Publication detail

Fired heaters: validation of design parameters based on numerical modelling


Czech title

Ohřevné pece: validace návrhových parametrů pomocí numerického modelování

English title

Fired heaters: validation of design parameters based on numerical modelling


conference paper



Original abstract

Fired heaters are used all over the World for refinery processes. Many of them are designed according the American Petroleum Institute Standard 560. Several facilities encounter significant deformation of tubes or other imperfection related to the tube wall heat load. This leads us to investigation of design parameters suggested by the API standard 560. The key design parameters are related to non-uniformity factors, which represent wall heat flux profile over the length and circumference of tube. Since the onsite investigation is almost impossible the numerical flow simulation is used. The present work reports parametric studies of tube deformations in a cylindrical fired heater (radially and tangentially deformed tubes). The results are reported in the form used by furnace designers, i.e. in terms of circumferential and longitudinal heat flux factor. This way, the work provides information on the effect that deformations of tubes during the lifetime of a furnace may have on heat flux non-uniformity. It is recognized, that fired heater design standards recommendations invoked in 1D design calculations of fired heaters are significantly underestimating real heat flux variability.

Czech abstract

Ohřevné pece jsou využívány po celém světě v rafineriích. Mnohé jsou navrženy podle normy American Petroleum Institute Standard 560. Některé provozy vykazují značné deformace trubek, případně další vady vlivem zatížení trubek tepelným tokem. Tento fakt nás přiěl k ověření návrhových parametrů navržených normou API standard 560. Důležitým návrhovým parametrem je faktor nerovnoměrného rozdělení tepelnho toku po výšce a obvodu trubek. Z důvodů obtížného přístupu k trubkám za provozu byla zvolena metoda počítačového modelování proudění. Tato práce předkládá parametrickou studiji (radiálních a axiálních) deformací trubek v peci.

English abstract

Fired heaters are used all over the World for refinery processes. Many of them are designed according the American Petroleum Institute Standard 560. Several facilities encounter significant deformation of tubes or other imperfection related to the tube wall heat load. This leads us to investigation of design parameters suggested by the API standard 560. The key design parameters are related to non-uniformity factors, which represent wall heat flux profile over the length and circumference of tube. Since the onsite investigation is almost impossible the numerical flow simulation is used. The present work reports parametric studies of tube deformations in a cylindrical fired heater (radially and tangentially deformed tubes). The results are reported in the form used by furnace designers, i.e. in terms of circumferential and longitudinal heat flux factor. This way, the work provides information on the effect that deformations of tubes during the lifetime of a furnace may have on heat flux non-uniformity. It is recognized, that fired heater design standards recommendations invoked in 1D design calculations of fired heaters are significantly underestimating real heat flux variability.

Keywords in English

Fired heater, CFD, Combustion, Wall heat flux, API

RIV year







Rio Tinto, Portugal




10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jiří {Vondál} and Zdeněk {Jegla} and Jiří {Hájek},
  title="Fired heaters: validation of design parameters based on numerical modelling",
  booktitle="10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers",
  publisher="CENERTEC ",
  address="Rio Tinto, Portugal",