study programme

Design and Process Engineering

Original title in Czech: Konstrukční a procesní inženýrstvíFaculty: FMEAbbreviation: D-KPI-PAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0715D270017

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 18.2.2020 - 18.2.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Materials Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The main goal of the doctoral study programme is, in accordance with the Higher Education Act, to train highly qualified and educated professionals who are capable of independent scientific, research and creative activities in the field of design and process engineering. The graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills that enable them to work at Czech or international academic institutions or research institutes. The programme focuses on theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience in the field of doctoral studies. Cooperation with international research institutes is highly supported. The study programme is designed to fulfil demands and meet societal and industry requirements for highly educated and qualified professionals in the fields of design and process engineering.
Doctoral study programme is primarily based on research and creative activities of doctoral students. These activities are intensively supported by student participation in national and international research projects. Research areas include design (analysis, conception, design of machinery, vehicles, machine production and energy) and process engineering (analysis, design and projection of processes in the engineering, transport, energy and petrochemical industries).

Graduate profile

A graduate of the doctoral study programme is a highly qualified expert with broad theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which enables him/her to carry out creative and research activities both independently and/or in a scientific team. The graduate is acquainted with current findings in the field of design and process engineering and is able to apply the knowledge in his/her research or creative activities. The graduate is also able to prepare a research project proposal and to oversee a project. At the same time, the graduate is able to make use of theoretical knowledge and transfer it in practice. Moreover, the graduate can adapt findings from related disciplines, cooperate on interdisciplinary tasks and increase their professional qualifications. The graduate participation on national and international researches and cooperation with international research institutions contributes to higher level of their professional competences. This experience allows graduates not only to carry out their own scientific activities, but also to professionally present their results, and to take part in international discussions.
The graduate can demonstrate knowledge and skills in three main areas and the synergy produces great outcomes.
1. Broad theoretical knowledge and practical skills closely related to the topic of the dissertation (see below).
2. Professional knowledge and skills necessary to carry out scientific work, research, and creative activities.
3. Interpersonal and soft skills and competencies - the graduate is able to present their ideas and opinions professionally, is able to present and defend the results of their work and to discuss them and work effectively in a scientific team or to lead a team.
According to the topic of the dissertation, the graduate will acquire highly professional knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering, in particular in design and operation of machines, machinery, engineering processes and vehicles and transport vehicles. Thanks to the broad knowledge and skills, graduates can pursue a career in research institutes in the Czech Republic and abroad, as well as in commercial companies and applied research.

Profession characteristics

A graduate of the doctoral study programme is a highly qualified expert with broad theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which enables him/her to carry out creative and research activities both independently and/or in a scientific team. The graduate is acquainted with state-of-the-art findings in the field of design and process engineering and is able to apply the knowledge in his/her research or creative activities. The graduate is also able to prepare a research project proposal and to oversee a project. At the same time, the graduate can make use of theoretical knowledge and transfer it in practice. Moreover, the graduate can adapt findings from related disciplines, cooperate on interdisciplinary tasks and increase their professional qualifications. The graduate typically finds a job as a researcher, academic personnel, computer scientist or designer. The graduate is also well equipped with skills and competences to perform well in managerial positions.

Fulfilment criteria

See applicable regulations, DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
DEAN´S GUIDELINE Rules of Procedure of Doctoral Board of FME Study Programmes
Students in doctoral programmes do not follow the credit system. The grades “Passed” and “Failed” are used to grade examinations, doctoral state examination is graded “Passed” or “Failed”.

Availability for the disabled

Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship“ students can find information on a system of social scholarships.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. A new generation of joint implants based on the use of 2D nanomaterials

    The aim is to research and develop a new generation of joint implants using 2D nanomaterials, which allow superlubricity conditions to be reached and thus ensure the replacement operation under extremely low friction coefficient and nearly zero wear. It is supposed that 2D materials represent a milestone in many engineering disciplines, including biomedical engineering. Cooperation with the academic and private sectors is planned within the topic, while the outcome of the thesis is in a new-generation implant which will be biocompatible and suitable for clinical testing.

    Tutor: Nečas David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. A systematic approach to improving the quality of machined parts

    The topic is focused on research of advanced possibilities of surface quality assessment after machining. The aim is to develop a methodology for monitoring and evaluating profile and surface texture parameters in accordance with the trends of digitalization of industrial processes and production efficiency.

    Tutor: Jankových Róbert, doc. Ing., CSc.

  3. Active flow manipulation for high manouverability UAV

    Active flow manipulation is novel approach in R&D in many areas of aerospace industry – commercial jet planes, unmanned combat aerial vehicles and smaller reconnaissance unmanned vehicles. Implementation of mentioned technology could decrease weight and increase aerodynamic efficiency of vehicle. It can be also used as a replacement of mechanical control surfaces, to increase manouverability and robustness of vehicle in a terms of stall behavior.

    Tutor: Jebáček Ivo, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Active vehicle noise reduction

    The topic deals with active vehicle noise reduction. Current trends include not only reducing emissions from internal combustion engines, but also reducing vehicle noise. The common approach by modifying the various components of the drivetrain can be very expensive and thus can be a problem for some car companies. Therefore, it is necessary to extend them with more modern approaches such as active noise attenuation using a mechatronic approach and to develop these methods. Therefore, the new approaches would be tested both experimentally and virtually.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Additive manufacturing of high temperature alloys strenghten by nanoparticle dispersion

    The main goal of the work will be to develop and optimize the parameters of 3D printing of precipitation-hardened nickel superalloys with added incoherent boride-based nanoparticles and to determine the relationship between the microstructure and the basic mechanical properties of the newly prepared alloys. Among the sub-objectives of the work will be the preparation of powder mixtures of nickel superalloys using a three-axis electromagnetic vibrating mixer with a graded proportion of reinforcing nanoparticles. Subsequent microstructural analysis using electron microscopy of both powders and 3D printed materials before and after uniaxial mechanical loading at temperatures up to 1000 °C is expected.

    Tutor: Koutný Daniel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Advanced bearing diagnostics for wind farms

    Wind power (WPP) is one of the world's most widespread alternative sources of electricity. The desire to maximize the efficiency of the plant leads to high demands on the mechaniocal design and high reliability of all structural components. Critical components include the driveline bearings. Due to the time-varying loads, it is difficult to reliably determine their service life. At the same time their failure during operation must be prevented, as the entire turbine can be heavily damaged and high reapair cost will be required. The aim of this work is to develop an advanced predictive diagnostic method for monitoring the technical condition of the wind turbine bearings using non-destructive testing methods.

