Publication detail
Effects of oxide layer on Leidenfrost temperature during spray cooling of steel at high temperatures
Czech title
Vliv vrstvy oxidů na Leidenfrostovu teplotu při sprchovém chlazení ocele za vysokých teplot
English title
Effects of oxide layer on Leidenfrost temperature during spray cooling of steel at high temperatures
journal article in Web of Science
Original abstract
Spray cooling is a common cooling method used in many high-temperature metal processes. Using a combined numerical and experimental approach, the influence of the oxide layer on the Leidenfrost temperature during spray cooling of surfaces at high temperatures was investigated. The heat transfer from a metal surface covered by an oxide layer is described using the concept of the effective heat transfer coefficient and this concept is extended to the Leidenfrost temperature. The effective Leidenfrost temperature is introduced. The prediction of the effective Leidenfrost temperature is compared with the numerical simulation and with the experiment, which was conducted on an austenitic stainless steel plate with varied oxide layer thicknesses. The test plate with the oxide layers was heated to 1000 C and then cooled using flat jet nozzles. The present study confirms that the use of water in the spray cooling of hot surfaces can create a situation where the oxide layer not only serves as insulation but can also increase the cooling intensity for short time period, mainly by a shift of the Leidenfrost temperature.
Czech abstract
Sprchové chlazení je metoda často používaná u mnoha vysokoteplotních aplikací v kovovýrobě. Použitím kombinovaného přístupu pomocí numerických simulací a experimentu je zkoumán vliv vrstvy oxidů na Leidenfrostovu teplotu při sprchovém chlazení za vysokých teplot. Přenos tepla z povrchu kovu pokrytého vrstvou oxidu je popsán pomocí efektivního součinitele přestupu tepla a tento koncept je rozšířen na Leidenfrostovu teplotu. Je zavedena efektivní Leidenfrostova teplota a její predikce je porovnána s výsledky numerických simulací a experimentu, který byl proveden na desce vyrobené z austenitické nerezové oceli s různou tloušťkou vrstvy oxidů. Zkušební deska s různými vrstvami oxidů byla zahřáta na teplotu tisíc stupňů celsia a poté ochlazena pomocí plochých vodních trysek. Tato studie potvrzuje, že použití vody při sprchovém chlazení horkých povrchů může vytvořit situaci, kdy vrstva oxidů slouží nejen jako izolace, ale může též zvýšit intenzitu chlazení po krátké časové období. To je způsobeno zejména změnou Leidenfrostovi teploty.
English abstract
Spray cooling is a common cooling method used in many high-temperature metal processes. Using a combined numerical and experimental approach, the influence of the oxide layer on the Leidenfrost temperature during spray cooling of surfaces at high temperatures was investigated. The heat transfer from a metal surface covered by an oxide layer is described using the concept of the effective heat transfer coefficient and this concept is extended to the Leidenfrost temperature. The effective Leidenfrost temperature is introduced. The prediction of the effective Leidenfrost temperature is compared with the numerical simulation and with the experiment, which was conducted on an austenitic stainless steel plate with varied oxide layer thicknesses. The test plate with the oxide layers was heated to 1000 C and then cooled using flat jet nozzles. The present study confirms that the use of water in the spray cooling of hot surfaces can create a situation where the oxide layer not only serves as insulation but can also increase the cooling intensity for short time period, mainly by a shift of the Leidenfrost temperature.
Keywords in Czech
Leidenfrostova teplota; sprchové chlazení; tepelný tok; vysoká teplota; vrstva oxidů; okuje; ocelářství
Keywords in English
Leidenfrost temperature; Spray cooling; Heat flux; High temperature; Oxide layer; Scale; Steel making
RIV year
Oxford, United Kingdom
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Martin {Chabičovský} and Milan {Hnízdil} and Ampere An-Pei {Tseng} and Miroslav {Raudenský},
title="Effects of oxide layer on Leidenfrost temperature during spray cooling of steel at high temperatures",
United Kingdom",