Publication detail
Support of parallel processing of FSI (Fluid structure interaction) simulations
POPELA, R. Remes, J.
Czech title
Podpora paralelního zpracování úloh typu FSI (Fluid structure interaction)
English title
Support of parallel processing of FSI (Fluid structure interaction) simulations
summary research report - contract. research
Original abstract
Zprava strucne shrnuje vysledky propojeni resicu CFD a FEM Ansys pro zpracovani uloh typu FSI na HPC clusteru SGI.
Czech abstract
Zprava strucne shrnuje vysledky propojeni resicu CFD a FEM Ansys pro zpracovani uloh typu FSI na HPC clusteru SGI.
English abstract
The report briefly summarizes the methodology of FEM and CFD solvers coupling for FSI simulations on HPC cluster SGI.
Keywords in Czech
CFD, fluid strucutre interaction
Keywords in English
CFD, fluid strucutre interaction
Pages count