Publication detail

Contribution to Stability analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems


Czech title

Příspěvek k vyšetřování stability nelineárních řídících systémů

English title

Contribution to Stability analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems


conference paper



Original abstract

The Popov criterion for the stability of nonlinear control systems is considered. The Popov criterion gives sufficient conditions for stability of nonlinear systems in the frequency domain. It has a direct graphical interpretation and is convenient for both design and analysis. In the article presented, a table of transfer functions of linear parts of nonlinear systems is constructed. The table includes frequency response functions and offers solutions to the stability of the given systems. The table makes a direct stability analysis of selected nonlinear systems possible. The stability analysis is solved analytically and graphically. Then it is easy to find out if the nonlinear system is or is not stable; the task that usually ranks among the difficult task in engineering practice.

Czech abstract

U Popovova kritéria jsou pro nelineární regulační obvody s jednou nelinearitou shromážděny v tabulce přenosy lineárních částí obvodů, které se nejčastěji vyskytují včetně jejich modifikovaných frekvenčních charakteristik. Pro každý obvod s tímto modifikovaným frekvenčním přenosem a s nelinearitou odpovídající směrnici k je odvozena podmínka globální asymptotické stability. Tím je umožněno přímé určení stability obvodu z této tabulky. Tím je umožněno snadné vyšetřování stability pro velkou skupinu nelineárních obvodů. Tento úkol patří obvykle k obtížným úkolům v technické praxi.

English abstract

The Popov criterion for the stability of nonlinear control systems is considered. The Popov criterion gives sufficient conditions for stability of nonlinear systems in the frequency domain. It has a direct graphical interpretation and is convenient for both design and analysis. In the article presented, a table of transfer functions of linear parts of nonlinear systems is constructed. The table includes frequency response functions and offers solutions to the stability of the given systems. The table makes a direct stability analysis of selected nonlinear systems possible. The stability analysis is solved analytically and graphically. Then it is easy to find out if the nonlinear system is or is not stable; the task that usually ranks among the difficult task in engineering practice.

Keywords in English

Nonlinear control system; Popov criterion; modified frequency response; global asymptotic stability (GAS).

RIV year





Slovac Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics-BERG-TU Košice






Proceedings of International Carpathian control conference 2003

Edition number


Pages count



  author="Ivan {Švarc},
  title="Contribution to Stability analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems",
  booktitle="Proceedings of International Carpathian control conference 2003",
  publisher="Slovac Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics-BERG-TU Košice",