Publication detail

Laboratory determination of selected properties of activated and return activated sludge


Czech title

Laboratorní stanovení vybraných vlastností aktivovaného a vratného kalu

English title

Laboratory determination of selected properties of activated and return activated sludge





Original abstract

The paper presents results of laboratory measurements of viscosity and density of activated and return activated sludge. The solubility of oxygen in sludge liquor was measured and results were compared with solubility of oxygen in pure water. Results of viscosity measurement show, that sludge containing up to 1% of dry solids can be considered as a Bingham fluid, while sludge with dry solids content above 1% should be described by Herschel-Buckley model. Sludge density is only slightly higher than density of water, with increasing dry solids content the density increases negligibly. The amount of air dissolved in sludge liquor can be calculated using Henry s law constants for water, because solubility of oxygen in water and sludge liquor differs only minimally.

Czech abstract

Příspěvek popisuje výsledky měření viskozity a hustoty aktivovaného a vratného aktivovaného kalu. Rovněž jsou uvedeny výsledky měření rozpustnosti kyslíku v kalové vodě a porovnání s rozpustností kyslíku v destilované vodě. Z měření viskozity vyplývá, že pro popis uvedených typů kalů je vhodný Herschel-Buckleyův model, pokud kal obsahuje méně než 1 % sušiny, je možné použít i Binghamův model. Hustota kalu pak vykazuje mírně vyšší hodnoty než je hustota vody.

English abstract

The paper presents results of laboratory measurements of viscosity and density of activated and return activated sludge. The solubility of oxygen in sludge liquor was measured and results were compared with solubility of oxygen in pure water. Results of viscosity measurement show, that sludge containing up to 1% of dry solids can be considered as a Bingham fluid, while sludge with dry solids content above 1% should be described by Herschel-Buckley model. Sludge density is only slightly higher than density of water, with increasing dry solids content the density increases negligibly. The amount of air dissolved in sludge liquor can be calculated using Henry s law constants for water, because solubility of oxygen in water and sludge liquor differs only minimally.

Keywords in Czech

kal, sušina, teplota, hustota, viskozita, Henryho zákon

Keywords in English

sewage sludge, total solids, temperature, density, viscosity, Henry s law




Léon, Spain

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