Publication detail

High-speed cutting machines


Czech title

Stroje pro vysokorychlostní obrábění

English title

High-speed cutting machines


book chapter



Original abstract

The chapter deals with high speed machine tools. It is described design of those machines, their sizes, design, usage, its pros and cross etc. Technology and machines determined for high speed chip machining became the important part of the manufacturing basis in many industrial enterprises. It is not only by chance that they find their utilization in the special manufacturing types, especially in the aircraft, automobile and medicine branches and in the manufacture of tools and moulds. High speed cutting is already the irreplaceable manufacturing technology in many cases. The proof that this branch develops is the still and still bigger quantity of manufactured machines and the permanently increasing number and diversity of actual applications in the manufacture.

Czech abstract

Kapitola se zabývá stroji pro vysokorychlostní obrábění. Popisuje jejich konstrukci, rozměry, užití, výhody a nevýhody a další. Technologie a stroje určené pro vysokorychlostní třískové obrábění se staly významnou součástí výrobní základny mnoha průmyslových podniků. Není náhodou, že nacházejí uplatnění ve speciálních typech výrob, zejména v leteckých, automobilových a medicínských oborech, výrobě nástrojů a forem. V mnoha případech se již jedná o nenahraditelnou výrobní technologii. Důkazem rozvoje tohoto oboru je stále větší množství vyrobených strojů a stále rostoucí počet a pestrost reálných aplikací ve výrobě.

English abstract

The chapter deals with high speed machine tools. It is described design of those machines, their sizes, design, usage, its pros and cross etc. Technology and machines determined for high speed chip machining became the important part of the manufacturing basis in many industrial enterprises. It is not only by chance that they find their utilization in the special manufacturing types, especially in the aircraft, automobile and medicine branches and in the manufacture of tools and moulds. High speed cutting is already the irreplaceable manufacturing technology in many cases. The proof that this branch develops is the still and still bigger quantity of manufactured machines and the permanently increasing number and diversity of actual applications in the manufacture.

Keywords in Czech

Vysoce produktivní obrábění, vysoko rychlostní obrábění, vysoké rychlosti, tvrdé obrábění, vysoké posuvy, HSC, HPC

Keywords in English

High productive cutting, high speed cutting, high speed, hard machining, dry machining, high feed, HSC, HPC

RIV year





MM publishing


Prague, Czech Republic




Design of CNC Machine Tools

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Lubomír {Novotný},
  title="High-speed cutting machines",
  booktitle="Design of CNC Machine Tools",
  publisher="MM publishing",
  address="Prague, Czech Republic",