Publication detail

Water Temperature Effect on Cooling Intensity for high Pressure Descaling Nozzles


Czech title

Vliv teploty vody na chladicí intenzitu pro vysokotlaké odkujovací trysky

English title

Water Temperature Effect on Cooling Intensity for high Pressure Descaling Nozzles





Original abstract

During continuous production in rolling mills, the hot steel is exposed to an oxidative atmosphere and oxide layers are formed on the surface. The oxide scale is typically removed using flat fan water nozzles fed by high pressure water in a process of hydraulic descaling. Use of these nozzles causes very intensive cooling, which is in most cases objectionable. One way to decrease this intensive cooling is to use water at a higher temperature. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the degree of influence the water temperature has on the heat transfer coefficient during cooling using the high pressure nozzles. Temperature measurements during descaling were used as input for inverse algorithm calculations. The heat transfer coefficients together with surface temperatures were computed as a function of time and position. The results obtained for various water temperatures were compared and a slight decrease in the cooling intensity was found for higher water temperatures. The reason for this is discussed.

Czech abstract

V průběhu kontinuální výroby ve válcovnách je horká ocel vystavena oxidační atmosféře a vrstvy okují se tvoří na povrchu. Při hydraulického odstraňování jsou okuje obvykle odstraněny pomocí plochých vodních trysek napájené vysokým tlakem vody. Použití těchto trysek způsobuje velmi intenzivní chlazení, což je ve většině případů nežádoucí. Jeden způsob, jak snížit toto intenzivní chlazení, je použití vody při vyšší teplotě. Laboratorní pokusy byly provedeny pro studium míry vlivu teploty vody na součinitel přestupu tepla při chlazení pomocí vysokotlaké trysky. Změřené průběhy teplot byly použity jako vstup pro inverzní výpočty algoritmů. Součinitel přenosu tepla spolu s povrchovými teplotami byly vypočítány jako funkce času a polohy. Výsledky získané pro různé teploty vody byly porovnány a bylo zjištěno mírné snížení intenzity chlazení pro vyšší teploty vody. Důvod tohoto jevu je diskutován.

English abstract

During continuous production in rolling mills, the hot steel is exposed to an oxidative atmosphere and oxide layers are formed on the surface. The oxide scale is typically removed using flat fan water nozzles fed by high pressure water in a process of hydraulic descaling. Use of these nozzles causes very intensive cooling, which is in most cases objectionable. One way to decrease this intensive cooling is to use water at a higher temperature. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the degree of influence the water temperature has on the heat transfer coefficient during cooling using the high pressure nozzles. Temperature measurements during descaling were used as input for inverse algorithm calculations. The heat transfer coefficients together with surface temperatures were computed as a function of time and position. The results obtained for various water temperatures were compared and a slight decrease in the cooling intensity was found for higher water temperatures. The reason for this is discussed.

Keywords in Czech

trasky, vysoký tlak, odkujení, teplota vody, chlazení, součinitel přestupu tepla

Keywords in English

nozzle, high pressure, descaling, water temperature, cooling, heat transfer coefficient




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London, UK

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