Publication detail

Design of semi-active magnetorhelogical valve


Czech title

Návrh semi-aktivního magnetoreologického ventilu

English title

Design of semi-active magnetorhelogical valve


conference paper



Original abstract

This paper presents a methodology of design of a semi-active magnetorheological (MR) valve. The MR valve has been used successfully for a long period of time in many technical applications. When the valve is used as a semi-active element, problems occured. The application of this valve is limited, mainly due to the slow response time and its low dynamic range. The methodology consists of flow analysis of a non-Newtonian fluid and FEM analysis of a magnetic circuit. A parallel-plate model was used together with Bingham fluid to describe the flow in the valve. A static and transient model of the magnetic circuit was solved by the FEM program Maxwell. The semi-active MR valve design was based on the presented methodology. In our research the magnetic circuit was made from ferrite that significantly reduces the response time of the magnetic field. The valve was designed only to operate only until the velocity at the breaking point of the F-v curve. Therefore, now there is a large dynamic range in this area. It is reasonable to expect that the designed modifications of the MR valve allow us to use this technology in semi-active suspension systems.

Czech abstract

Článek popisuje metodiku návrhu semi-aktivního magnetoreologického (MR) ventilu. MR ventil se používá už dlouhou dobu a úspěšně v mnoha technických aplikacích. Použití tohoto ventilu jako semi-aktivního prvku je však značně omezeno. Časová odezva a malý dynamický rozsah byly hlavními limitujícími parametry. Metodika byla sestavena z analýzy proudění nenewtonovské kapaliny a MKP analýzy magnetického obvodu. Pro popis proudění ve ventilu byl použit paralel plate model s Binghamskou kapalinou. Statický i transientní výpočet magnetického obvodu byl řešen pomocí MKP systému Maxwell. Na základě předložené metodiky byl navržen semi-aktivní MR ventil. Magnetický obvod ventilu byl navrhnut z feritu, který podstatně sníží časovou odezvu magnetického pole. Ventil je navrhnut pouze do rychlosti po bod zlomu na F-v charakteristice. V této oblasti je velký dynamický rozsah. Tyto úpravy MR ventilu by měly umožnit použití této technologie v semi-aktivních systémech odpružení.

English abstract

This paper presents a methodology of design of a semi-active magnetorheological (MR) valve. The MR valve has been used successfully for a long period of time in many technical applications. When the valve is used as a semi-active element, problems occured. The application of this valve is limited, mainly due to the slow response time and its low dynamic range. The methodology consists of flow analysis of a non-Newtonian fluid and FEM analysis of a magnetic circuit. A parallel-plate model was used together with Bingham fluid to describe the flow in the valve. A static and transient model of the magnetic circuit was solved by the FEM program Maxwell. The semi-active MR valve design was based on the presented methodology. In our research the magnetic circuit was made from ferrite that significantly reduces the response time of the magnetic field. The valve was designed only to operate only until the velocity at the breaking point of the F-v curve. Therefore, now there is a large dynamic range in this area. It is reasonable to expect that the designed modifications of the MR valve allow us to use this technology in semi-active suspension systems.

Keywords in Czech

magnetoreologický ventil, MR ventil,magnetoreologická kapalina

Keywords in English

magnetorheological valve, MR valve, magnetorheological fluid

RIV year





Springer International Publishing




The Latest Methods of Construction Design

Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Michal {Kubík} and Ivan {Mazůrek},
  title="Design of semi-active magnetorhelogical valve",
  booktitle="The Latest Methods of Construction Design",
  publisher="Springer International Publishing",