    Tutor: Klapka Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Advanced downhill bike suspension

    The goal of the thesis will be to develop an intelligent suspension system for electric mountain bikes. Current commercially available electrically controlled wheel suspension systems do not utilize the potential of rapid semi-active control. Current systems only enable automatic valve control, which has to be adjusted manually in older dampers and is not able to ensure better-driving characteristics. Fast semi-active damping with magnetorheological dampers enables a qualitative shift in achievable driving comfort and wheel grip on the road. Demonstrators of individual components are currently being developed. However, these components will have to be integrated into the entire functional system and experimentally verify the functionality. The work will focus mainly on identifying the limiting properties of real system elements (dampers, sensors, etc.) and the subsequent design of optimal system control.

    Tutor: Kubík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Advanced laboratory automation and data processing in health care

    Automation and intelligent data processing is an important element of modern laboratory practice. Laboratory automation and data processing in healthcare involves multidisciplinary strategic technologies. The goal is to design an autonomous laboratory for a given type of operation, in our case focusing on blood analysis and subsequent data processing with the support of artificial intelligence. The work will be carried out in collaboration with FN Brno (University Hospital Brno).

    Tutor: Matoušek Radomil, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Advanced lane detection methods for autonomous vehicles.

    The topic deals with the extension of existing methods for recognizing lanes on the road. The method will be based on neural networks and will focus on the rapid recognition of lanes in adverse weather conditions, where this area is still problematic for driving an autonomous vehicle. The system would be based on products designed for this purpose and tested in operation.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Advanced object recognition methods for autonomous vehicles

    The topic deals with the extension of existing methods for object recognition moving around a vehicle. The method will be based on neural networks and will focus on quickly recognizing an object in adverse weather conditions, where this area is still a problem for driving an autonomous vehicle. The system would be built on products designed for this and tested in operation.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Advanced proactive multiparametric on-line and off-line diagnostics of electric drives of machinery

    The topic of the dissertation is focused on dealing with advanced proactive multiparametric on-line and off-line diagnostics of electric drives of machinery, authoritative evaluation of obtained data, storing the Internet of Things and subsequent active data processing with feedback influence on electric drive and machinery. The obtained results will be verified in selected engineering companies.

    Tutor: Hammer Miloš, doc. Ing., CSc.

  12. Aerodynamic optimization of General Aviation aircraft

    There is continuously growing level of GA category aircraft performance and main direction is increase in cruise and maximum speeds of flight with excellent handlig qualities and stability. The key technology enabling this is implementation of sophisticated optimization techniques in combination with modern computational fluid dynamics SW. The goal of Ph.D. study is development of optimization enviroment for GA aircraft aerodynamic design and its validation on practical case.

    Tutor: Juračka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Alternative adhesion recovery methods in rail transportation

    The work focuses on experimental research into alternative adhesion recovery methods in rail transportation (application of water, new solid materials, etc.). The aim of these methods is to reduce rail and wheel wear, surface damage, and the amount of particles released into the air. The effectiveness of these newly developing methods will be compared with sanding, which represents the conventional method for adhesion restoration.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Analysis and search of local DNA structures

    The project represents the develop of a specialized software platform for DNA sequence analysis with focus on large volumes of data that will include required algorithms for search of structures like quadruplexes and for protein motifs analyses with visualization tools. Proposed software will be implemented as a web service and will be used for characterization and evaluation of the local DNA structures in DNA sequences with the focus to possibility to analyse whole genomes and different local DNA structures.

    Tutor: Šťastný Jiří, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc.

  15. Applications of machine learning in the energy sector

    The thesis addresses the highly topical issue of the energy transition to a maximally emission-free energy production with a higher share of renewable sources. These sources, often represented by photovoltaic panels and, in the future, wind power plants, are unstable due to their dependence on the weather. In order to increase their share, it is necessary to address issues not only of energy storage but also, for example, of adapting consumption to production. New concepts such as community energy are also being introduced. Artificial intelligence can contribute in these efforts. It can be useful both in the design phase and during operation. Investments in new energy sources are generally high and it is therefore desirable to have a decision supported by a comprehensive assessment. Similarly, during operation, it is necessary to manage both sources and appliances to ensure that operation is as efficient as possible. Artificial intelligence is now helping to achieve better results in many areas of industry and it is only logical that it will be used in the energy sector as well. The thesis is focused on the application of artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, in the presented problem and there are several research subjects. For example, the use of modern algorithms in the design of an energy source, where it is necessary to choose the appropriate combination and capacity of individual elements (e.g. photovoltaic panels, wind power plant, cogeneration unit, heat pump, battery storage). It is also a matter the control, i.e. the running of the individual elements of the energy source to maximise the use of the renewable resources. Or planning consumption based on the availability of renewable energy sources. In these cases, the difficulty is to make the most accurate predictions of future developments. However, the volume of data available for machine learning purposes tends to be a major problem, and this will also be a topic within the dissertation.

    Tutor: Máša Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Automatic annotations for Deep learning

    The topic deals with automated data annotation for Deep learning. The current development of autonomous vehicles is combined with artificial intelligence and various types of machine learning such as Deep learning. These neural networks need a large amount of data for their learning. It is used for the classification of objects around autonomous vehicles. In this data, it is necessary to mark the relevant objects in either 2D or 3D. With the common approach of manually creating annotations with respect to the amount of data in the millions and more files, this is not feasible. Therefore, existing methods need to be spread. Or invent new ones so that such a large amount of data can be processed and thus save development time.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Benchmarking derivative-free global optimization methods

    The student will focus on the research of benchmarking techniques for derivative-free optimization methods. The two main directions in the development of these optimization methods are mathematical programming (e.g. the DIRECT method) and evolutionary algorithms (e.g. the differential evolution algorithm). The term benchmarking refers to a set of procedures for comparing such methods. Appropriately chosen benchmarking techniques can reveal the structural bias of some methods, or create guidelines for choosing suitable methods for a given optimization problem. Some of the current issues in this field are the strong emphasis on artificially created benchmark sets, the structural problems of some sets and algorithms, and the small intersection between benchmarking techniques and the comparison of methods from the two main development directions mentioned above. The aim of this research is the identification of bad benchmarking practices, the synthesis of different benchmarking techniques, the identification of real-world problems that could be used for benchmarking, and the creation of guidelines for algorithmic selection.

    Tutor: Kůdela Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Bio-inspired robots - advanced autonomous control of a robotic spot based on artificial intelligence methods

    Spot is a small four-legged robot that weighs around 40 kilograms and is completely electric, with a 60-minute battery life on a single charge. The robot is equipped with sensors that include stereo cameras, depth cameras, an inertial measurement unit, and position/force sensors in the limbs. Research related to artificial intelligence, including autonomous driving, mission strategy and computer vision, will be conducted on this robot. The control unit for the AI is the Jetson Xavier NX / Orin NX.

    Tutor: Matoušek Radomil, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Compensation of movement distortions in hyperspectral imagining

    Colour cameras separate the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum into three spectral bands. Cameras that can separate the spectrum into tens to hundreds of bands are called hyperspectral cameras. Hyperspectral cameras with a high number of bands work similarly to line cameras, i.e. it is necessary to ensure movement of the camera or of a scanned object so that the entire object is gradually captured. Any additional movement (either of the scanned object or of the camera) leads to unwanted distortions of the resulting image. The main aim of the work is to design methods that suppress or eliminate this type of distortions.

    Tutor: Škrabánek Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Complex 3D-printed structures for heat transfer intensification: Modelling and optimization

    Efficient heat transfer and optimal design of heat exchangers are among important areas related to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a wide range of devices, in which heat transfer intensification is required. In the past, technologies for the design and manufacturing of heat exchangers were limited to conventional (subtracting) methods. However, in the last years, additive manufacturing and 3D printing (including metallic materials) have experienced huge development and advancement. These new fabrication methods open entirely new possibilities for the production of heat transfer structures with surfaces having a very complicated topology for maximization of the heat transfer area (e.g. the use of gyroids). The research project will therefore aim at the development of computational models for simulations of the thermal behaviour of complex structures for heat transfer intensification. The research will also include the use of these models for the optimization of the structures. In this respect, the utilization of soft computing methods is expected (e.g. a nature-inspired genetic algorithm, or particle swarm optimization). According to recently published studies, these methods seem to have great potential to efficiently solve such kinds of problems. The research topic is a part of the currently solved project MEBioSys (a project within the call Johannes Amos Comenius Programme - Excellent research). Moreover, another project proposal related to the topic is currently being prepared (a call from the Czech Science Foundation) with an expected beginning in 2025. As a part of the study, it is expected that the student will actively participate in international scientific conferences abroad and undertake an internship (stay) at a foreign university. These activities represent a significant opportunity for professional networking and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Essential tools and equipment for advanced research will be available to the student, including access to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, high-performance computing (HPC) systems, experimental facilities and equipment. The student is also expected to actively participate in experimental investigations related to the research (testing of 3D printed heat transfer structures and heat exchangers, acquisition of data for validation of models).

    Tutor: Klimeš Lubomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. Computational modeling of fluid flow and heat transfer in the internal spaces of rotary machines

    The aim of the thesis is to describe the flow of liquid mixtures and their interaction with the inner walls of rotating machines. Research activities include research into the physical nature of fluid interaction with a moving and stationary wall and the development and application of appropriate numerical methods for describing this physical phenomenon. It is assumed that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) will be used within commercial software (ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS CFX, etc.) with subsequent verification using a targeted technical experiment on a test bed. The verified computational model will then be applied to real powertrains and their subsystems, such as electric powertrain, electric compressors or turbochargers. A cooperation with the industrial partner and an application of the results of work are expected. The long-term internship abroad at the world's research institutions, participations in international conferences and scientific journals are planned during the study.

    Tutor: Novotný Pavel, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Control Algorithms for Systems with Fractional-Order Differential Equations Elements

    Approaches that use the apparatus of differential equations with fractional-order derivatives (FOE, Fractional-Order Elements) for modelling are becoming more and more common in electrical circuit synthesis and controller design. In this dissertation, the aim will be to implement control algorithms for systems described by such type of differential equations and to demonstrate the applicability in practical applications.

    Tutor: Šeda Miloš, prof. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D.


    With advances in technology and materials, aircraft structures are becoming lighter and more flexible. This development brings a number of benefits, such as reduced fuel consumption or increased flight performance, but also challenges related to aeroelastic phenomena. Among these phenomena, flutter stands out as one of the most dangerous. In the past, aircraft design practice has been to follow design recommendations in aircraft design so that flutter does not occur within the envelope of the aircraft's operating speed. However, with the development of design and computational methods, new opportunities for targeted aeroelastic optimization of the aircraft structure have emerged, allowing for the design of a mass-efficient aircraft structure while ensuring resistance to aeroelastic phenomena. This approach is referred to as passive aeroelastic suppression. In addition to this approach, there is a growing interest in the development of active flutter suppression (AFS) systems. These systems can dynamically mitigate the effects of flutter and thus enable the design of more efficient aircraft structures while maintaining flight safety. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the field of active flutter suppression. AFS involves the implementation of control systems that actively suppress flutter-induced oscillations in real time, thereby shifting the onset of aeroelastic instability to higher flight speeds. The work will involve a comprehensive investigation of AFS methodologies, including theoretical frameworks and numerical simulations. The prospective design will be implemented in a simple aeroelastic model (with two degrees of freedom) for wind tunnel testing. Using this model in a controlled experimental environment will allow reliable verification of the benefits of the proposed system for active flutter suppression.

    Tutor: Juračka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  24. Developing Depth Estimation Methods from Two-Dimensional Image Data

    Image data captured by a conventional camera with a matrix sensor provides only a two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional reality. However, for some applications, knowledge of the third dimension—depth—is also crucial. To address this, several methods have been developed to estimate depth from two-dimensional image data. These methods differ in how they collect data and in their subsequent processing, with both aspects significantly affecting their practical usability. There are notable differences between methods in terms of the amount of data required, estimation accuracy, computational complexity, and acquisition costs. No existing method is definitively the best solution across all these parameters. Thus, the field of depth estimation from two-dimensional image data offers significant room for innovation, whether through modifying existing solutions to enhance their key properties or by developing entirely new methods. Both approaches could represent the focus of further research.

    Tutor: Škrabánek Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  25. Development of a magnetorheological shock attenuation system for military applications

    In military applications, effective shock attenuation is an important requirement. This may include damping of gun recoil, damping of seats in the event of a vehicle explosion or fall, and more. Current scientific contributions reveals that the combination of a magnetorheological (MR) suspension system together with semi-active control can be a significant advance in this area. Typically, piston velocities are in the units of m/s and high damping forces are achieved. These are therefore quite extreme operating conditions for dampers. The main focus of this work will be study of the behaviour of MR fluid at high velocities and the subsequent application of this knowledge to the design of a magnetorheological damper. The design of sensors and damper control will be important as well. The main focus of the work will be the development and experimental verification of MR suspension systems operating at high piston velocities.

    Tutor: Klapka Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  26. Development of adaptronic system based on metamaterial structure

    Adaptronic systems integrate sensing and actuation elements into the mechanical design, which enable a control of the mechanical response of such system. The development of additive manufacturing technologies enables to create new functional structural materials that can integrate piezoelectric elements for sensing and actuation functionality. The developed adaptronic system will make it possible to electrically change the mechanical properties of a structure. The developed multi-material structure will represent metamaterial lattice and the structure will be developed with the aim of maximizing the response change in electro-mechanical properties of a structure.

    Tutor: Hadaš Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  27. Development of diagnostic method for testing of the active suspension

    With the development of electric vehicles and the increasing comfort and safety requirements of passenger cars and motorcycles, actively controlled suspension systems are becoming used with increased trend. Such suspension can adapt its characteristics to the operating conditions. In the case of a semi-actively controlled suspension, the control algorithm can not only react to the immediate driving conditions but also compensate for minor or slowly developing wear on suspension components such as shock absorbers. At present, there is no reliable test method available to assess the correct function of actively controlled suspension. The aim of this work would be to develop a method that would allow correct function of the suspension to be diagnosed and possibly detect some common faults, e.g. increased shock absorber wear etc.

    Tutor: Klapka Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  28. Development of shaft assemply with low losses

    The aim of this work is to develop a low friction shaft assembly demonstrator employing principles of superlubricity. The requirement is to achieve low friction over a wide range of speeds. The work builds on previous research. The work combines experimental research and development at the contact level and laboratory testing on component level. The findings will contribute to the development of a new generation of technical solutions that have the potential to be used in industry in the coming decades.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  29. Development of solid lubrication layer with increased moisture resistance

    The aim is to develop innovative solid lubrication layers, which are used for lubrication in vacuum and cryogenic applications, with increased resistance to operation in humid atmospheres. The intent is to experimentally study the effect of doped solid lubrication layers on friction and wear with cyclic changes in humid and inert atmospheres. Original optical methods will be used for on-line evaluation of the surfaces during the test. Solid lubrication layers will be realized in collaboration with other departments.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  30. Development of the measuring system for monitoring and protection of plant grow

    The trend towards efficient use of natural resources affects a wide range of sectors, including agriculture. For proper plant growth, it is essential to choose the right irrigation method to avoid underwatering or overwatering the plant and possibly wasting water. To decide whether a plant needs watering, it is necessary to know its current condition. As previous research has shown, plant condition can be reliably monitored using the acoustic emission (AE) method, which has emerged as a sensitive method for diagnosing fatigue damage to bearings. Based on the data obtained from AE sensors, decisions can be made about watering and possibly the dosage of additional soil nutrients, etc. AI control can also be used to make decisions. Automated control can then be used for automated irrigation systems for greenhouses or for hydroponics, etc. The aim of the work is then to develop a suitable measurement method that allows reliable monitoring and to develop an algorithm for evaluating the data obtained.

    Tutor: Klapka Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  31. Development of 3D printed implant for local articular cartilage replacements

    The aim of the research is to describe the tribological behaviour of newly developed implants for local replacement of articular cartilage defects. This is an experimental work based on the use of a combination of universal tribological simulators, unique biotribological simulators and optical methods. It is envisaged to test suitable biocompatible materials such as titanium alloys produced by additive Selective Laser Melting technology, CoCrMo alloys and advanced biomaterials such as PEEK or hydrogel.

    Tutor: Vrbka Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  32. Digital twin of an electric vehicle powertrain including thermal management

    The dissertation focuses on advanced modelling of the powertrain of modern electric vehicles with emphasis on the combination of 0D, 1D and 3D models and analysis of their thermal behaviour. This approach enables a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and efficiency of the powertrain of electric vehicles, which is crucial for optimizing their performance and durability. A strategy is proposed to optimize the thermal management and drivetrain efficiency based on the results. Translated with (free version)

    Tutor: Štětina Josef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  33. Digital twin of sensors for the automotive industry

    The topic deals with the development of methods for creating digital twin of sensors in the automotive industry. For the current trend of autonomous vehicles, it is necessary to sufficiently test the control algorithm and, for example, within the MIL testing to simulate the function of sensors such as lidar, radars, etc. Therefore, a suitable approach is to use a digital twin. For the digital twin to behave realistically in every situation, it is necessary to extend the methods of creating a digital twin of specific sensors and thus improve the development of autonomous vehicles. Verification of new approaches would be on the reference project for the development of autonomous management.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  34. Digital twin of wheel-rail contact

    The aim of the work is to use experimental methods to develop a model that will describe the frictional behavior of the wheel-rail contact in the presence of lubricants. The model will use real-track data to predict contact friction, allowing the lubrication system to recognize when re-application of lubricant is necessary. The result of the work will have an effect on a more efficient process of lubrication of the contact between the wheel and the rail. Lubricant consumption will be optimized while the wear of contact bodies is reduced. Poznámka CS: Poznámka EN: Highlight: Spolupráce na řešení projektu, který využije vyvinutý model pro řízení mazání kontaktu na reálné železniční trati. / Cooperation on a project, which will use the developed model for the control of contact lubrication on a real railway line.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  35. Dynamic behavior of magnetically active elastomers

    Intensive research is currently underway in the field of magnetically active elastomers and their applications. These materials can reversibly change stiffness, damping or geometry depending on the applied external magnetic field. The aim of the topic is to describe the influence of the composition, method of loading and production of magnetically active elastomers on their transient behavior. The topic also includes the development of an experimental device that will enable effective and accurate measurement of the time constants of these materials.

    Tutor: Kubík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  36. Eco-innovation of rocket propulsion systems by a synergy of hydrogen peroxide and 3D printing

    Liquid rocket propulsion systems, where hydrogen peroxide (HP) serves as an oxidizing agent or monopropellant, offer significant potential for the reduction of environmental impact, and for the simplification of fuel storage and handling processes. However, the use of HP presents specific technical challenges related to its high reactivity and limited stability. One of the possible research directions is the shape optimization of components used in the rocket propulsion system, employing additive manufacturing (3D print) with materials compatible with the HP. The solution can also integrate advanced sensorial and control systems for efficient monitoring and management of HP decomposition, aiming at performance optimization and the enhancement of safety in propulsion systems. Therefore, the goal is to research prospective design proposals through computational simulations and experimental modelling, contributing to the development of more efficient and safer liquid rocket propulsion systems. It is expected that the research will receive support from European Space Agency (ESA) projects, including an opportunity for additional scholarship. The industrial partner is a Czech company OteSpace, s.r.o. As a part of the study, it is expected that the student will actively participate in international scientific conferences abroad and undertake an internship (stay) at a foreign university. These activities represent a significant opportunity for professional networking and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Essential tools and equipment for advanced research will be available to the student, including access to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, high-performance computing (HPC) systems, experimental facilities and equipment. The student is also expected to actively participate in experimental investigations related to the research (assembling, setting up, and tuning test apparatus, preliminary water tests, and HP tests).

    Tutor: Klimeš Lubomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  37. Energy efficient electric motors

    The goal of the topic is the design development of an electric motor using a structured magnetic circuit produced by the method of 3D metal printing. It is expected that a suitable design of the structured magnetic circuit should increase the efficiency of the electric motor, reduce its weight and at the same time improve cooling. The design of the magnetic circuit will be based on the patented technology of the Department of Technical Diagnostics (EP3373311).

    Tutor: Kubík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  38. Engineering optimization using mixed surrogate models and bio-inspired algorithms

    Complex engineering problems in the modern era are challenging to solve mainly due to their numerical modeling and analytical complexities. This work will be addresses the use of surrogate model–assisted bio-inspired optimization algorithms for handling the solution of large-scale and high-dimensional computation-intensive optimization problems.

    Tutor: Matoušek Radomil, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  39. Experimental research of piston machines lubrication

    The aim of the work is to clarify what lubrication principles occur in piston contact machines, where the cylindrical piston operates in the cylinder bore, and the geometry of the two components is very close to each other. It is related to the problem of lubrication of bodies with nominally parallel surfaces. The work will include lubrication film measurements on simulators with transparent bodies for optical insight into the contact. The new knowledge will allow the development of performance-optimized machines with the analogical geometry.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  40. Experimental research on tribological phenomena using acoustic emission

    The work aims to experimentally study the operational and limit states of tribological contacts, especially plain bearings, using the acoustic emission method. The purpose is to implement an advanced method for condition monitoring and bearing diagnosis in the testing or operational phase.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  41. Friction modelling in contacts of engineering plastics and metals

    The aim of this work is to study the frictional behaviour of contacts between engineering plastics and metals by means of FEM analyses and novel experiments. The contact problem of contact between a compliant body and a non-rigid plate will be solved numerically and the results compared with experiments. New experimental approaches will be used where the surface distribution of the joint between the bodies will be measured using optical methods while recording the friction. The results have the potential to find application in a wide range of applications where modelling and prediction of contact and friction between given materials is crucial.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  42. Hybrid lubrication coatings for space applications

    The aim of the research is to explain the functioning of hybrid lubricant layers consisting of a thin liquid lubricating film and a MoS2-based sliding coating. The behaviour of these layers in pilot studies shows a synergistic effect of both lubrication components and a significant extension of the layers' lifetime. The lubrication layers developed in the later part of the work will then find applications in aerospace components such as bearings, actuators, gears, etc.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  43. Increasing performance parameters of hydrostatic bearing

    The aim is manufacturing and power optimization of the pocket and recess geometry of a large-scale hydrostatic bearing using CFD simulation with experimental verification. This is an experimental research work leading to the reduction of the loss factor and energy efficiency of hydrostatic bearings.

    Tutor: Svoboda Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  44. Influence of non-stationary electric field on behavior of ionic liquids

    The aim is to clarify the mechanism of forming a lubricating film in highly loaded contacts lubricated by ionic liquids under the influence of an unsteady electric field. This is an experimental work based on the use of colorimetric interferometry, which includes the development of an experimental simulator for measuring the friction, thickness and temperature of the lubricant.

    Tutor: Svoboda Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  45. Innovative methods for real-time monitoring wastewater properties

    The growing emphasis on the sustainability of industrial processes is reflected, among other things, in the requirements for efficient treatment and recycling of industrial wastewater. The development of new recycling methods implies that the discharged wastewater will meet increasingly stringent emission limits. Conventional methods for analysing the composition of wastewater involve manual sampling, transport and analysis in an external laboratory. This process is typically costly in terms of time and money. Moreover, it is inadequate from the point of view of modern recycling technology management because it does not allow real-time monitoring of variability in wastewater composition. With current methods, it is therefore not possible to adapt the operation of recycling technologies to the immediate needs of the operation, thereby, for example, saving operating costs for electricity and operating chemicals or, conversely, preventing environmental damage. The development of new methods for real-time monitoring of critical wastewater parameters is therefore highly desirable. The new methods should not only be reliable but also, and above all, affordable. The aim of the PhD thesis will be to develop and validate innovative methods for real-time monitoring of industrial wastewater properties with emphasis on operational reliability and affordability. The work will include the development and testing of new sensors and devices, the design of adaptive monitoring systems and the application of machine learning algorithms to increase the accuracy of model predictions and enable adaptive responses to changing conditions. The work will be multidisciplinary in nature. It is envisaged that a combination of experimental research and mathematical modelling supported by machine learning will be used to meet the objectives. The work will require, among others, knowledge of hydrodynamics, environmental chemistry, measurement and control, electrical engineering and programming.

