Publication detail

Numerical Modeling of Oxygen Enhanced Combustion and Transient Heating Characteristics in a Reheating Furnace


Czech title

Numerické modelování spalování s obohaceným spalovacím vzduchem a charakteristiky přechodného ohřevu v ohřevné peci

English title

Numerical Modeling of Oxygen Enhanced Combustion and Transient Heating Characteristics in a Reheating Furnace


conference paper



Original abstract

In this work an experimental and numerical investigation of oxygen enhanced combustion (OEC) was done for different oxygen concentrations on a 750 kW lab-scale furnace. Temperatures in the furnace and heat fluxes to the walls were measured and used to validate the CFD model especially the chemical reaction mechanism for applicability in OEC. Flame temperature and shape were in good agreement as well as the heat fluxes to the walls for all combustion cases. An increase of the furnace efficiency was determined from 61% for combustion with air and 73.4% for OEC with an O2 concentration of 30.8vol% in the oxidizer. The same trend was predicted by the numerical simulations. Additionally an industrial walking hearth furnace to reheat steel billets was simulated by the CFD model for air-fuel and OEC with an enrichment level of 25vol% O2. Furnace operation revealed a fuel saving of 8% compared to the air case. The transient simulation of the billets showed that the similar billet surface temperature was achieved with OEC.

Czech abstract

Tato práce se experimentálně a numericky zabývala spalováním s obohaceným spalovacím vzduchem (OEC) pro různé koncentrace kyslíku na 750 kW laboratorní peci. Teploty v peci a tepelné toky z horkých spalin do stěn pece byly změřeny a použity k ověření CFD modelu, zejména modelu chemických reakcí pro OEC. Teploty v plameni a tvar plamene byly v dobré shodě stejně jako tepelné toky do stěn spalovací komory pro všechny testované případy. Účinnost pece se zvýšila z 61 % pro spalování s atmosférickým vzduchem na 73,4 % pro OEC s koncentrací kyslíku 30.8 vol% v oxidačním činidlu. Stejný trend byl predikován i numerickými simulacemi. Mimoto byla simulována průmyslová ohřevná pec pro ohřev ocelových prutů pro dvoje provozní podmínky: spalování palivo/vzduch a OEC spalování palivo/vzduch s obsahem kyslíku 25vol%. Při provozu pece byla určena 8% úspora paliva v porovnání se spalováním palivo/vzduch. Přechodné simulace ocelových prutů ukázaly, že užitím OEC bylo dosaženo podobných povrchových teplot prutů.

English abstract

In this work an experimental and numerical investigation of oxygen enhanced combustion (OEC) was done for different oxygen concentrations on a 750 kW lab-scale furnace. Temperatures in the furnace and heat fluxes to the walls were measured and used to validate the CFD model especially the chemical reaction mechanism for applicability in OEC. Flame temperature and shape were in good agreement as well as the heat fluxes to the walls for all combustion cases. An increase of the furnace efficiency was determined from 61% for combustion with air and 73.4% for OEC with an O2 concentration of 30.8vol% in the oxidizer. The same trend was predicted by the numerical simulations. Additionally an industrial walking hearth furnace to reheat steel billets was simulated by the CFD model for air-fuel and OEC with an enrichment level of 25vol% O2. Furnace operation revealed a fuel saving of 8% compared to the air case. The transient simulation of the billets showed that the similar billet surface temperature was achieved with OEC.

Keywords in Czech

Spalování s obohaceným spalovacím vzduchem; Výpočetní dnyamika tekutin; Ohřevná pec; Účinnost pece

Keywords in English

Oxygen-enhanced combustion; Computational fluid dynamics; Reheating furnace; Furnace efficiency

RIV year







Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Rene {Prieler} and Petr {Bělohradský} and Bernhard {Mayr} and Martin {Demuth} and Christoph {Hochenauer},
  title="Numerical Modeling of Oxygen Enhanced Combustion and Transient Heating Characteristics in a Reheating Furnace",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium",