Publication detail

Influence of MR damper response time on semiactive suspension control efficiency


Czech title

Vliv doby odezvy MR tlumiče na efektivitu řízení semiaktivního odpružení

English title

Influence of MR damper response time on semiactive suspension control efficiency


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

This paper tries to find the reasons of differences between results from semiactive suspension simulations and from real measurements. Simulations of semiactive algorithms which have already been published in many scientific papers have showned a great potential for improvement of the suspension quality. However, experiments with suspension controlled by semiactive algorithms which are supposed to improve grip did not bring any benefits. The reason of algorithm failure seems to be the response time of the damper used in the suspension. This paper compares the quality of suspension using three different semiactive algorithms (Skyhook, Groundhook, modified Groundhook) and passive settings for different damping levels. All the simulations were conducted for three different response times of MR damper: 1.5, 8 and 20 ms. Response time 20 ms is usual for commercial MR dampers control. Response time 8 ms corresponds to commercial MR dampers which are controlled by the newly developed PWM controller. Response time 1.5 ms corresponds to the fastest available MR devices. Simulations show a significant influence of the MR damper response time on the suspension quality if semiactive algorithms are used. The simulations are confirmed by measurements on a quarter car suspension controlled by modified Groundhook algorithm using MR damper with response time 8 and 20 ms.

Czech abstract

Semiaktivní algoritmy mají velký potenciál pro zlepšení vlastností odpružení závěsu kola automobilu. Simulace odpružení automobilu řízeného jedním ze semiaktivních algoritmů ukazují, že je možné dosáhnout výrazně lepšího komfortu či přítlaku než u pasivního závěsu kola. Reálné měření kvality odpružení na čtvrtinovém modelu závěsu kola automobilu vybaveného magnetoreologickým tlumičem ale neprokázalo navzdory simulaci přínos v kvalitě odpružení za pomocí semiaktivního algoritmu modifikovaný groundhook. Jednou z možných příčin se zdá být příliš dlouhá časová odezva MR tlumiče, která bývá ve většině simulací semiaktivních systémů s MR tlumiči zanedbávána. Pokud se do modelu tlumiče implementuje časová odezva MR tlumiče, výsledky simulace a měření se začnou shodovat. Simulace ukazují, že ze současnými MR tlumiči s časovou odezvou řádově v desítkách milisekund není možné dosáhnout výrazného zlepšení přítlaku kola na vozovku oproti pasivnímu nastavení. Nejrychlejší současná MR zařízení jsou schopna změnit charakteristiku za méně než 1.5 ms. Simulace ukazují, že pokud bude v semiaktivním závěsu použit takto rychlý MR tlumič, kvalita odpružení bude oproti pasivní variantě výrazně vylepšena.

English abstract

This paper tries to find the reasons of differences between results from semiactive suspension simulations and from real measurements. Simulations of semiactive algorithms which have already been published in many scientific papers have showned a great potential for improvement of the suspension quality. However, experiments with suspension controlled by semiactive algorithms which are supposed to improve grip did not bring any benefits. The reason of algorithm failure seems to be the response time of the damper used in the suspension. This paper compares the quality of suspension using three different semiactive algorithms (Skyhook, Groundhook, modified Groundhook) and passive settings for different damping levels. All the simulations were conducted for three different response times of MR damper: 1.5, 8 and 20 ms. Response time 20 ms is usual for commercial MR dampers control. Response time 8 ms corresponds to commercial MR dampers which are controlled by the newly developed PWM controller. Response time 1.5 ms corresponds to the fastest available MR devices. Simulations show a significant influence of the MR damper response time on the suspension quality if semiactive algorithms are used. The simulations are confirmed by measurements on a quarter car suspension controlled by modified Groundhook algorithm using MR damper with response time 8 and 20 ms.

Keywords in English

MR damper; response time, semiactive algorithm; modifed groundhook

RIV year














Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Zbyněk {Strecker} and Ivan {Mazůrek} and Jakub {Roupec} and Milan {Klapka},
  title="Influence of MR damper response time on semiactive suspension control efficiency",
  address=" Netherlands",