Publication detail

Dual oil-gas burner


Czech title

Kombinovaný olejoplynový hořák

English title

Dual oil-gas burner


conference paper



Original abstract

The burner is a dual-fuel burner with forced-draft and/or natural intake of combustion air. It is designed for burning of gaseous and liquid non-standardized fuels (e.g. low-calorific gas, FAME, glycerin), particularly of gaseous fuels of low LHV (min. 15 kJ/mN3), liquid bio-fuels and liquid waste as a by-product coming from the production of bio-fuels (LHV cca 40 kJ/kg). These fuels have recently achieved an increasing demand on their combustion due to the increasing price of conventional fuels. The burner is usable in energy/heat units or waste incinerators. The burner enables simultaneous operation with gaseous and liquid fuel. Gaseous fuel is burnt in two stages (fuel-staged system) and so low level of NOx in flue gas is achieved in gas combustion. The atomization of liquid fuel is based on the pressure atomization. Flame ignition is performed with a gaseous premixed natural-draft ignition burner with the thermal input of 18 kW, which simultaneously serves as a flame monitor. The burner can be suplied with electric spark ignition as well.

Czech abstract

Kombinovaný olejoplynový hořák je hořák s nuceným přívodem spalovacího vzduchu nebo s přírodním sáním. Hořák je navržen i pro spalování plynných a kapalných nestandardizovaných paliv, zejména plynných paliv s nízkou výhřevností paliva (min. 15 kJ/mN3) a kapalných biopaliv a kapalných odpadů, které jsou vedlejšími produkty z výroby biopaliv (výhřevnost cca 40 kJ/kg). Po těchto palivech je v poslední době zvýšená poptávka v důsledku rostoucích cen konvenčních paliv. Hořák je navržen pro použití v procesních pecích a v incinerátorech. Hořák je unikátní v možnosti spalovat nestandardní paliva (např. nízko-výhřevný plyn, FAME, glycerin) a je vhodný do procesních pecí a dohořívacích komor. Hořák umožňuje kombinovaný provoz plynného a kapalného paliva. Plynový hořák je typu Low NOx se stupňovitým přívodem paliva. Kapalné palivo je rozprašováno tlakově. Plamen je zapalován a hlídán pomocí stabilizačního injektorového hořáku o výkonu 18 kW. Hořák může být alternativně zapalován a hlídán pouze zapalovací a hlídací elektrodou.

English abstract

The burner is a dual-fuel burner with forced-draft and/or natural intake of combustion air. It is designed for burning of gaseous and liquid non-standardized fuels (e.g. low-calorific gas, FAME, glycerin), particularly of gaseous fuels of low LHV (min. 15 kJ/mN3), liquid bio-fuels and liquid waste as a by-product coming from the production of bio-fuels (LHV cca 40 kJ/kg). These fuels have recently achieved an increasing demand on their combustion due to the increasing price of conventional fuels. The burner is usable in energy/heat units or waste incinerators. The burner enables simultaneous operation with gaseous and liquid fuel. Gaseous fuel is burnt in two stages (fuel-staged system) and so low level of NOx in flue gas is achieved in gas combustion. The atomization of liquid fuel is based on the pressure atomization. Flame ignition is performed with a gaseous premixed natural-draft ignition burner with the thermal input of 18 kW, which simultaneously serves as a flame monitor. The burner can be suplied with electric spark ignition as well.

Keywords in Czech

Hořák, kombinováné palivo, nucený vzduch

Keywords in English

Burner, dual-fuel, forced draft

RIV year





Associazione Sezione Italiana del Combustion Institut






Joint Meeting - Franch and Italian Section IFRF and The Combustion Institute

Edition number


Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Pavel {Skryja} and Petr {Bělohradský},
  title="Dual oil-gas burner",
  booktitle="Joint Meeting - Franch and Italian Section IFRF and The Combustion Institute",
  publisher="Associazione Sezione Italiana del Combustion Institut",