Publication detail

Failure probability of the ceramic component with measured shape deflection of the contact cones for the random position against the counterpart


Czech title

Failure probability of the ceramic component with measured shape deflection of the contact cones for the random position against the counterpart

English title

Failure probability of the ceramic component with measured shape deflection of the contact cones for the random position against the counterpart


conference paper



Original abstract

The paper deals with the problems of the failure probability of the ceramic part (ceramic ball with the cone hole). There are considered the macro and micro shape deflections of the contacted cone areas, the values are given from the 3D measured device IMS UMPIRE. The macro shape deflection is different conicity of the contacted parts, micro shape deflections are the local shape deflection which are added with the macro shape deflections. The problems of the stress and probability of failure are solved using computational modelling – stress states are calculated by FEM, failure probability is based on the Weibull weakest link theory. The failure probability of the ceramic part for the random position against the counterpart will be shown in the paper.

Czech abstract

The paper deals with the problems of the failure probability of the ceramic part (ceramic ball with the cone hole). There are considered the macro and micro shape deflections of the contacted cone areas, the values are given from the 3D measured device IMS UMPIRE. The macro shape deflection is different conicity of the contacted parts, micro shape deflections are the local shape deflection which are added with the macro shape deflections. The problems of the stress and probability of failure are solved using computational modelling – stress states are calculated by FEM, failure probability is based on the Weibull weakest link theory. The failure probability of the ceramic part for the random position against the counterpart will be shown in the paper.

English abstract

The paper deals with the problems of the failure probability of the ceramic part (ceramic ball with the cone hole). There are considered the macro and micro shape deflections of the contacted cone areas, the values are given from the 3D measured device IMS UMPIRE. The macro shape deflection is different conicity of the contacted parts, micro shape deflections are the local shape deflection which are added with the macro shape deflections. The problems of the stress and probability of failure are solved using computational modelling – stress states are calculated by FEM, failure probability is based on the Weibull weakest link theory. The failure probability of the ceramic part for the random position against the counterpart will be shown in the paper.

Keywords in English

Computational modelling, shape deflection, contact problem

RIV year





Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR






Engineering Mechanics 2004

Pages count



  author="Vladimír {Fuis},
  title="Failure probability of the ceramic component with measured shape deflection of the contact cones for the random position against the counterpart",
  booktitle="Engineering Mechanics 2004",
  publisher="Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR",