Publication detail

Stress test of pilot unit for removal of VOCs and CO by catalytic oxidation


Czech title

Zátěžový test poloprovozní jednotky pro odstranění VOC a CO katalytickou oxidací

English title

Stress test of pilot unit for removal of VOCs and CO by catalytic oxidation


conference paper



Original abstract

The pilot fixed bed catalytic oxidation unit was installed in Momentive Specialty Chemicals manufacturing site in Sokolov, Czech Republic. The aim of pilot testing was to give accuracy to operational and economic parameters of an eventual future full-scale unit for removal of VOC and CO from the waste off-gas and for the effectiveness verification of catalytic oxidation. The stress test was carried out at the pilot unit of catalytic oxidation. Various characteristics of reactor during its gradual overloading up to the maximum achievable flow rate at full opening of the input valve of processed PVG off-gas were investigated. At the maximum load, the outlet temperature 593.0 degC was reached, which is acceptable for the oxidation catalyst used. The lowest removal efficiency achieved for VOC was 96.89 % and 97.77 % for CO, respectively.

Czech abstract

V areálu chemického závodu firmy Momentive Specialty Chemicals byla postavena poloprovozní jednotka katalytické oxidace s pevným katalytickým ložem pro dopřesnění provozních a ekonomických parametrů eventuální budoucí provozní jednotky pro odstranění VOC a CO z odpadního odplynu a ověření účinnosti katalytické oxidace. Na poloprovozní jednotce byl proveden zátěžový test katalytické oxidace. Byly sledovány různé charakteristiky reaktoru při jeho postupném přetěžování až do maximálně dosažitelného průtoku reaktorem, při plném otevření ventilu vstupního odplynu PVG. Při maximálním zatížení reaktoru byla dosažena teplota na výstupu 593,0 stC, která pro funkci reaktoru není kritická, nejnižší účinnosti odstraňování VOC byly dosaženy 96,89 % a pro CO 97,77 %.

English abstract

The pilot fixed bed catalytic oxidation unit was installed in Momentive Specialty Chemicals manufacturing site in Sokolov, Czech Republic. The aim of pilot testing was to give accuracy to operational and economic parameters of an eventual future full-scale unit for removal of VOC and CO from the waste off-gas and for the effectiveness verification of catalytic oxidation. The stress test was carried out at the pilot unit of catalytic oxidation. Various characteristics of reactor during its gradual overloading up to the maximum achievable flow rate at full opening of the input valve of processed PVG off-gas were investigated. At the maximum load, the outlet temperature 593.0 degC was reached, which is acceptable for the oxidation catalyst used. The lowest removal efficiency achieved for VOC was 96.89 % and 97.77 % for CO, respectively.

Keywords in Czech

VOC, CO, katalytická oxidace, poloprovozní jednotka, zátěžový test

Keywords in English

VOC, CO, catalytic oxidation, pilot unit, stress test

RIV year







Abstract Book - 6th European combustion meeting

Pages from–to

P1-77 1–P1-77 6

Pages count



  author="Vladimír {Brummer} and David {Jecha} and Jan {Martinec} and Pavel {Skryja},
  title="Stress test of pilot unit for removal of VOCs and CO by catalytic oxidation",
  booktitle="Abstract Book - 6th European combustion meeting",
  pages="P1-77 1--P1-77 6",