    Tutor: Máša Vítězslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  46. Intelligent object distance detection system for autonomous vehicles

    The topic deals with extending existing methods for detecting the distance of an object moving around a vehicle. The method will be based on neural networks, stereo camera or lidar and will focus on quickly determining the distance of the object in adverse weather conditions, where this area is still problematic for driving an autonomous vehicle. The system would be built on products designed for this and tested in operation.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  47. Investigation of hydrodynamic cavitation and supercavitation for water treatment device CaviPlasma

    The CaviPlasma device combines hydrodynamic cavitation and low-temperature plasma discharge to clean wastewater from biological pollutants (bacteria, cyanobacteria) but also from residues of pharmaceuticals, contraceptives, pesticides, etc. The aim of the dissertation is to optimize the hydraulic part, i.e. to investigate the optimal generation of cavitation or supercavitation to ensure effective elimination of contaminants. A combination of CFD simulations and experimental research in a hydraulic laboratory using high-speed flow visualisation will be used.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  48. Metamaterial structures for morphing applications

    The development of additive manufacturing technologies allows to create functional structural metamaterials and integrate elements of smart materials into these printable structures. It includes mainly smart material types like shape memory alloys and piezoelectrics, which within the framework of the developed structure can change shape and sense this morphing operation. These metamaterial structures will find application both in aeronautics and in robotics applications.

    Tutor: Hadaš Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  49. Modeling and Algorithmization of Logistic Problems

    The dissertation will focus on identifying significant operational parameters in logistic planning. The newly acquired knowledge will be used for modelling the variability in individual routes and repeating logistic chains. The thesis core will consist of a formal description of the proposed models and new heuristic algorithms that consider the stochastic nature of the selected input data. The work results will be used in the applications (e.g. POPELKA), which are being developed at the Institute of Process Engineering.

    Tutor: Šomplák Radovan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  50. Modelling of population evacuation in risk zones

    With the development of industry and the construction of large units, the potential danger to the population from accidents increases. Linked to this is the need to develop plans to evacuate the population in disaster-stricken areas. In general, two cases can be distinguished where a sufficient number of means of transport must be available to evacuate all residents in the shortest possible time for evacuation; in a less critical case, the population can be gradually withdrawn with small amount of resources. The aim of this work is to model transport operations during evacuation and minimize its completion taking into account all restrictive conditions in relation to the area and the level of risk, such as population density, number and capacity of means of transport, distance of collection points etc.

    Tutor: Šeda Miloš, prof. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D.

  51. Modelling the transient behaviour of suspensions in point body contacts

    The work is focused on the use of CFD/DEM methods to model the behaviour of water and solids suspension in concentrated contacts. The aim is to provide a theoretical explanation of the transient behaviour associated with drop in friction in these contacts.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  52. Moredn methods of drones control BVLOS based on FANET

    Implementation of drones in civil and military applications is heavily affected by direct communication between flying drones. It is important factor influencing safety, reliability and efficiency of rescue, search and monitoring operations. Currently there is vital research in area of Ad Hoc Flying Networks for decentarlised communication and coorgination of drones. The goal of proposed Ph.D. study is to perform analysis of potential way of FANET based communitaion implementation, design of HW system and possible experimental validation of cocnept.

    Tutor: Juračka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  53. Multidisciplinary development of material structures for biomechanical applications

    The current development of smart materials and manufacturing technologies, including additive manufacturing, enables the design of new structures and development procedures for engineering applications. In the combination of individual multidisciplinary systems, new material structures can be created for biomechanical applications. Emphasis of this thesis is focused on the sensing functionalities of biomechanical applications, which follow the technologies of the patient digital twin and telemedicine applications.

    Tutor: Hadaš Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  54. Multi-material 3D printing of spatialy shaped interfaces

    The topic is focused on the research of the influence of process parameters on the interface of two metallic materials created using the additive process of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) and the description of the dispersion of stress waves and the attenuation of kinetic energy at these interfaces. The work is experimental and includes modification of testing device, testing of production strategies and parameters, and study of the interface for combinations of copper alloy (CuCr1Zr) and stainless steel (AISI 316L). To achieve spatially shaped interfaces, the description of a simple interface, sandwich structures up to more complex spatial shapes is assumed.

    Tutor: Koutný Daniel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  55. Multistable shape-changing metamaterials

    The topic of the work deals with the investigation of switchable metamaterials inspired by natural forms, arranged in lattices and achieving structural bistability. The work involves the development of metamaterial configurations using advanced computer modeling tools, followed by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing and experimental testing.

    Tutor: Koutný Daniel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  56. Non-exhaust emissions from motor vehicl

    Your dissertation will address a timely and important topic that has a direct impact on the environment and public health. Emissions from tyres and braking systems represent a significant source of pollution that is often neglected alongside traditional emissions from vehicle exhaust systems. These particles can vary in size and chemical composition, making them difficult to monitor and control. The main challenge will be to develop predictive models for the release of these particles. Translated with (free version)

    Tutor: Štětina Josef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  57. Optimisation of Serviceability in Network Applications

    n applications that serve locations deployed in a large area for certain customer service, it is a typical task to minimise these locations so that each customer has at least one of the centers at the available distance. The problem of coverage for this task has O (2 ^ n) complexity, where n is the number of given places and it is necessary to solve it by heuristic methods for the "large" instances of the problem. However, the task has even more complex formulations considering service capacities and customer requirements. In the dissertation the aim is to apply a general problem solving in the problems of communication of 5G mobile networks and data storage in NoSQL databases.

    Tutor: Šeda Miloš, prof. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D.

  58. Optimization of electric vehicle power elements to reduce energy consumption

    The topic deals with the optimization of the power elements of the electronic circuit of an electric vehicle. The current trend of electric cars also brings several problems. One of them is the driving distance and the effort is to increase this parameter of the electric car. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the power electronics of the vehicle, where there are significant energy losses by switching on and off e.g., Mosfet. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the development of the electronic components themselves and improve their properties, thus optimizing the entire energy flow management.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  59. Particle emissions from the wheel-rail interface

    The work deals with experimental research on the emission of particulate matter from the wheel-rail interface, especially during the application of lubricants and materials for traction enhancement or as a result of wear process. The aim is to describe the critical factors influencing their formation and effect on the environment.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  60. Plastic gears lubrication with eco-lubricants

    The aim of this paper is to elucidate the formation of the lubricating film in gear contacts by means of experiments at different scales from model contacts to the meshing of real gears. Current developments focus, for example, on plastic gears with coatings lubricated by water-based or water miscible lubricants. New insights and technologies have the potential to contribute and shape a new generation of gearboxes for lower to medium performance with eco-friendly lubricants, efficient production and operation.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  61. Prediction of wear of dental filling materials during tooth cleaning

    The research focuses on the analysis of the wear of dental filling materials due to toothbrushing and toothpaste during daily oral hygiene. This is an experimental work in which the effects of the tooth filling material, the shape of the end and hardness of the toothbrush fibres, the abrasiveness of the toothpaste and the effect of the use of manual and electric toothbrushes will be discussed.

    Tutor: Vrbka Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  62. Research and development of hydrogel-based artificial cartilage

    The main goal of the topic is in research, development and complex description of the hydrogel-based material, which may be potentially used to replace joint cartilage. The research is based on experimental investigation using biotribological simulators and the evaluation of mechanical and viscoelastic properties. The outcome of the thesis will be represented by the material, which can be used for partial or complete cartilage replacement without the need for the application of total joint replacement.

    Tutor: Nečas David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  63. Research of thin hydrostatic films considering the combined effects of key influencing factors

    The aim is to develop experimentally validated numerical model describing the flow and performance parameters in thin gaps of large-scale hydrostatic bearings, considering the influential factors of elastic deformation, geometrical errors, asymmetrical loading, thermal effects, and flow control.

    Tutor: Svoboda Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  64. Research on noise generation and propagation in rail transport

    Noise generated by the operation of rolling stock is an ongoing social problem. One of the main sources of strong noise is wheel-rail contact. In the case of abnormal operating conditions, excessive lateral vibration of the wheel can occur, leading to the emission of a strong acoustic signal. Although some hypothetical mechanisms of wheel-rail contact noise behaviour have been described, a number of phenomena have still not been satisfactorily investigated. Especially in the context of the modern approach of adhesion management on risky track sections through the application of liquid or solid substances to the surface or sides of the rail. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of operating conditions in modified contact on the occurrence of unwanted noise and its propagation to the surroundings.

    Tutor: Klapka Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  65. Sophisticated testing of mechatronic systems

    The topic deals with sophisticated testing of mechatronic systems. Every development of mechatronic systems contains a huge number of tests passed TC and TP and everything is connected via V diagram. This brings great benefits in troubleshooting, but also keeps development costs high and development time. Therefore, many developers in this field are trying to optimize the standard V-diagram approach to reduce costs and time, but at the same time increase the security of mechatronic systems. Therefore, these testing methods and approaches need to be further expanded and optimized using artificial intelligence.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  66. Superlubricity of articular cartilage

    The aim of the research is tribological and biochemical description of the principles of articular cartilage superlubricity. Methodologically, it is an experimental work based on the use of a combination of biotribological simulators and fluorescence microscopy. The sub-objectives are the development of a faithful tribological model of the synovial joint representing the biological system and the subsequent implementation of experimental analyses aimed at visualizing the lubrication film including the evolution of the friction coefficient over time.

    Tutor: Vrbka Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  67. Testing autonomous vehicles and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

    The development of autonomous vehicles is associated with an increase in the necessity of their testing to such an extent that it will not be possible to do without test automation and virtual testing. The subject of the project is the development of tools and testing methods for autonomous vehicles and ADAS systems. Specifically, the research and development activities within this topic are focused on the mathematical modeling of the vehicle, on efficient creation of a virtual environment in which the modeled vehicle moves, and on sharing of information between various tools used during the development and testing of the vehicle through standardized data formats.

    Tutor: Porteš Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  68. The application of AI to increase efficiency in the structural design optimization of the defoelement in passenger vehicles

    As part of the testing of passenger cars, a number of crash tests are carried out, with the deformation element being one of the key elements in the frontal test. The defoelement is particularly crucial for crew safety to reduce the impact of impact acceleration on their health. During its construction and subsequent optimization, the entire concept of the vehicle must be taken into account, and therefore it is designed for each model series of the vehicle. Due to the need to implement a technical experiment and debug the computational model, including material characteristics, the knowledge of an engineer is key. Due to the large number of simulations and technical experiments that have already been carried out, it is possible to use this information for the design of a new concept of the deformation element using non-standard materials or production approaches. For design purposes, it is possible to use elements of artificial intelligence and thereby significantly reduce the time-consuming nature of the solution from the point of view of engineering time. Use AI/ML techniques for training the response surface of a multiparametric material model, and accelerating the inference of the trained model. Analyze the PINN solution of the optimization task, taking into account the transfer of learning partial solutions, if it will be achievable on the available HW. The aim of the dissertation is the design and optimization of a defoelement for passenger cars based on a low- and high-speed component test and a subsequent complete crash test, including the inclusion of the variance of input parameters and, last but not least, production costs.

    Tutor: Koňas Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  69. The influence of the concrete foundation on the properties of the CNC machine tool.

    When installing a CNC machine tool on its foundation, which is built at the customer's place, it is not considered how this affects some of its future properties. This mainly concerns the accuracy of the machining, or also the resistance to self-excited oscillation after it is attached to the concrete foundation. Screwing the machine to the foundation is not sufficiently known, for different sizes of machines, how the above properties were affected. The aim of the work will be to verify the role played by the method and type of attachment to the base for the selected type and type of machine tool. Furthermore, what role does the topology of the supporting system play, or whether there are other unknown influences.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  70. The use of machine learning in the processing of railway vehicle vibrodiagnostic data

    Predictive identification of faults and wear is a key aspect of the safe and efficient operation of railway vehicles. Machine learning methods can be used to train a model from data and generalize it to currently unmeasured data. The goal of the thesis is to train a model using machine learning on data obtained from the chassis of a railway vehicle. The resulting model will then be used for predictive maintenance of the railway bogie. Poznámka CS: Poznámka EN: Highlight: Spolupráce na řešení projektu, který využije vyvinutý model pro diagnostiku podvozku na železničním vozidle. / Cooperation on the solution of a project, which will use the developed model for diagnostics of the bogie on a railway vehicle.

    Tutor: Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  71. Topology optimization of additively manufactured coolers

    The topic is focused on the creation of a methodology for designing a new generation of additively produced heat exchangers, using structured materials, meeting all strength requirements while minimizing weight and at the same time allowing to control the distribution of the cooling medium according to the needs of a specific application. As part of the solution to the topic, it is assumed that the existing algorithms of multi-level topological optimization for the purposes of heat exchange will be modified. In addition to changing the stiffness within one component, the algorithm should also allow local control of the cooling performance. Experimental samples as well as functional parts will be realized through metal additive SLM technology, and information on the flow and thermal properties of the structures will be obtained from cooperation with the Institute of Process Engineering.

