study programme

Power Engineering

Original title in Czech: Energetické inženýrstvíFaculty: FMEAbbreviation: D-ENE-PAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0713D070005

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 18.2.2020 - 18.2.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Energetics Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The aim of the doctoral study in the suggested programme is:
• Training of creative highly educated workers in the field of energy engineering and closely related engineering fields, who will be prepared to work in research and development in industrial companies, research institutes and organizations in our country and abroad.
• To enable the doctoral student to develop talent for creative activities and further development of a scientific or engineering personality. To ensure the development of his ability to process scientific knowledge in the field of study and related fields.
• Graduates will be able to do independent scientific work, especially in the field of applied but also basic research.
• The doctoral student is guided not only to gain knowledge in the field studied, but also to its further development.
• The focus of the study is primarily on basic and applied research in the following areas: design, development and operation of energy and fluid machines and equipment, combustion, environmental engineering, process engineering, fluid mechanics, thermomechanics.
• The graduate has a very good knowledge of field theory and modern approaches in the field of computational and experimental modeling.
• The graduate has skills and abilities in the field of publishing and sharing R&D results in Czech and especially English.

Graduate profile

• The profile of the graduate corresponds to the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of energy engineering and allows him to further develop research in the field.
• The graduate is a creative personality capable of independent and team scientific work, has sufficient skills for the preparation, implementation and management of R&D projects.
• The graduate is able to transfer results between basic and applied research and collaborate in multidisciplinary international scientific teams.
• During the study, the doctoral student will gain broad knowledge and skills in the field of fluid flow, heat transfer, design and operation of energy machines, equipment and systems.
• It is assumed that graduates will find employment as R&D workers in academic research organizations or in research institutes and departments of applied research of industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic and abroad, in ordinary and senior positions.

Profession characteristics

The graduate of the doctoral study programme in Energy Engineering will be prepared for independent and team R&D work in the academic environment, research organizations or research departments of industrial companies in the field of energy, both domestic and foreign.
The graduate will have a comprehensive view of current challenges and problems in the field of energy and will be able to respond by analysing the issue, design of appropriate models or technical measures and equipment. Therefore, they will be a suitable candidate not only for positions in the field of R&D, but also in public administration, consulting companies or managerial positions of companies focusing on energy.

Fulfilment criteria

See applicable regulations, DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
DEAN´S GUIDELINE Rules of Procedure of Doctoral Board of FME Study Programmes
Students in doctoral programmes do not follow the credit system. The grades “Passed” and “Failed” are used to grade examinations, doctoral state examination is graded “Passed” or “Failed”.

Availability for the disabled

Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship“ students can find information on a system of social scholarships.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The newly proposed doctoral study programme in Energy Engineering is being created as a new one within the institutional accreditation of the field of education "Energy". It follows on from the bachelor's degree in the specializations of the bachelor's study programme in Energy and the subsequent master's degree programmes in Energy and Thermofluid Engineering and Process Engineering. It is an education combining solid theoretical foundations in applied mechanics, design of power machines, design and operation of power systems, knowledge and skills in computational and experimental modelling in the field of power engineering and applied fluid mechanics and thermomechanics.
In the case of applicants from other faculties or universities, it is necessary that they master the above-mentioned disciplines at the level taught in these programmes.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Active control of flow with strong vortical structures

    In the off-design operating modes of turbomachines, strong vortical structures occur (e.g. vortex rope in the hydraulic turbine draft tube, inlet recirculation at the pump suction) which deteriorate the operating parameters (lower efficiency, characteristic curve instability, cavitation, pressure pulsation, etc.). One option to counteract this is the use of active control based on liquid injection. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate these possibilities using both computational simulations and experimental modelling.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Adsorption research for the capture of carbon dioxide and oxygen within carbon capture technologies

    Gas separation is a very dynamically developing area, and in the future, classical energy will not be able to do without it. Separation will be necessary for oxy-combustion as well as for the subsequent cleaning of flue gases and handling of carbon dioxide. The topic of the dissertation focuses on this area, the specific focus will be determined on the basis of the progress of the research works and the obtained grant funds.

