Publication detail

Frictional properties of PVA hydrogel


Czech title

Třecí vlastnosti PVA hydrogelu

English title

Frictional properties of PVA hydrogel


conference paper



Original abstract

Total hip replacement is one of the most successful surgical treatments of modern medicine. Typically, at present, hard-on-hard bearing surfaces are widely used for components of artificial hip joints. Hard-on-hard means that both components have high modulus of elasticity in range of hundreds of GPa. However, these materials suffer from relatively high friction and wear rate. This is connected especially with occurring lubrication regime. To approach conditions presented in natural joints, it is necessary to think about artificial cartilage. One of the antici-pated materials for artificial cartilage is polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel. PVA hydrogel has water content about 85% and its elastic modulus is approximately E ≈ 1.2 MPa, which is similar to natural cartilage. The main disadvantage of PVA hydrogel is its lower strength. In this study, commercial mini traction machine (MTM) was used to determine friction coefficient for various slide-to-roll ratios (SRR). Bovine serum was used as a lubricant and the tests were carried out under ambient temperature for three various speeds u1 = 25 mm/s; u2 = 50 mm/s; u3 = 100 mm/s and two different loads F1 = 5.2 N; F2 = 9.8 N, respectively. As ex-pected, friction coefficient was very low, less than 0.05 under some conditions. In future, optical method based on the principle of fluorescent microscopy will be used for studying lubricant film thickness and protein adsorption on bearing sur-faces.

Czech abstract

Náhrada kyčelního kloubu je považována za jeden z nejúspěšnějších ortopedických zákroků moderní medicíny. V dnešní době se obvykle u implantátů využívá kombinace materiálů typu hard-on-hard, kdy jsou obě komponenty náhrady vyrobeny z materiálu, jehož modul pružnosti se pohybuje v řádu stovek GPa. Nicméně tyto materiály vykazují poměrně vysoké tření a opotřebení, což je spojeno s nastávajícím mazacím režimem. Aby bylo možné přiblížení se podmínkám v přirozeném kloubu, je třeba zvažovat možnost umělé kloubní chrupavky. Jedním z materiálů, který v tomto případě připadá v úvahu je hydrogel na bázi polyvinylalkoholu (PVA). PVA hydrogel obsahuje přibližně 85% vody a jeho modul pružnosti se pohybuje kolem 1,2 MPa, což je hodnota podobná té u kloubní chrupavky. Hlavní nevýhodou PVA hydrogelu je potom jeho nižší pevnost. V této studii bylo využito komerční zařízení mini traction machine (MTM) pro stanovení koeficientu tření pro různé skluzově-valivé poměry. Jako mazivo bylo využito hovězí sérum a experimenty byly provedeny za okolní teploty pro tři různé rychlosti u1 = 25 mm/s; u2 = 50 mm/s; u3 = 100 mm/s a dvě rozdílná zatížení F1 = 5.2 N; F2 = 9.8 N. Jak se očekávalo, koeficient tření byl velmi nízký, v případě některých podmínek dokonce menší než 0,05. V budoucnosti bude využita optická měřicí metoda založená na principu fluorescenční mikroskopie pro možnost studia tloušťky mazacího filmu a adsorpce proteinů na třecí povrchy.

English abstract

Total hip replacement is one of the most successful surgical treatments of modern medicine. Typically, at present, hard-on-hard bearing surfaces are widely used for components of artificial hip joints. Hard-on-hard means that both components have high modulus of elasticity in range of hundreds of GPa. However, these materials suffer from relatively high friction and wear rate. This is connected especially with occurring lubrication regime. To approach conditions presented in natural joints, it is necessary to think about artificial cartilage. One of the antici-pated materials for artificial cartilage is polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel. PVA hydrogel has water content about 85% and its elastic modulus is approximately E ≈ 1.2 MPa, which is similar to natural cartilage. The main disadvantage of PVA hydrogel is its lower strength. In this study, commercial mini traction machine (MTM) was used to determine friction coefficient for various slide-to-roll ratios (SRR). Bovine serum was used as a lubricant and the tests were carried out under ambient temperature for three various speeds u1 = 25 mm/s; u2 = 50 mm/s; u3 = 100 mm/s and two different loads F1 = 5.2 N; F2 = 9.8 N, respectively. As ex-pected, friction coefficient was very low, less than 0.05 under some conditions. In future, optical method based on the principle of fluorescent microscopy will be used for studying lubricant film thickness and protein adsorption on bearing sur-faces.

Keywords in Czech

Biotribologie, PVA Hydrogel, Poddajný, Tření

Keywords in English

Biotribology, PVA Hydrogel, Compliant, Friction




Springer International Publishing




The Latest Methods of Construction Design

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Pages count



  author="David {Nečas} and Martin {Vrbka} and Petr {Šperka} and Ivan {Křupka} and Martin {Hartl},
  title="Frictional properties of PVA hydrogel",
  booktitle="The Latest Methods of Construction Design",
  publisher="Springer International Publishing",