Publication detail

Test Well CFD Analysis


Czech title

CFD analýza proudění ve zkušební jímce

English title

Test Well CFD Analysis


summary research report - contract. research



Original abstract

There is industrial demand to investigate reasons for creation of swirl at pump inlet and dependencies on its intensity. Victor Kaplan’s Department of Fluid Engineering was asked to make a simulation of flow in the test well and effect of the test well configuration and the discharge pipe diameter on velocity field and pre-swirl intensity at pump inlet. Existing test well is commonly used for testing pumps of flow rates up to 4300 m3/h without any problems. To verify the effect of discharge pipe were chosen three different diameters of the pipe: 800 mm, 1100 mm and 1400mm. The test well will be investigated in original configuration with niches and without the niches. Overall, there will be done six different simulations and they will be compared. The main task is to confirm or disprove usability of the test well for testing vertical pumps of flow rates up to 10000 m3/h. It is important to mention that the pump impeller is not included in the CFD analysis. Only geometry of the well, inlet and discharge pipes are considered.

Czech abstract

Na základě požadavku z průmyslu byly zkoumány příčiny vzniku vtokových vírů ve zkušební jímce na vstupu do čerpadla. Bylo provedeno výpočtové modelování proudění ve zkušební jímce pro dva různé tvary zkušební jímky a pro tři různé průměry potrubí na vstupu do jímky. Současná jímka vyhovovala, z hlediska vzniku vtokových vírů, pro průtoky 4300 m3/h. Cílem bylo zjistit, zda bude vyhovovat i při zvýšení průtoku na 10000 m3/h. Přitom se měl vyhodnotit vliv průměru potrubí na vstupu do zkušební jímky. Byly modelovány tři různé průměry vstupního potrubí a to 800mm, 1100 mm a 1400 mm. Klíčovým parametrem byla hodnota úhlu rychlosti od axiálního směru v potrubí na výstupu ze zkušební jímky. Do výpočtů nebyl zahrnut vliv oběžného kola čerpadla. Součástí zprávy byly také doporučené úpravy pro eliminaci vtokového víru.

English abstract

There is industrial demand to investigate reasons for creation of swirl at pump inlet and dependencies on its intensity. Victor Kaplan’s Department of Fluid Engineering was asked to make a simulation of flow in the test well and effect of the test well configuration and the discharge pipe diameter on velocity field and pre-swirl intensity at pump inlet. Existing test well is commonly used for testing pumps of flow rates up to 4300 m3/h without any problems. To verify the effect of discharge pipe were chosen three different diameters of the pipe: 800 mm, 1100 mm and 1400mm. The test well will be investigated in original configuration with niches and without the niches. Overall, there will be done six different simulations and they will be compared. The main task is to confirm or disprove usability of the test well for testing vertical pumps of flow rates up to 10000 m3/h. It is important to mention that the pump impeller is not included in the CFD analysis. Only geometry of the well, inlet and discharge pipes are considered.

Keywords in English

Fluid flow in test well, swirl at pump inlet,




Department of Fluid Engineering, Energy Institute, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology


Brno, Czech Republic

Pages from–to


Pages count