Publication detail

Effective abatement of VOC and CO from acrylic acid and related production waste gas by catalytic oxidation


Czech title

Efektivní odstraňování VOC a CO z odpadního plynu z produkce kyseliny akrylové a související produkce katalytickou oxidací

English title

Effective abatement of VOC and CO from acrylic acid and related production waste gas by catalytic oxidation


journal article in Web of Science



Original abstract

Waste gasses containing volatile organic compounds (VOC) are arising mainly form industrial production in which organic materials are processed. These VOC must be treated to levels so that they meet the local applicable legislation limits. Momentive Specialty Chemicals is a company which produces acrylic acid, acrylic acid esters, and acrylate polymers in Sokolov (Czech Republic). A mixed waste stream which contains 6,000–10,000 mg TOC/Nm3 of VOC is treated. The management would like to lower the operating costs of the thermal incineration unit used. It seems suitable in this case to replace the existing incinerator with a catalytic oxidation unit with use of a Pt–Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for VOC abatement. A full-scale unit was designed according to the waste gas composition and flow. Mass and energy balances were carried out, and it was discovered that the catalytic bed must be divided into two parts to prevent the reactor overheating and irreversible damage to the catalyst. A pilot plant was designed and implemented due to the potential threat of catalyst fouling by solid impurities and to confirm the expected conversion of VOC and CO. It also proves the long-term reliability of the catalytic reactor. The performed pilot tests confirmed that catalytic oxidation is suitable for the disposal of waste gas from acrylic acid and acrylates production (for this application and treated inlet concentration of VOC). VOC and CO removal efficiencies during pilot trials were 98.3 and 98.5 %, respectively.

Czech abstract

Odpadní plyny obsahující těkavé organické látky (VOC) vznikají převážně průmyslnou výrobou, kde jsou zpracovávány organické látky. VOC musí být redukovány na úrovně, které splňují platné místní emisní limity. Momentive Specialty Chemicals je společnost, která produkuje kyselinu akrylovou, estery kyseliny akrylové a akrylátové polymery v Sokolově (Česká Republika). Zde je čištěn smíšený odpadní proud, který obsahuje 6000 – 10000 mg TOC/Nm3 VOC. Vedení společnosti chce snížit provozní náklady současné termické spalovny. V daném případě se zdá vhodné nahradit současnou spalovnu jednotkou katalytické oxidace s Pt–Pd/Al2O3 katalyzátorem pro odstranění VOC. Podle složení odpadního plynu a jeho průtoku byla navržena plně-provozní jednotka. Vytvořením hmotnostních a energetických bilancí bylo zjištěno, že katalytické lože musí být rozděleno na dvě části pro prevenci přehřátí reaktoru a nevratného poškození katalyzátoru. Poloprovozní jednotka byla navržena a zrealizována, z důvodu možné hrozby zanášení katalyzátoru a pro ověření očekávané konverze VOC a CO, taktéž pro potvrzení dlouhodobé spolehlivosti katalytického reaktoru. Provedené pilotní testy potvrdili, že katalytická oxidace je vhodná pro čištění odpadního plynu z produkce kyseliny akrylové a akrylátů (pro tuto aplikaci a vstupující koncentraci VOC). Efektivity odstraňování VOC a CO byly po dobu poloprovozních zkoušek 98.3 and 98.5 %.

English abstract

Waste gasses containing volatile organic compounds (VOC) are arising mainly form industrial production in which organic materials are processed. These VOC must be treated to levels so that they meet the local applicable legislation limits. Momentive Specialty Chemicals is a company which produces acrylic acid, acrylic acid esters, and acrylate polymers in Sokolov (Czech Republic). A mixed waste stream which contains 6,000–10,000 mg TOC/Nm3 of VOC is treated. The management would like to lower the operating costs of the thermal incineration unit used. It seems suitable in this case to replace the existing incinerator with a catalytic oxidation unit with use of a Pt–Pd/Al2O3 catalyst for VOC abatement. A full-scale unit was designed according to the waste gas composition and flow. Mass and energy balances were carried out, and it was discovered that the catalytic bed must be divided into two parts to prevent the reactor overheating and irreversible damage to the catalyst. A pilot plant was designed and implemented due to the potential threat of catalyst fouling by solid impurities and to confirm the expected conversion of VOC and CO. It also proves the long-term reliability of the catalytic reactor. The performed pilot tests confirmed that catalytic oxidation is suitable for the disposal of waste gas from acrylic acid and acrylates production (for this application and treated inlet concentration of VOC). VOC and CO removal efficiencies during pilot trials were 98.3 and 98.5 %, respectively.

Keywords in Czech

VOC; katalytická oxidace; poloprovozní jednotka; plněprovozní jednotka; návrh; totální oxidace

Keywords in English

VOC; catalytic oxidation; pilot unit; full-scale unit; design; deep oxidation

RIV year












Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="David {Jecha} and Vladimír {Brummer} and Pavel {Leštinský} and Jan {Martinec} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Effective abatement of VOC and CO from acrylic acid and related production waste gas by catalytic oxidation",