Publication detail

Comparison of material models in the study of mechanical properties of the oxide scales


Czech title

Srovnání materiálových modelů při studiu mechanických vlastností okují

English title

Comparison of material models in the study of mechanical properties of the oxide scales


conference paper



Original abstract

Heat treatment of steel is tied to many problems. One of the important problems is the growth of the oxide scale layers and their removal in order to obtain high quality of steel surface. The problem of the oxide scales growth and descaling requires a complex analysis. Complexity of analysis also includes the study of mechanical properties of the oxide scale layers. To study the mechanical properties the small punch method was used. The typical result of the small punch tests is force-displacement curve. Small punch test can be considered analogous to a conventional tensile test. Therefore it is necessary to convert measured force-displacement curve to stress-strain curve. The conversion of the measured curves can be carried out by several methods such as analytical or numerical methods. In this paper the numerical method in ANSYS program was used to convert the measured force-displacement curves. Two material models were applied and results for all examined specimens are compared and presented.

Czech abstract

Tepelné zpracování oceli je vázána k mnoha problémům . Jedním z významných problémů je růst okují a jejich odstranění , pro dosažení vysoké kvality povrchu oceli . Problém růstu okují a jejích odstranění vyžaduje komplexní analýzu . Složitost analýzy zahrnuje také studium mechanických vlastností vrstev oxidů . Pro studium mechanických vlastností byla použita metoda Small Punch (protlačovací zkouška) . Typický výsledek protlačovacích zkoušek je síla v závislosti na posuvu . Protlačovací zkoušku na malých vzorcích lze považovat za analogický s běžnou tahovou zkouškou. Proto je nutné převést naměřená data síla vs. posuv na křivky napětí-deformace . Konverze z naměřených křivek může být provedena několika způsoby , například pomocí numerických metod . V této práci byla použita numerická metoda v programu ANSYS. Dva materiálové modely byly použity a výsledky pro všechny zkoumané vzorky jsou porovnány a předloženy.

English abstract

Heat treatment of steel is tied to many problems. One of the important problems is the growth of the oxide scale layers and their removal in order to obtain high quality of steel surface. The problem of the oxide scales growth and descaling requires a complex analysis. Complexity of analysis also includes the study of mechanical properties of the oxide scale layers. To study the mechanical properties the small punch method was used. The typical result of the small punch tests is force-displacement curve. Small punch test can be considered analogous to a conventional tensile test. Therefore it is necessary to convert measured force-displacement curve to stress-strain curve. The conversion of the measured curves can be carried out by several methods such as analytical or numerical methods. In this paper the numerical method in ANSYS program was used to convert the measured force-displacement curves. Two material models were applied and results for all examined specimens are compared and presented.

Keywords in Czech

Small Punch , vrstva okují, deformačně-napěťová křivka, Ramberg-Osgoodův model, Chabocheův model, screening, genetický algoritmus

Keywords in English

Small Punch , oxide layer, stress-strain curve, Ramberg-Osgood model, Chaboche model, screening, genetic algorithm

RIV year





OCELOT, Lt., Ostrava, Czech Republic







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Jozef {Hrabovský} and Petr {Lošák} and Jaroslav {Horský},
  title="Comparison of material models in the study of mechanical properties of the oxide scales",
  booktitle="STEELSIM 2013",
  publisher="OCELOT, Lt., Ostrava, Czech Republic",