Publication detail

Powertrain Multibody Analysis with Flexible Bodies


Czech title

Multibody analýza klikového ústrojí s pružnými tělesy

English title

Powertrain Multibody Analysis with Flexible Bodies


conference paper



Original abstract

The development process in internal combustion engine at the present time requires CAE models that deliver the results for the concept phase of the prototype. The combustion engine is a very complex problem consisting of many partial problems. The major problem is the interaction of the crankshaft and the crankcase. For more precise solution of this problem it is necessary to use complex 3-D models. Finite element method (FEM, ANSYS software used) and Multi-Body Systems (MBS, ADAMS software used) are suitable for calculation of these problems. The finite element model is converted from ANSYS into ADAMS. The finite element models are too complicated for MBS and require a reduction. For the reduction of FE models the Craig-Bampton method is used. The comparison of the calculation and the measurement is still a decisive quality criterion in the CAE environment. Non-contact measurements with laser Doppler vibration meters enable to verify the complex calculation models.

Czech abstract

Vývoj nových pohonných jednotek vyžaduje aplikaci CAE modelů již v prvních etapách projektu. Návrh hnacího ústrojí spalovacího motoru je komplexní problém, především řešení interakce klikového mechanismu a bloku motoru. Příspěvek se zabývá možnostmi aplikace programů MKP a multi-body systémů pro řešení této úlohy, zejména problematikou zahrnutí MKP modelů substruktur hnacího ústrojí jako pružných těles do multi-body systémů. Verifikace výpočtových modelů je realizována bezkontaktním měřením laserovými vibrometry.

English abstract

The development process in internal combustion engine at the present time requires CAE models that deliver the results for the concept phase of the prototype. The combustion engine is a very complex problem consisting of many partial problems. The major problem is the interaction of the crankshaft and the crankcase. For more precise solution of this problem it is necessary to use complex 3-D models. Finite element method (FEM, ANSYS software used) and Multi-Body Systems (MBS, ADAMS software used) are suitable for calculation of these problems. The finite element model is converted from ANSYS into ADAMS. The finite element models are too complicated for MBS and require a reduction. For the reduction of FE models the Craig-Bampton method is used. The comparison of the calculation and the measurement is still a decisive quality criterion in the CAE environment. Non-contact measurements with laser Doppler vibration meters enable to verify the complex calculation models.

Keywords in Czech

Multibody systém, kliková hřídel, radiální ložisko, pružné těleso, modelování

Keywords in English

Multibody system, crankshaft, radial bearing, flexible body, simulation

RIV year





Špindlerův mlýn


3rd ADAMS Users Meeting

Pages count



  author="Pavel {Novotný} and Václav {Píštěk},
  title="Powertrain Multibody Analysis with Flexible Bodies",
  booktitle="3rd ADAMS Users Meeting",
  address="Špindlerův mlýn"