    Tutor: Baláš Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. AI Synergy in Advanced Small Data Analysis as an Effective Tool for Innovations in Sustainable Energy

    Current environmental challenges impose considerable pressure for high efficiency in sustainable energy innovations. Many traditional technical concepts have reached their limits, necessitating the rapid discovery of groundbreaking solutions. The initial stages of research and development for these technologies grapple with a lack of extensive data sets. Early sets of small data are being generated, from which information must be extracted with utmost efficiency. Even in the advanced phases of research and development, particularly in interdisciplinary subjects, it is crucial to swiftly and reliably identify key connections that might be obscured to human judgement. As the development of pioneering technologies progresses, it becomes desirable to optimize the data collection process and dynamically identify the most beneficial directions for data acquisition that will contribute most effectively to outcome improvements. One potential direction includes the application of advanced analyses of small data using stochastic models and uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods supported by artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The aim of this dissertation is to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the aforementioned methods, with a special emphasis on those that can significantly enhance the efficiency of research, development, and design of new energy technologies, accelerate innovation, and facilitate the implementation of pioneering solutions in the realm of future sustainable energy.

    Tutor: Mauder Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. CFD model of grease flow in ball joint gap

    The goal of Ph.D. study is to create an experimentally validated simulation model describing the grease flow in the narrow gap of a ball joint, including the effect of air pockets, and then to study the effect of surface textures and the design of grease grooves.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Complex 3D-printed structures for heat transfer intensification: Modelling and optimization

    Efficient heat transfer and optimal design of heat exchangers are among important areas related to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a wide range of devices, in which heat transfer intensification is required. In the past, technologies for the design and manufacturing of heat exchangers were limited to conventional (subtracting) methods. However, in the last years, additive manufacturing and 3D printing (including metallic materials) have experienced huge development and advancement. These new fabrication methods open entirely new possibilities for the production of heat transfer structures with surfaces having a very complicated topology for maximization of the heat transfer area (e.g. the use of gyroids). The research project will therefore aim at the development of computational models for simulations of the thermal behaviour of complex structures for heat transfer intensification. The research will also include the use of these models for the optimization of the structures. In this respect, the utilization of soft computing methods is expected (e.g. a nature-inspired genetic algorithm, or particle swarm optimization). According to recently published studies, these methods seem to have great potential to efficiently solve such kinds of problems. The research topic is a part of the currently solved project MEBioSys (a project within the call Johannes Amos Comenius Programme - Excellent research). Moreover, another project proposal related to the topic is currently being prepared (a call from the Czech Science Foundation) with an expected beginning in 2025. As a part of the study, it is expected that the student will actively participate in international scientific conferences abroad and undertake an internship (stay) at a foreign university. These activities represent a significant opportunity for professional networking and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Essential tools and equipment for advanced research will be available to the student, including access to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, high-performance computing (HPC) systems, experimental facilities and equipment. The student is also expected to actively participate in experimental investigations related to the research (testing of 3D printed heat transfer structures and heat exchangers, acquisition of data for validation of models).

    Tutor: Klimeš Lubomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Cryogenic cooling and gas separation

    In the context of the search for sources of hydrogen for energy use, it is necessary to search for and explore new methods of gas separation and purification. One prospective route is condensation, whereby individual components can be separated from gas mixtures at very low temperatures to produce high purity hydrogen. It would then also be possible to use generated or waste gases as sources of hydrogen. The work of the PhD student would mainly include the design of cryogenic exchangers and other necessary components of the technology and the solution of operational problems, e.g. freezing.

