Publication detail
Development of accelerated cooling for new plate mill
Czech title
Vývoj chladicího systému pro novou válcovací trať tlustých plechů
English title
Development of accelerated cooling for new plate mill
journal article - other
Original abstract
The aim of the paper is to design the new wide plate mill. The work on the new cooling technology was supported by extensive laboratory testing while a simulator with full scale testing of cooling units was used. The principal objective of the investigation was to establish the design specification of equipment for accelerated cooling, particularly with respect to the product dimensions and steel grades. The possibilities of accelerated cooling are limited by technical parameters of cooling equipment such as thickness of water layer, flowrate, spray height, position of cooled surface to the nozzles and water or plate speed. These parameters were studied for different product temperatures and water impingement densities from 50 to 110 l s21 m22. The heat transfer coefficient was determined and compared for each case. There were three recognised significant cooling regions: water layer region, impinging jet region without water layer and impinging region with water layer, which must be taken into account. The pplication of the new cooling technology showed better flatness product and productivity higher than previous accelerated cooling system, even shorter cooling length. The rejection ratio by flatness problem ofnew mill was nearly half of the previous one.
Czech abstract
V článku je popsán vývoj chladicího systému pro novou válcovací trať pro plechy. Práce na vývoji chladicího systému byly z velké části založeny na laboratorní práci. Cílem bylo nalezení chlazení a vývoj chladicího systému, který by splňoval požadavky na intenzivní chlazení s ohledem na rozměry vývalků a jakost válcovaného materiálu. Možnosti chlazení jsou limitovány zejména tloušťkou vodní vrstvy na povrchu, průtokem chladiva, výškou trysek nad povrchem, orientací povrchu a rychlostí pohybu válcovaného materiálu. Použití nové technologie přineslo lepší rovinnost chlazeného vývalku a vyšší produktivitu než bylo dosaženo na starších tratích. Bylo dosaženo i úspory délky chladicí sekce. Množství výrobků mimo požadované parametry se snížilo na polovinu ve srovnání s předchozím chladicím systémem
English abstract
The aim of the paper is to design the new wide plate mill. The work on the new cooling technology was supported by extensive laboratory testing while a simulator with full scale testing of cooling units was used. The principal objective of the investigation was to establish the design specification of equipment for accelerated cooling, particularly with respect to the product dimensions and steel grades. The possibilities of accelerated cooling are limited by technical parameters of cooling equipment such as thickness of water layer, flowrate, spray height, position of cooled surface to the nozzles and water or plate speed. These parameters were studied for different product temperatures and water impingement densities from 50 to 110 l s21 m22. The heat transfer coefficient was determined and compared for each case. There were three recognised significant cooling regions: water layer region, impinging jet region without water layer and impinging region with water layer, which must be taken into account. The pplication of the new cooling technology showed better flatness product and productivity higher than previous accelerated cooling system, even shorter cooling length. The rejection ratio by flatness problem ofnew mill was nearly half of the previous one.
Keywords in Czech
Intenzivní chlazení, plechotrať, nová technologie chlazení, chlazení tryskami, součinitel přestupu tepla, experimenty
Keywords in English
Accelerated cooling, Plate mill, New cooling technology, Spray cooling, Heat transfer coefficient, Experimental
RIV year
Maney Publishing
Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Miroslav {Raudenský} and Jaroslav {Horský} and P.J. {Lee},
title="Development of accelerated cooling for new plate mill",
publisher="Maney Publishing",
address="Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska",