Publication detail

Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values for the crack initiation from the sharp V-notch


Czech title

Vliv úhlu rozevření V-vrubu na velikost krititické hodnoty aplikované síly pro počátek šíření trhliny z ostrého V-vrubu

English title

Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values for the crack initiation from the sharp V-notch


journal article in Scopus



Original abstract

The aim of this paper is to estimate a value of the critical applied force for a crack initiation from the sharp V-notch tip. The classical approach of the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LELM) was generalized, because the stress singularity exponent differs from 0.5 in studied case. The value of the stress singularity exponent depends on the V-notch opening angle. The finite element method was used for a determination of stress distribution in the vicinity of the sharp V-notch tip and for the estimation of the generalized stress intensity factor depending on the V-notch opening angle. Critical value of generalized stress intensity factor was obtained by using stability criterion based on the tangential stress component averaged over a critical distance d from the V-notch tip. Calculated values of the critical applied force were compared with experimental data taken from the literature.

Czech abstract

Cílem tohoto článku je odhadnout kritickou hodnotu aplikované síly pro počátek šíření trhliny z kořene ostrého V-vrubu. Byl použit zobecněný přístup lineárně elastické lomové mechaniky, protože exponent singularity napětí je odlišný od 0,5. Hodnota exponentu singularity napětí závisí na velikosti úhlu rozevření V-vrubu. Pro výpočet rozložení pole napětí v okolí vrcholu ostrého V-vrubu a velikosti zobecněného součinitele intenzity napětí v závislosti na úhlu rozevření V-vrubu byla použita metoda konečných prvků. Kritická hodnota zobecněného součinitele intenzity napětí byla získána za pomocí kritéria střední hodnoty napětí. Vypočtené výsledky velikosti aplikované síly byly porovnány s hodnotami získanými experimentálně, které byly převzaty z literatury.

English abstract

The aim of this paper is to estimate a value of the critical applied force for a crack initiation from the sharp V-notch tip. The classical approach of the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LELM) was generalized, because the stress singularity exponent differs from 0.5 in studied case. The value of the stress singularity exponent depends on the V-notch opening angle. The finite element method was used for a determination of stress distribution in the vicinity of the sharp V-notch tip and for the estimation of the generalized stress intensity factor depending on the V-notch opening angle. Critical value of generalized stress intensity factor was obtained by using stability criterion based on the tangential stress component averaged over a critical distance d from the V-notch tip. Calculated values of the critical applied force were compared with experimental data taken from the literature.

Keywords in English

Sharp V-notch, crack initiation, stress singularity, generalized stress intensity factor.

RIV year










Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Kateřina {Štegnerová} and Luboš {Náhlík} and Pavel {Hutař},
  title="Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values Influence of the V-notch opening angle on critical applied force values for the crack initiation from the sharp V-notch",