Publication detail
Prediction method for electrical energy consumption of the machine tool in the usage stage
Czech title
Predikční metoda spotřeba elektrické energie u obráběcích strojů ve fázi užití
English title
Prediction method for electrical energy consumption of the machine tool in the usage stage
conference paper
Original abstract
Machine tools are one of the most significant energy appliances in industry. Within their life cycle, the largest energy consumption occurs in the usage stage, when they serve their purpose. A possibility to estimate the power consumption in this phase of life will allow developers to reduce energy costs. A method of calculating the energy consumed during the usage phase of life shown in this article is based on the simulation of the machining cycle of the characteristic workpiece by multi-body system. The machine is presented as a system of rigid bodies that are connected to each other by mechanical constrains. Each moving part of the machine is defined by its mass, volume and moment of inertia; each constrain is defined by its efficiency. Using the NC code is defined by the tool path. The output of the simulation is the consumed mechanical energy. This approach allows the calculation of the total mechanical work which the machine must carry out to produce one characteristic workpiece. It is possible to obtain data for the calculation of total energy costs consumed during the usage phase of the machine life. Energy optimization is the next step in the development of the machine; this is created on the basis of the data obtained from this simulation.
Czech abstract
Obráběcí stroje jsou jedním z významných energetických spotřebičů v průmyslu. V rámci jejich životního cyklu dochází k největší spotřebě energie ve fázi jejich užívání, tedy v čase, kdy slouží svému účelu. Možnost odhadnout spotřebu elektrické energie v této životní fázi umožní vývojářům snížit energetické náklady. Metoda výpočtu spotřebované energie během životní fáze užití, která je uvedena v tomto článku, spočívá v simulaci obráběcího cyklu charakteristického obrobku pomocí multi-body systému. Stroj je reprezentován jako soustava tuhých těles, které jsou vzájemně spojeny mechanickou vazbou. Každý pohyblivý díl stroje je charakterizován svou hmotností a momentem setrvačnosti, každá vazba je charakterizována svou účinností. Pomocí NC kódu je definována dráha nástroje. Výstupem simulace je spotřebovaná mechanická energie. Tento přístup umožňuje kalkulaci celkové mechanické práce, kterou musí stroj vykonat pro výrobu jednoho charakteristického obrobku. Z toho je možné získat podklady pro výpočet celkových energetických nákladů spotřebovaných během životní fáze užívání stroje. Energetická optimalizace je dalším krokem vývoje stroje, který je proveden na základě dat získaných z této simulace.
English abstract
Machine tools are one of the most significant energy appliances in industry. Within their life cycle, the largest energy consumption occurs in the usage stage, when they serve their purpose. A possibility to estimate the power consumption in this phase of life will allow developers to reduce energy costs. A method of calculating the energy consumed during the usage phase of life shown in this article is based on the simulation of the machining cycle of the characteristic workpiece by multi-body system. The machine is presented as a system of rigid bodies that are connected to each other by mechanical constrains. Each moving part of the machine is defined by its mass, volume and moment of inertia; each constrain is defined by its efficiency. Using the NC code is defined by the tool path. The output of the simulation is the consumed mechanical energy. This approach allows the calculation of the total mechanical work which the machine must carry out to produce one characteristic workpiece. It is possible to obtain data for the calculation of total energy costs consumed during the usage phase of the machine life. Energy optimization is the next step in the development of the machine; this is created on the basis of the data obtained from this simulation.
Keywords in Czech
obráběcí stroj, spotřeba energie, simulace
Keywords in English
machine tool; energy consumption; simulation
RIV year
Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME), 2014 16th International Conference on
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jiří {Tůma} and Petr {Blecha} and Jiří {Zahálka} and Zdeněk {Tůma},
title="Prediction method for electrical energy consumption of the machine tool in the usage stage",
booktitle="Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME), 2014 16th International Conference on",