Publication detail

Using a utility system grey-box model as a support tool for progressive energy management and automation of buildings


Czech title

Využití matematického modelu energetického systému komplexu budov jako podpůrného nástroje pro pokročilou správu energetických zdrojů a automatické řízení

English title

Using a utility system grey-box model as a support tool for progressive energy management and automation of buildings


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

The research presented here is focused on improving energy management in a building complex through analytical and empirical modelling of its utilities. First, we introduce current European policy on energy savings in buildings. The modelling starts with a literature review and a thorough study on a heating and cooling system of a particular building complex—the National Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic. Standard building automation and control systems cannot optimize the building’s operations to the fullest and thus do not provide the best cost savings possible. A mathematical model of the energy system and its integration into a building control system is an essential prerequisite for any optimization here. The development of a model which can be integrated into a control system during real-time operation of the building is a very complicated task. Our paper presents a procedure to develop such a model and methods to apply it in a real-life operation. First, the mathematical model is implemented in a simulation tool, which enables an efficiency evaluation of the system. This simulation tool offers especially important support for building automation and control systems when deciding the most effective operation of heat or cold utilities. The model greatly helps in monitoring and optimizing daily offtake limits for natural gas, which is highly appreciated by the building’s technical management. Our practical applications of the model show new possibilities for simulation and optimization calculations which are completely unique in building management systems so far.

Czech abstract

Předložený výzkum je zaměřen na zlepšení správy zdrojů tepla a chladu v komplexu budov Národního divadla Praha. Představena je nejprve politika EU v oblasti energetických úspor v sektoru budov a teorie spojená s tvorbou matematických modelů. Dále je v článku popsán topný a chladicí systém Národního divadla Praha. Stávající měřicí a regulační systém budovy neumožňuje optimální řízení energetického systému budovy pro její velkou komplexnost, která je výsledkem rozsáhlé rekonstrukce z r. 2008. Vytvořený matematický model má sloužit k dosažení lepších vlastností automatického řízení a především významných energetických úspor. Model prakticky napomáhá efektivnímu sledování odběru zemního plynu a optimalizaci denního limitu pro jeho odběr.

English abstract

The research presented here is focused on improving energy management in a building complex through analytical and empirical modelling of its utilities. First, we introduce current European policy on energy savings in buildings. The modelling starts with a literature review and a thorough study on a heating and cooling system of a particular building complex—the National Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic. Standard building automation and control systems cannot optimize the building’s operations to the fullest and thus do not provide the best cost savings possible. A mathematical model of the energy system and its integration into a building control system is an essential prerequisite for any optimization here. The development of a model which can be integrated into a control system during real-time operation of the building is a very complicated task. Our paper presents a procedure to develop such a model and methods to apply it in a real-life operation. First, the mathematical model is implemented in a simulation tool, which enables an efficiency evaluation of the system. This simulation tool offers especially important support for building automation and control systems when deciding the most effective operation of heat or cold utilities. The model greatly helps in monitoring and optimizing daily offtake limits for natural gas, which is highly appreciated by the building’s technical management. Our practical applications of the model show new possibilities for simulation and optimization calculations which are completely unique in building management systems so far.

Keywords in Czech

modelování na základně dat, simulace, optimalizace, energetický systém, řídicí systém

Keywords in English

Data-driven modelling, Simulation, Optimization, Utility system, Control system






Berlin Heidelberg







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Vítězslav {Máša} and Michal {Touš} and Martin {Pavlas},
  title="Using a utility system grey-box model as a support tool for progressive energy management and automation of buildings",
  address="Berlin Heidelberg",