Publication detail
The Role of MMS in an Integrated Management for Improving Production Efficiency and Quality
Czech title
Role MMS v rámci integrovaného managementu pro zlepšení efektivity výroby a kvality
English title
The Role of MMS in an Integrated Management for Improving Production Efficiency and Quality
conference paper
Original abstract
Over the last years, many organizations including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly implementing integrated management systems (IMS) in order to development and improvement of competitiveness. IMS is a complex unit of interconnected requirements of two or more management system standards, which are incorporated into the overall corporate management system. Implementation of the integrated management system is more effective than separate implementation of management systems, such as: quality management system, environmental management system, safety and workers health management system. With the advent of the international standard ISO 50001 – Energy Management System, which has a similar structure as ISO standards 9001, 14001 and 22000, the opportunity to integrate energy management system with other systems, has appeared. Interaction between man and machine, or the man-machine system (MMS) is an important component of production process. It is typical to consider MMS in terms of ergonomics or safety, although results of man-machine interaction may also affect the products quality and environment.This article describes the role of MMS in an integrated management system in the small and medium-sized enterprises.
Czech abstract
V posledních letech mnoho organizací, včetně malých a středních podniků (MSP) stále více implementují integrované systémy řízení (IMS) za účelem rozvoje a zlepšení konkurenceschopnosti. IMS je komplexní jednotka propojených požadavků dvou nebo více norem řízení systémů, které jsou začleněny do celkového podnikového systému řízení. Zavedení integrovaného systému řízení je efektivnější než samostatné provádění systémů řízení, jako například: systém managementu jakosti, systém environmentálního managementu, systém řízení bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví pracovníků. S příchodem mezinárodního standardu ISO 50001 – Systém řízení spotřeby energie, který má podobnou strukturu jako normy ISO 9001, 14001 a 22000, objevila se možnost integrace systému řízení spotřeby energie s jinými systémy. Interakce mezi člověkem a strojem, nebo systém člověk-stroj (MMS) je důležitou součástí výrobního procesu. Je typické zvážení MMS z hlediska ergonomie a bezpečnosti, ačkoli výsledky interakce člověka a stroje můžou také ovlivňovat kvalitu a životní prostředí.Tento článek popisuje roli MMS v rámci integrovaného systému řízení v malých a středních podniků.
English abstract
Over the last years, many organizations including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly implementing integrated management systems (IMS) in order to development and improvement of competitiveness. IMS is a complex unit of interconnected requirements of two or more management system standards, which are incorporated into the overall corporate management system. Implementation of the integrated management system is more effective than separate implementation of management systems, such as: quality management system, environmental management system, safety and workers health management system. With the advent of the international standard ISO 50001 – Energy Management System, which has a similar structure as ISO standards 9001, 14001 and 22000, the opportunity to integrate energy management system with other systems, has appeared. Interaction between man and machine, or the man-machine system (MMS) is an important component of production process. It is typical to consider MMS in terms of ergonomics or safety, although results of man-machine interaction may also affect the products quality and environment.This article describes the role of MMS in an integrated management system in the small and medium-sized enterprises.
Keywords in Czech
systém člověk-stroj, integrované řízení, efektivita výroby, kvalita
Keywords in English
man-machine system, integrated management, production efficiency, quality
RIV year
Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth
Pages from–to
Pages count
author="Numan Muhammet {Durakbasa} and Leisan {Mukhametzianova} and Gökcen {Bas} and Erol {Güclü},
title="The Role of MMS in an Integrated Management for Improving Production Efficiency and Quality",
booktitle="Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth",