Publication detail

Design of Optimal Parameter Values of Mechatronic System with Flexible Bodies Using a Block Model


Czech title

Design of Optimal Parameter Values of Mechatronic System with Flexible Bodies Using a Block Model

English title

Design of Optimal Parameter Values of Mechatronic System with Flexible Bodies Using a Block Model


conference paper



Original abstract

The estimation of optimal values of a model parameters has an important role in early stages of V-cycle based mechatronic design of a system. Utilization of a model with flexible bodies in the objective function of the optimization procedure leads due to its high order to the lengthy or unfeasible optimization calculations. It is presented an utilization of a linear time invariant model (state-space LTI) of a system with flexible bodies represented by a block model which overcomes the mentioned difficulties. The model consists of two blocks – a) block containing mainly state-space LTI of flexible bodies which does not depend on values of searched parameters and b) block which depends on them. This allows clear and effective representation of the problem, its efficient implementation and, consequently, finding the optimal values of the required basic parameters. The formulation of the task will be demonstrated on three studies. The first one deals with the location of optimal values of design parameters of absorber connected to the flexible cantilever, the second one deals with vibration energy harvesting device and the last one with damping of heavy machine tool long axis.

Czech abstract

The estimation of optimal values of a model parameters has an important role in early stages of V-cycle based mechatronic design of a system. Utilization of a model with flexible bodies in the objective function of the optimization procedure leads due to its high order to the lengthy or unfeasible optimization calculations. It is presented an utilization of a linear time invariant model (state-space LTI) of a system with flexible bodies represented by a block model which overcomes the mentioned difficulties. The model consists of two blocks – a) block containing mainly state-space LTI of flexible bodies which does not depend on values of searched parameters and b) block which depends on them. This allows clear and effective representation of the problem, its efficient implementation and, consequently, finding the optimal values of the required basic parameters. The formulation of the task will be demonstrated on three studies. The first one deals with the location of optimal values of design parameters of absorber connected to the flexible cantilever, the second one deals with vibration energy harvesting device and the last one with damping of heavy machine tool long axis.

English abstract

The estimation of optimal values of a model parameters has an important role in early stages of V-cycle based mechatronic design of a system. Utilization of a model with flexible bodies in the objective function of the optimization procedure leads due to its high order to the lengthy or unfeasible optimization calculations. It is presented an utilization of a linear time invariant model (state-space LTI) of a system with flexible bodies represented by a block model which overcomes the mentioned difficulties. The model consists of two blocks – a) block containing mainly state-space LTI of flexible bodies which does not depend on values of searched parameters and b) block which depends on them. This allows clear and effective representation of the problem, its efficient implementation and, consequently, finding the optimal values of the required basic parameters. The formulation of the task will be demonstrated on three studies. The first one deals with the location of optimal values of design parameters of absorber connected to the flexible cantilever, the second one deals with vibration energy harvesting device and the last one with damping of heavy machine tool long axis.

Keywords in Czech

flexible bodies; coupled mechanical system; state LTI; dynamic absorber; vibration energy harvester; heavy machine tool

Keywords in English

flexible bodies; coupled mechanical system; state LTI; dynamic absorber; vibration energy harvester; heavy machine tool

RIV year





Brno University of Technology






Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika 2014

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Tomáš {Březina} and Lukáš {Březina} and Jakub {Štetina} and Jiří {Marek},
  title="Design of Optimal Parameter Values of Mechatronic System with Flexible Bodies Using a Block Model",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika 2014",
  publisher="Brno University of Technology",