Publication detail

Compressors for Ultra-High Pressure Ratio Aero-Engines

RŮŽIČKA, M. R. von der Bank S. Donnerhack A. Rae F. Poutriquet A. Lundbladh A. Antoranz L. Tarnowski

Czech title

Kompresory pro letecké motory s vysokým stlačením

English title

Compressors for Ultra-High Pressure Ratio Aero-Engines


journal article in Scopus



Original abstract

A highly efficient, robust compression system is a key part of any high performance core engine that is to be developed for meeting future low emission requirements, i.e. for significant reductions in CO2, NOx and other gaseous emissions. Not only does the compression system have to deliver the increased OPR demanded by the thermal cycle. It has to do so more efficiently to avoid excessive increases in cycle temperatures and weight to avoid reducing the benefit from the new cycle. This challenge is made harder as OPR is increased up to 70:1 as core engine size will reduce introducing greater threats to efficiency and compressor stability margin through: * Lower Reynolds numbers that will result in higher blade losses * Tip and shroud/seal clearances increasing due to physical size limitations * If manufacturing tolerances are maintained, blade and vane leading edges, maximum thick¬ness and fillets radii will be relatively larger * The threat of inclement weather, deterioration and foreign object damage (FOD), will be greater as compressors get smaller * High Aspect Ratio blade design will be applied to limit the relative weight and length increase due to required pressure ratio increase of the compression system * Higher OPR compression systems will require more stability improvement features such as VSVs, bleeds and rotor tip treatments This paper gives an overview of the above issues and how the FP7 integrated project LEMCOTEC is addressing them through CFD simulations, low and high speed rig tests

Czech abstract

Kompresor s vysokou účinností a stabilitou je klíčovou částí každého jádra motoru vyvinutého pro splnění budoucích požadavků na nízké emise, tj. významné snížení CO2, NOx a dalších emisí. Kompresorový stupeň musí zajistit nejen vysoké stlačení požadované termodynamickým cyklem, musí mít také potřebnou účinnost, jenž zajistí že nedojde k náhlému zvýšení teplot termodynmického cyklu a hmotnost, jenž nesníží přínos z nového cyklu. Tento úkol je obtížnější, jakmile stlačení dosahuje hodnot 70:1.

English abstract

A highly efficient, robust compression system is a key part of any high performance core engine that is to be developed for meeting future low emission requirements, i.e. for significant reductions in CO2, NOx and other gaseous emissions. Not only does the compression system have to deliver the increased OPR demanded by the thermal cycle. It has to do so more efficiently to avoid excessive increases in cycle temperatures and weight to avoid reducing the benefit from the new cycle. This challenge is made harder as OPR is increased up to 70:1 as core engine size will reduce introducing greater threats to efficiency and compressor stability margin through: * Lower Reynolds numbers that will result in higher blade losses * Tip and shroud/seal clearances increasing due to physical size limitations * If manufacturing tolerances are maintained, blade and vane leading edges, maximum thick¬ness and fillets radii will be relatively larger * The threat of inclement weather, deterioration and foreign object damage (FOD), will be greater as compressors get smaller * High Aspect Ratio blade design will be applied to limit the relative weight and length increase due to required pressure ratio increase of the compression system * Higher OPR compression systems will require more stability improvement features such as VSVs, bleeds and rotor tip treatments This paper gives an overview of the above issues and how the FP7 integrated project LEMCOTEC is addressing them through CFD simulations, low and high speed rig tests

Keywords in English

compressor, efficiency, stability




CEAS Council of Eropean Aerospace Society





Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Miroslav {Růžička},
  title="Compressors for Ultra-High Pressure Ratio Aero-Engines",
  publisher="CEAS Council of Eropean Aerospace Society",