Publication detail

Effect of Friction Modifiers on Adhesion in Wheel-Rail Contact


Czech title

Vliv modifikátory tření na adhezi v kontaktu kola a kolejnice

English title

Effect of Friction Modifiers on Adhesion in Wheel-Rail Contact





Original abstract

One of the key factors in railway transportation is adhesion since it influences safety and energy efficiency of the traffic. However, the adhesion level is strongly dependent on operating and environmental conditions. Under wet conditions and when leaves are on the track, poor adhesion causes braking and traction difficulties. In this case, sanding is often used to increase adhesion. On the other hand, under dry conditions the adhesion level may be unnecessarily high; this leads to higher wear, vibrations and noise. Therefore top-of-rail friction modifiers have been developed to ensure an appropriate adhesion level. The friction modifiers are substances of complex composition that influences adhesion. The objective of this study is to investigate effect of the friction modifiers composition on the adhesion in the wheel-rail contact under dry and wet conditions. The experiments were carried out using a ball-on-disc tribometer and a twin-disc tribometer under various conditions. Traction forces have been recorded and a corresponding adhesion curves have been evaluated. The results bring further insight into the very up-to-date issue and suggest the effect of particular components of the top-of-rail friction modifiers.

Czech abstract

Jedním z klíčových faktorů železniční dopravy je tzv. adheze, která má zásadní vliv na bezpečnost a efektivitu dopravy. Tato veličina je však silně ovlivňována provozními a okolními podmínkami. Při kontaminaci kontaktu vodou či listím dochází k výraznému poklesu adheze, který může vést k problémům s trakcí a brzděním souprav ve stanici. V těchto případech se nejčastěji využívá tzv. pískování. Tento jev je však doprovázen celou řadou negativních vlivů. Z tohoto důvodu je v posledních letech vyvíjena snaha o vývoj tzv. top-of-rail modifikátorů tření. Cílem této studie je vyšetřit vliv modifikátorů tření na adhezi v železničním kontaktu. Experimenty byly provedeny s využitím ball-on-disk tribometru a s využitím dvoudiskového zařízení. Během těchto experimentů byl zaznamenávány průběhy součinitele adheze, na jejichž základě byly následně sestaveny trakční křivky pro různé provozní podmínky. Tyto výsledky přinášejí detailnější pohled na velice aktuální problematiku zabývající se modifikátory tření v kolejové dopravě.

English abstract

One of the key factors in railway transportation is adhesion since it influences safety and energy efficiency of the traffic. However, the adhesion level is strongly dependent on operating and environmental conditions. Under wet conditions and when leaves are on the track, poor adhesion causes braking and traction difficulties. In this case, sanding is often used to increase adhesion. On the other hand, under dry conditions the adhesion level may be unnecessarily high; this leads to higher wear, vibrations and noise. Therefore top-of-rail friction modifiers have been developed to ensure an appropriate adhesion level. The friction modifiers are substances of complex composition that influences adhesion. The objective of this study is to investigate effect of the friction modifiers composition on the adhesion in the wheel-rail contact under dry and wet conditions. The experiments were carried out using a ball-on-disc tribometer and a twin-disc tribometer under various conditions. Traction forces have been recorded and a corresponding adhesion curves have been evaluated. The results bring further insight into the very up-to-date issue and suggest the effect of particular components of the top-of-rail friction modifiers.

Keywords in Czech

kontakt kola a kolejnice, modifikátory tření, adheze a součinitel adheze

Keywords in English

wheel-rail contact, friction modifiers, adhesion and adhesion coefficient




Japanese Society of Tribologists



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