřuje na experimentální studium vztahu mezi tloušťkou filmu maziva na vstupu EHL kontaktu a úrovni hladovění. Pro realizaci experimentů byla použita aparatura ball on disc a výsledky této studie jsou ve srovnány s existujícím teoretickým modelem.

English abstract

Film thickness in the starved EHL regime is often time dependent and its value is governed by lubricant supply. Rolling bearings contain multiple consequent elements which can increase the risk of starvation. Contact may starve if the replenishment mechanisms are not able to recover film thickness after element passage. One of the aspect governing the level of starvation is lubricant supply provided by previous element. This amount of oil is also used in some theoretical models as input parameter. This fact makes the experiments with ability of controlling input layer film thickness even more important. Therefore, this study presents an experimental study of relationship between lubricant film thickness at the EHL contact inlet and level of starvation. Ball on disc experimental rig with optical imaging and evaluating system was used and results of this study are compared with existing theoretical model.

Keywords in Czech

EHD, hladovění, tloušťka filmu na vstupu

Keywords in English

EHD, starvation, inlet film thickness




Techniosche Akademie Esslingen e.V.


Esslingen (Germany)




Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="David {Košťál} and Petr {Šperka} and Ivan {Křupka} and Martin {Hartl},
  title="Relationship between Thickness of Entering Layer and Level of EHL Contact Starvation",
  booktitle="Tribology - Industrial and Automotive Lubrication",
  publisher="Techniosche Akademie Esslingen e.V.",
  address="Esslingen (Germany)",