    Tutor: Koutný Daniel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  72. Transient phenomena affecting friction in point contacts

    The aim of the project is to provide experimental evidence of the transient behaviour of point contacts in the presence of water-solids suspension when friction drop occurs and to explain the nature of this phenomenon based on optical observation of the contact. Further emphasis is placed on describing the scope of the problem in terms of contact conditions and rheological parameters of suspension.

    Tutor: Křupka Ivan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  73. Transport of inhaled aerosols in models of human airways

    The mechanics of the flow of inhaled particles in successively branching channels find applications in various fields. Specifically, within respiratory airways, there are dual applications: protecting the lungs from harmful particles (nano-particles, asbestos fibers, or bioaerosols) and transporting medications for inhalation therapy. This work is interdisciplinary, requiring the integration of knowledge from mechanical engineering, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and pharmacy. The objective is to develop precise models for calculating the transport, particularly the delivered quantity of particles to specific areas of the lungs. Collaboration with international institutions is anticipated, such as the University of Delaware, Centre for Energy Research in Budapest, and others.

    Tutor: Lízal František, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  74. Vehicle fault prediction using Deep learning

    The topic deals with the detection and prediction of failures of either the vehicle as a whole or individual components. The current trend of interconnecting vehicles, gathering information, and creating smart cities is necessary to appropriately predict failures of both various devices and vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to further develop existing methods by using artificial intelligence and various approaches to machine learning such as Deep learning. An important aspect is the accuracy of the prediction and the associated costs. Therefore, the new approaches would be tested experimentally and virtually.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  75. Virtual environment for autonomy testing.

    The topic deals with the development of a virtual environment for testing autonomous vehicles or their sensors. The trend of autonomous vehicles brings several pitfalls, in the form of safety. This is a challenge for developers, as they are helped by the ISO / PAS 21448 SOTIF standard to increase the safety of such autonomous vehicles or their ADAS assistance systems. Related to this is testing autonomous vehicles in a virtual environment. Therefore, there is a need to expand current methods and approaches. And to develop such a virtual environment including various scenarios for testing either the whole autonomous system or individual sensors such as cameras, lidars, radars, etc.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  76. Virtual world around autonomous vehicles

    The topic deals with the creation of a virtual world around autonomous vehicles. For the current trend of autonomous vehicles, it is necessary to accurately predict the trajectories of objects around the autonomously controlled vehicle. It is also necessary to monitor other aspects of driving such as intersections, signs, lanes, etc. From this information it is necessary to create a sufficiently accurate virtual world around the vehicle. This means extending methods for a more comprehensive and accurate perception of the environment by combining computational models of vehicles, objects and other information.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  77. V2X in the field of electric vehicles

    The topic deals with developments in the field of vehicle communication with everything. The current trend of the Internet of Things, smart cities and V2X poses a challenge for developers where security issues may arise or what information to pass on and how vehicles should work with them. The introduction of 5G networks helps to address this issue, and thus the existing methods need to be further expanded or new approaches and applications in the field of autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles can be devised. This means, for example, V2X in the field of communication with charging stations, reservation of free charging points, etc.

    Tutor: Kučera Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  78. 3D metal printing of magnetic circuits

    The aim of the topic is the research and development of structured magnetic circuits produced by the 3D metal printing method. The design of the magnetic circuits will be based on the patented technology of the Research team Technical Diagnostics (EP3373311). This technology will allow the development of highly efficient magnetic circuits. Development can be focused to several areas, such as electromagnetic actuators, valves or sensors.

    Tutor: Kubík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  79. 4D printing of magnetically active materials

    Intensive research and development is currently underway in the field of magnetically active elastomers or hydrogels, which can be produced using so-called 4D printing. 4D printing is a new and completely unique technology that allows printing dynamic 3D structures capable of changing their shape over time. This topic aims to develop equipment and methodology for 4D printing of magnetically active elastomers and hydrogels. Part of the work will be the application of this technology to the issue of micro-robotics.

    Tutor: Kubík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

2. round (applications submitted from 16.09.2024 to 27.10.2024)

  1. Digital twin of the production process to optimise the energy efficiency of production

    The topic is focused on the development of the production process digital twin, which will include tools for predicting the energy consumption of the production process and assessing the energy efficiency of production assets. The focus will be on the use of renewable energy sources, taking into account market behaviour and customer requirements.

    Tutor: Blecha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., FEng.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9BSZSafety of Machines and Equipment - System Approachcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9DMADesign-managementcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9EMMEmpiric Modelscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9LDMLogistics in Transport and Handlingcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TSTTheory and Construction of Forming Machinescs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VNPVibration and Noise Powertraincs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9MORMathematical Methods Of Optimal Controlcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9KARThe Special Desing and Applications of Mobile Robotscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VDETheory of Visual Style in Designcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9AJAcademic English for Doctoral Studiesen0CompulsoryDrExCj - 60yes
9BEISafety Engineeringcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9DDEHistory of Designcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9DSMEngine Dynamicscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9EXTExperimental Methods in Tribologycs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9FLIFluid Engineeringcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9LKKAircraft Composite Structurescs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MRIRisc Managementcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MBOMathematical Modeling of Machine Mechanisms cs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MASMethods and Algorithms for System Simulation and Optimizationcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MOPMethodologies of Scientific Workcs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MLVMetrology Legal and Industrialcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MPDModern Access to Diagnostics and Working Life of Technical Systemscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MDTMultiparametric Diagnostics of Technical Systemscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PSLAircraft On-Board Systemscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PDTAdvanced Diagnostics of Technical Systems cs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9EHDAdvanced Tribologycs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PTLHeat and Mass Transfercs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9RIPControl Motioncs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TSOTheory And Construction of Machine-toolscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TDCThermodynamics of Power Cyclescs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9USZMaintenance of Machinery and Equipmentcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VPRResearch Project and Its Managementcs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9SESSelected Chapters of Electrical Machinescs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VMTComputational Modeling of the Turbulent Flowcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9ZVMBases of Scientific Metrology and Quality Controlcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9ZLLTesting of Aircraftcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes