Publication detail
Analysis of Atypical Breakout During Radial Continuous Casting of Slab in the Straightening Zone. III. Experimental Research on the Causes of the Breakout.
Czech title
Analýza atypického průvalu při radiálním plynulém lití bramy v pásmu rovnání. III. Experimentální výzkum příčin průvalu.
English title
Analysis of Atypical Breakout During Radial Continuous Casting of Slab in the Straightening Zone. III. Experimental Research on the Causes of the Breakout.
journal article - other
Original abstract
The present paper is a detailed experimental study into an atypical breakout occurred during continuous casting of slab in the straightening zone. The paper deals with investigation into segregation behaviour of selected elements in longitudinal section of steel slab in the breakout area. The break occurred after a flying change of tundish in order to begin casting of another steel grade. Altogether 11 samples were taken from the part of solidified slab. The samples were taken both from the breakout areas and from the areas not affected by the breakout. First the concentration of selected elements was measured in individual samples by spectrometry. Concentrations of selected elements were measured in these samples using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Concentration data were measured in each sample at 101 points along the selected line of 1000 microm. Concentration data from the individual samples were then subjected to basic statistical analysis. Using the original mathematical models the basic micro segregation characteristic were further determined for each analysed element. The parameter of macro heterogeneity was also determined for individual elements from the measured concentration data. Furthermore a quantitative measurement of inclusions in the samples was performed using a metallographic microscope. Then method of differential thermal analysis was used for the measurements of temperatures of phase transformations, namely the liquidus and solidus temperatures. The following main results were found: Magnitude of micro segregation of the analysed elements in the measured sections of 1000 microm is approximately the same in all the analysed sample. Chemical macro heterogeneity is very high across the analysed slab section.Elements with different concentration in the melts of the steels A and B are along the longitudinal axis distributed wery unevenly. Very uneven mixing of melts of both steels was probably one of the main causes of formation of the breakout
Czech abstract
Předložený článek je detailní studií atypického průvalu při radiálním lití bramy v pásmu rovnání. Cílem práce bylo experimentálně studovat příčiny průvalu v provozu se zaměřením na stadium segregačního chování vybraných prvků v podélném řezu ocelové bramy, v oblasti průvalu. Průval nastal po letmé výměně mezipánve při změně značky oceli. Celkem bylo odebráno 11 vzorků z podélného řezu brmy. Vzorky byly odebrány jednak z oblasti vlastního průvalu a jednak z oblastí nedotčerných průvalem. K analýzám byly využity různé experimentální techniky. Nejdříve bylo měřeno chemické složení na jednotlivých vzorcích pomocí spektrometru. Skenovací elektronová mikroskopie a energiově dispersní analýza byly využity k měření koncentračních dat vybraných prvků. Koncentrační data byla měřena na každém vzorku ve 101 bodech podél úsečky dlouhé 1000 mikrom. Koncentrační soubory z jednotlivých vzorků byly poté statisticky zpracovány. Použitím původních matematických modelů byly dale vypočítány základní mikrosegregační charakteristiky pro každý analyzovaný prvek. Parametr heterogeneity byl take vypočítán pro jednotlivé prvky z naměřených koncentračních dat. Dále bylo provedeno kvantitativní měření vměstků použitím metalografického mikroskopu. Nakonec byla použita metoda diferenciální termické analýzy k určení teplot fázových transformací (zejména teploty solidu a likvidu) na jednotlivých vzorcích. Byly zjištěny tyto hlavní poznatky: Velikost mikrosegregace analyzovaných prvků v měřeném úseku 1000 mikrom je přibližně stejná na všech analyzovaných vzorcích . Cemická makroheterogenita po průřezu bramy je velmi vysoká (prvky s odlišnou koncentrací v taveninách oceli A a B jsou po orůřezu bramy rozloženy velmi nerovnoměrně). Značně nerovnoměrné promíchání tavenin obou ocelí byla zřejmě jedna z hlavních příčin vzniku průvalu.
English abstract
The present paper is a detailed experimental study into an atypical breakout occurred during continuous casting of slab in the straightening zone. The paper deals with investigation into segregation behaviour of selected elements in longitudinal section of steel slab in the breakout area. The break occurred after a flying change of tundish in order to begin casting of another steel grade. Altogether 11 samples were taken from the part of solidified slab. The samples were taken both from the breakout areas and from the areas not affected by the breakout. First the concentration of selected elements was measured in individual samples by spectrometry. Concentrations of selected elements were measured in these samples using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Concentration data were measured in each sample at 101 points along the selected line of 1000 microm. Concentration data from the individual samples were then subjected to basic statistical analysis. Using the original mathematical models the basic micro segregation characteristic were further determined for each analysed element. The parameter of macro heterogeneity was also determined for individual elements from the measured concentration data. Furthermore a quantitative measurement of inclusions in the samples was performed using a metallographic microscope. Then method of differential thermal analysis was used for the measurements of temperatures of phase transformations, namely the liquidus and solidus temperatures. The following main results were found: Magnitude of micro segregation of the analysed elements in the measured sections of 1000 microm is approximately the same in all the analysed sample. Chemical macro heterogeneity is very high across the analysed slab section.Elements with different concentration in the melts of the steels A and B are along the longitudinal axis distributed wery unevenly. Very uneven mixing of melts of both steels was probably one of the main causes of formation of the breakout
Keywords in Czech
Průval, ocelová brama, experimentální měření, chemické složení oceli, chemická macroheterogenita, distribuční křivky, dendritická segregace
Keywords in English
Breakout, steel slab, experimental measurement, chemical composition of steel, chemical macroheterogeneity, distribution curves, dendritic segrergation
RIV year
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Karel {Stránský} and Jana {Dobrovská} and Bedřich {Smetana} and Věra {Dobrovská} and František {Kavička} and Hana {Francová} and Karel {Michalek} and Miloš {Masarik},
title="Analysis of Atypical Breakout During Radial Continuous Casting of Slab in the Straightening Zone. III. Experimental Research on the Causes of the Breakout.",