Publication detail

CFD modelling of dynamics of pollutants dispersion in city intersection and comparison with measurements


Czech title

CFD modelling of dynamics of pollutants dispersion in city intersection and comparison with measurements

English title

CFD modelling of dynamics of pollutants dispersion in city intersection and comparison with measurements


conference paper



Original abstract

In this study authors focus on traffic dynamics and its impact on the pollutants dispersion in two street canyons forming an intersection equipped with traffic lights. A model based on Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to moving objects has been developed and integrated into a commercial CFD code StarCD. Inclusion of traffic dynamic leads to a better description of dispersion processes of pollutants in an intersection, where peak values of pollutant concentrations are often located. Informations about traffic situation were obtained from in-situ measurement. Results of CFD predictions of NOx concentrations are compared with measurements acquired from an automatic monitoring station located in the intersection.

Czech abstract

In this study authors focus on traffic dynamics and its impact on the pollutants dispersion in two street canyons forming an intersection equipped with traffic lights. A model based on Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to moving objects has been developed and integrated into a commercial CFD code StarCD. Inclusion of traffic dynamic leads to a better description of dispersion processes of pollutants in an intersection, where peak values of pollutant concentrations are often located. Informations about traffic situation were obtained from in-situ measurement. Results of CFD predictions of NOx concentrations are compared with measurements acquired from an automatic monitoring station located in the intersection.

English abstract

In this study authors focus on traffic dynamics and its impact on the pollutants dispersion in two street canyons forming an intersection equipped with traffic lights. A model based on Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to moving objects has been developed and integrated into a commercial CFD code StarCD. Inclusion of traffic dynamic leads to a better description of dispersion processes of pollutants in an intersection, where peak values of pollutant concentrations are often located. Informations about traffic situation were obtained from in-situ measurement. Results of CFD predictions of NOx concentrations are compared with measurements acquired from an automatic monitoring station located in the intersection.

Keywords in Czech

disperze, znečištění

Keywords in English

polutant, dispersion

RIV year





WIT Press


Segovia, Španělsko




10th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and comparison with measurement

Pages count



  author="Miroslav {Jícha} and Jiří {Pospíšil},
  title="CFD modelling of dynamics of pollutants dispersion in city intersection and comparison with measurements",
  booktitle="10th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and comparison with measurement",
  publisher="WIT Press",
  address="Segovia, Španělsko",