Publication detail

Evaluation of Sewage Sludge Co-incineration in the Existing Heating Plant or Power Plant from Emission Production Point of View


Czech title

Posouzení spoluspalování kalu v existující teplárně nebo elektrárně z emisního pohledu

English title

Evaluation of Sewage Sludge Co-incineration in the Existing Heating Plant or Power Plant from Emission Production Point of View


journal article - other



Original abstract

Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment consists of inorganic elements (eg. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium) and organic elements. Up-to-date technologies allow a number of ways of sewage sludge treatment. Inorganic elements are good fertilizers and organic elements are used for regeneration of land – these are excellent features for fertilizing. But sewage sludge also contains large amounts of pollutants (e.g. heavy metals) which can contaminate agricultural land. This is the reason, why utilization for agricultural purposes is not allowed in several European countries and therefore other methods are preferred. These are landfilling, energy recovery (incineration, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, etc.) or mechanical and biological modifications to minimize the environmental impact. Incineration is an advantageous way of energy recovery. This process utilizes calorific value of sewage sludge and also minimizes the environmental impact. There are more options – incineration in new incineration units specialized on sewage sludge or co-incineration with another primary fuel (e.g. co-incineration with coal in heating or power plants). The objective of the paper is to create models (new sewage sludge incinerator and coal-fired power plant, where is incineration sludge with coal) to detection amount of emissions. Emissions are compared with European emission limits for waste incineration plants. The goal of the research is evaluation of the two mentioned ways of sewage sludge incineration from emission production point of view. Results are then compared with European limits on emissions from waste-to-energy plants. Further, modifications in flue gas cleaning system are proposed to meet the limits and costs on these modifications are performed.

Czech abstract

U kalů z čitíren odpadních vod se nabízí několik druhů jejich využití. Vzhledem k tomu, že obsahují celou řadu anorganických prvků (především dusík, fosfor, draslík, vápník a hořčík) a organických prvků nabízí se jejich využití jako hnojiva. Tomuto použití ale zabraňuje obsah celé řady škodlivin a to především těžkých kovů, které může způsobit kontaminaci zemědělské půdy. Z tohoto důvodu je již v řadě vyspělých Evropských zemí aplikace na zeměmdělskou půdu zakázána. Zbývá tedy kaly skládkovat, energeticky využívat nebo jinak upravovat aby se minimalizoval dopad na životní prostředí. Z hlediska využití kalorického obsahu a minimalizace dopadu na životní prostředí je energetické využívání jednou z možných cest. Zde se nabízí několik možností. Vybudovat nové zařízení na spalování kalů a nebo spalovat kal společně s jiným primárním palivem. Například s fosilními palivy v již stávajících teplárnách a elektrárnách a nebo se směsným komunálním odpadem v zařízeních na energetické využívání odpadů. Výsledkem je vytvořit přehled za jakých podmínek lze realizovat spoluspalování kalu s primárním palivem a jaké jsou nutné úpravy v technologii aby byla dodržena legislativa zabývající se ochranou životního prostředí.

English abstract

Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment consists of inorganic elements (eg. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium) and organic elements. Up-to-date technologies allow a number of ways of sewage sludge treatment. Inorganic elements are good fertilizers and organic elements are used for regeneration of land – these are excellent features for fertilizing. But sewage sludge also contains large amounts of pollutants (e.g. heavy metals) which can contaminate agricultural land. This is the reason, why utilization for agricultural purposes is not allowed in several European countries and therefore other methods are preferred. These are landfilling, energy recovery (incineration, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, etc.) or mechanical and biological modifications to minimize the environmental impact. Incineration is an advantageous way of energy recovery. This process utilizes calorific value of sewage sludge and also minimizes the environmental impact. There are more options – incineration in new incineration units specialized on sewage sludge or co-incineration with another primary fuel (e.g. co-incineration with coal in heating or power plants). The objective of the paper is to create models (new sewage sludge incinerator and coal-fired power plant, where is incineration sludge with coal) to detection amount of emissions. Emissions are compared with European emission limits for waste incineration plants. The goal of the research is evaluation of the two mentioned ways of sewage sludge incineration from emission production point of view. Results are then compared with European limits on emissions from waste-to-energy plants. Further, modifications in flue gas cleaning system are proposed to meet the limits and costs on these modifications are performed.

Keywords in Czech

kal z čistíren odpadních vod, emise

Keywords in English

sewage sludge, emission

RIV year





AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Milano, Italy







Pages from–to


Pages count



  author="Lukáš {Frýba} and Ladislav {Bébar} and Michal {Touš},
  title="Evaluation of Sewage Sludge Co-incineration in the Existing Heating Plant or Power Plant from Emission Production Point of View",
  publisher="AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.",
  address="Milano, Italy",