Research has long been involved in the study and development of modern metallurgical processes for the production and processing of mainly high-alloy alloys based on iron, copper, aluminium, nickel and cobalt. Physical and chemical principles such as thermodynamics and degassing kinetics of metals and alloys and their interaction with refractory materials during melting and casting are investigated. Another area is dedicated to the research and development of new metallurgical processes useful for industrial application and production. A significant part of the R&D is in the area of high alloy stainless steels. Part of the research is also directed at advanced HEA (High Entropy Alloy) alloys. Research and development in this area focuses on metallurgical processes for the production of cast HEA alloys by vacuum metallurgy and the evaluation of the influence of the casting structure on their properties. Research is also directed towards the metallurgy of intermetallic alloys based on iron aluminides. For R&D in vacuum metallurgy, the Faculty Foundry is equipped with the necessary infrastructure, laboratory equipment and personnel.
Head of research team
doc. Ing. Antonín Záděra, Ph.D.
Research team
Doc. Ing. Libor Čamek, Ph.D.
Ing. Vítězslav Pernica, Ph.D.
Ing. Václav Kaňa, Ph.D.
Ing. Petr Bořil, Ph.D.