Publication detail
Biogas upgrading technologies: State of art review in european region
Czech title
Metody pro bioplynové zušlechťování: Současný stav v rámci evropského regionu
English title
Biogas upgrading technologies: State of art review in european region
journal article - other
Original abstract
Upgrading biogas to high energy biomethane is commonly utilized to produce SNG (substitute natural gas used for injecting into grid) and/or CNG (compressed natural gas employed as a fuel in transportation). In this process the most crucial operation is a separation of CO2 from biogas, which is carried out by technology based on unit operations like absorption or permeation. Aim of this text is to introduce state of art in development of these technologies within European region: assess their pros and cons in order to alleviate orientation in this issue and point out research tendencies. There were chosen three aspects for the assessment: (1) process-technology, (2) energy-economy and (3) environmental impact. The review is based on research of studies, reports and other informational sources that come from the work of some research institutions and engineering companies. From process-technology perspective specifications like methane purity and flow rate range were evaluated. Aspect regarding energy and economy is mainly focused on assessment of consistency of available data and on utilization of the data for comparative analysis of given technology. From environmental point of view there was considered an important specification called methane losses.
Czech abstract
Zušlechťování bioplynu na energeticky bohatší biometan je obvykle zužitkováváno za účelem produkce SNG (náhradního zemního plynu), respektive CNG (paliva pro dopravní prostředky). V tomto procesu je nejzásadnější separace oxidu uhličitého z bioplynu, k čemuž se používají především technologie založené na jednotkových operacích jako je absorpce, adsorpce či permeace. Cílem tohoto textu je představit současný stav vývoje těchto technologií v rámci Evropského regionu: zhodnotit jejich nedostatky a přednosti, za účelem usnadnit orientaci v této problematice a poukázat na výzkumné tendence. Pro posouzení byly zvoleny tři aspekty: (1) procesně-technologický, (2) energeticko-ekonomický a (3) environmentální. Přehled je založen na rešerši literárních zdrojů v podobě výzkumných studií a reportů a dostupných informací od prodejců zařízení a projekčních společností v rámci evropského regionu. Z procesně-technologického aspektu jsou posuzovány specifikace jako např. průtok zpracovávaného bioplynu či čistota metanu. Hledisko energeticko-ekonomické je zaměřeno zejména na konzistenci dostupných dat a jejich komparativní analýzu. Z environmentálního hlediska jsou za nejdůležitější parametr uvažovány metanové ztráty.
English abstract
Upgrading biogas to high energy biomethane is commonly utilized to produce SNG (substitute natural gas used for injecting into grid) and/or CNG (compressed natural gas employed as a fuel in transportation). In this process the most crucial operation is a separation of CO2 from biogas, which is carried out by technology based on unit operations like absorption or permeation. Aim of this text is to introduce state of art in development of these technologies within European region: assess their pros and cons in order to alleviate orientation in this issue and point out research tendencies. There were chosen three aspects for the assessment: (1) process-technology, (2) energy-economy and (3) environmental impact. The review is based on research of studies, reports and other informational sources that come from the work of some research institutions and engineering companies. From process-technology perspective specifications like methane purity and flow rate range were evaluated. Aspect regarding energy and economy is mainly focused on assessment of consistency of available data and on utilization of the data for comparative analysis of given technology. From environmental point of view there was considered an important specification called methane losses.
Keywords in Czech
bioplyn, biometan, zušlechťování, separace CO2
Keywords in English
Biogas, Biomethan, Upgrading, CO2 separation
RIV year
AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Jakub {Niesner} and David {Jecha} and Petr {Stehlík},
title="Biogas upgrading technologies: State of art review in european region",
publisher="AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.",