Publication detail

CO2 absorption to the NaOH solution using pilot-plant wet shower scrubber


Czech title

Absorpce oxidu uhličitého do vodného roztoku hydroxidu draselného pomocí poloprovozního sprchového absorbéru

English title

CO2 absorption to the NaOH solution using pilot-plant wet shower scrubber





Original abstract

In recent years, reducing gaseous pollutant emissions caused by human activities has become a hotly-debated issue due to these pollutants' effect on climate change. Absorption processes are one of many possible solutions, and are attractive because of their relatively low technology requirements, financial cost, and construction impact. This paper details the separation of gaseous pollutants from a polluted gas mixture using the ZK 400 pilot-plant wet shower scrubber. The effectiveness of the chemisorption of carbon dioxide into an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide depended on flow rates of the absorbent. Winkler's volumetric acid-base titration method was used to analyse the sample due to its favourable instrumentation requirements. The data obtained from the experiment imply that using this type of scrubber for separating gaseous pollutants is appropriate and effective. The scrubber's 450 dm3/h flow rate was observed to have the most efficient carbon dioxide chemisorption efficiency.

Czech abstract

Práce se zabývá účinností absorpce oxidu uhličitého do vodného roztoku hydroxidu draselného na experimentálním sprchovém scrubberu.

English abstract

In recent years, reducing gaseous pollutant emissions caused by human activities has become a hotly-debated issue due to these pollutants' effect on climate change. Absorption processes are one of many possible solutions, and are attractive because of their relatively low technology requirements, financial cost, and construction impact. This paper details the separation of gaseous pollutants from a polluted gas mixture using the ZK 400 pilot-plant wet shower scrubber. The effectiveness of the chemisorption of carbon dioxide into an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide depended on flow rates of the absorbent. Winkler's volumetric acid-base titration method was used to analyse the sample due to its favourable instrumentation requirements. The data obtained from the experiment imply that using this type of scrubber for separating gaseous pollutants is appropriate and effective. The scrubber's 450 dm3/h flow rate was observed to have the most efficient carbon dioxide chemisorption efficiency.

Keywords in Czech

skrápěcí hlava, oxid uhličitý, hydroxid sodný

Keywords in English

sprinkle head, carbon dioxide, sodium hydroxide






21st International Congress of Chemical Engineering CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference PRES 2014, 23 - 27 August 2014, Praha, Czech Republic, Czech Society of Chemical Engineering