Publication detail
Polymer hollow-fiber heat exchanger and its application to car radiator
Czech title
Polymerní tepelný výměník s dutými vlákny a jeho aplikace jako automobilový chladič
English title
Polymer hollow-fiber heat exchanger and its application to car radiator
conference paper
Original abstract
Recently, polymer hollow fibers have been popular for making heat exchangers, known as polymeric hollow fiber heat exchangers (PHFHEs), because their superior characters, including corrosion resistance, cost-effectiveness, light-weight, high ratio of surface-area to volume, dual transport ability, and less douling ability. A PHFHE has been designed for the use in an automobile radiator. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effects of the major operating parameters on the thermal performance of the PHFHE. A second heat exchanger made of stainless steel tubes has also been built with the volume size similar to that of the PHFHE built, so that the results fom these two heat exchangers can bo compared with each other. Preliminary results indicate that the overall heat transfer coefficient of PHFHE is about 12% higher than of the stainless steel heat exchanger at similar operation conditions.
Czech abstract
Dutá polymerní vlákna mohou být využita pro výrobu tepelných výměníků. Tyto výměníky mají výjimečné vlastnosti, zejména korozní odolnost, nízké náklady výroby, malou hmotnost, dobrý poměr mezi povrchem a objemem výměníku . Takovýto výměník byl navržen tak, aby nahradil klasický kovový automobilový chladič. Byly provedeny experimenty a měření pro stanovení hlavních výkonových parametrů chladiče. Byl použit kovový chladič pro srovnání výkonových parametrů. Předběžné výsledky ukazují, že chladič z dutých plastových vláken má o 12% vyšší součinitel přestupu tepla než chladič kovový v podobných pracovních podmíkách.
English abstract
Recently, polymer hollow fibers have been popular for making heat exchangers, known as polymeric hollow fiber heat exchangers (PHFHEs), because their superior characters, including corrosion resistance, cost-effectiveness, light-weight, high ratio of surface-area to volume, dual transport ability, and less douling ability. A PHFHE has been designed for the use in an automobile radiator. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effects of the major operating parameters on the thermal performance of the PHFHE. A second heat exchanger made of stainless steel tubes has also been built with the volume size similar to that of the PHFHE built, so that the results fom these two heat exchangers can bo compared with each other. Preliminary results indicate that the overall heat transfer coefficient of PHFHE is about 12% higher than of the stainless steel heat exchanger at similar operation conditions.
Keywords in Czech
výměník tepla, přenos tepla, duté vlákna, polymerní vlákna, auto chladiče
Keywords in English
heat exchanger, heat transfer, hollow fiber, polymer fiber, car radiator
RIV year
Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka
Rijeka, Croatia
IN-TECH 2013
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Ampere An-Pei {Tseng} and Miroslav {Raudenský},
title="Polymer hollow-fiber heat exchanger and its application to car radiator",
booktitle="IN-TECH 2013",
publisher="Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka",
address="Rijeka, Croatia",