Publication detail

Algorithmization issues of flat end check method according to EN 13445-3


Czech title

Problémy algoritmizace metody pro kontrolu plochých den podle EN 13445-3

English title

Algorithmization issues of flat end check method according to EN 13445-3


conference paper



Original abstract

Design assessment procedure of flat ends with relief groove and flat ends directly welded to the shell according to EN 13445-3 involves coefficient C2, which can be estimated either from figure 10.4-5 or using direct calculation according to paragraph 10.4.6. Figure method is feasible in design by hand and it is applicable for limited spectrum of input values. Direct calculation method is better suited for algorithmization of the whole design assessment procedure and it is applicable to broader spectrum of input values, but it sometimes yields unexpected results or even calculation errors. This may cause convergence problems in design assessment procedure. The design assessment procedure is usually iterative, because a calculation pressure is required as one of the inputs and it is also the main output. Presented paper suggests corrective measures for direct calculation method, which guarantee convergence of design assessment procedure, which yields conservative value of maximal allowable pressure.

Czech abstract

Kontrolní procedura dle EN 13445-3 pro plochá dna s odlehčovací drážkou a plochá dna přímo přivařená ke skořepině používá součinitel C2, který lze určit podle obrázku 10.4-5 nebo podle přímým výpočtem podle odstavce 10.4.6. Metoda s využitím obrázku je vhodná pro ruční výpočty a je použitelná pro omezené vstupní parametry. Přímý výpočet je vhodnější pro algoritmizaci a lze jej uplatnit pro širší škálu vstupních parametrů, ale občas vede k nečekaným výpočtům nebo dokonce nemá řešení. To může způsobit problémy s konvergencí kontrolní procedury. Kontrolní procedura je obvykle iterační, protože výpočtový tlak je jedním ze vstupních parametrů a zároveň hlavní výstupní parametr. Tento článek se zybývá návrhem nápravných opatření přímého výpočtu součinitele C2, která zaručují konvergenci kontrolní procedury, vedoucí ke konzervativním výsledkům maximálního dovoleného tlaku.

English abstract

Design assessment procedure of flat ends with relief groove and flat ends directly welded to the shell according to EN 13445-3 involves coefficient C2, which can be estimated either from figure 10.4-5 or using direct calculation according to paragraph 10.4.6. Figure method is feasible in design by hand and it is applicable for limited spectrum of input values. Direct calculation method is better suited for algorithmization of the whole design assessment procedure and it is applicable to broader spectrum of input values, but it sometimes yields unexpected results or even calculation errors. This may cause convergence problems in design assessment procedure. The design assessment procedure is usually iterative, because a calculation pressure is required as one of the inputs and it is also the main output. Presented paper suggests corrective measures for direct calculation method, which guarantee convergence of design assessment procedure, which yields conservative value of maximal allowable pressure.

Keywords in Czech

ploché dno, EN 13445

Keywords in English

flat end, EN 13445

RIV year





University of West Bohemia






Book of extended abstracts 30th conference with international participation Computational Mechanics 2014

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Tomáš {Létal},
  title="Algorithmization issues of flat end check method according to EN 13445-3",
  booktitle="Book of extended abstracts 30th conference with international participation Computational Mechanics 2014",
  publisher="University of West Bohemia",