    Tutor: Baláš Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Development of spray systems for target applications using machine learning on internal database

    The Multiphase Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at FME has produced a significant amount of high quality image and numerical results on the behavior of various spray systems over the past decade. Currently, the department is working on several topics, most notably the development of spray systems for 1) nanoparticle surface applications and 2) CO2 capture. The goal of this work is to use this data, sort it, and process it in a way that is useful for the application of machine learning methods. Existing and new machine learning models will be used and developed to subsequently extract new insights into multiphase dispersive systems from existing and newly acquired data. These will enable the development and optimization of spray systems for both topics mentioned above. The topic of this thesis is multidisciplinary. It has full technical and material support, especially laboratory equipment, techniques and materials for experiments. Partial financial support of the student from the project is assumed. The topic is related to an existing or submitted research project. Several months internship at a foreign institution with the intention of strengthening international cooperation, participation in technical seminars and presentations at conferences are foreseen. The supervisor will be contacted by the applicant prior to admission to discuss the details of the study.

    Tutor: Jedelský Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Eco-innovation of rocket propulsion systems by a synergy of hydrogen peroxide and 3D printing

    Liquid rocket propulsion systems, where hydrogen peroxide (HP) serves as an oxidizing agent or monopropellant, offer significant potential for the reduction of environmental impact, and for the simplification of fuel storage and handling processes. However, the use of HP presents specific technical challenges related to its high reactivity and limited stability. One of the possible research directions is the shape optimization of components used in the rocket propulsion system, employing additive manufacturing (3D print) with materials compatible with the HP. The solution can also integrate advanced sensorial and control systems for efficient monitoring and management of HP decomposition, aiming at performance optimization and the enhancement of safety in propulsion systems. Therefore, the goal is to research prospective design proposals through computational simulations and experimental modelling, contributing to the development of more efficient and safer liquid rocket propulsion systems. It is expected that the research will receive support from European Space Agency (ESA) projects, including an opportunity for additional scholarship. The industrial partner is a Czech company OteSpace, s.r.o. As a part of the study, it is expected that the student will actively participate in international scientific conferences abroad and undertake an internship (stay) at a foreign university. These activities represent a significant opportunity for professional networking and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Essential tools and equipment for advanced research will be available to the student, including access to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, high-performance computing (HPC) systems, experimental facilities and equipment. The student is also expected to actively participate in experimental investigations related to the research (assembling, setting up, and tuning test apparatus, preliminary water tests, and HP tests).

    Tutor: Klimeš Lubomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Effect of the sealing gap on the operation of the hydraulic machine

    The sealing gap is the space between the rotor and the stator separating fluid of different pressures. The design of the sealing gap is closely related to the efficiency of the machine and the dynamics of the rotor. The aim of the PhD study will be to model the sealing gap and optimize the sealing gap with respect to the efficiency and rotor dynamics. Another objective of the thesis will be the diagnosis of sealing gap in terms of their failures, where we can encounter an increase in roughness in the sealing gap area due to impurities in the fluid or due to the loosening of the sealing ring.

    Tutor: Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Characteristics of dynamic vapor layer development during the cooling of hot steel surfaces

    This project deals with the experimental study of vapor layer development during the interaction of water flows on moving hot surface. Laminar cooling is tricky due to the existence of various boiling regimes. The lowest cooling intensity is in film boiling, where the water is isolated from the surface by a layer of steam. Layer thickness decreases as the surface temperature decreases until the layer is broken and rapid increase in cooling intensity follows (transient boiling). The rewetting temperature is dependent on the dynamics of the water flow on the surface. It is higher in the region under the water stream than between. This leads to local overcooling and undesirable heterogeneity in material properties. The water streams from the surrounding jets interact in the areas between the streams and influence the heat transfer mechanism. Articles deal with laminar cooling, mainly for cooling on a stationary surface, which is different to real-life applications. The heat transfer and fluid flow laboratory is equipped to study steam layers on surfaces through experimental research and simulations.

    Tutor: Hnízdil Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: Machine learning and user behaviour analysis for optimization and predictive maintenance

    The European Green Deal is currently a highly discussed topic, aiming at a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This strategy also includes a transformation of the transportation sector: a shift from fossil-fuelled combustion engines to electric vehicles (EVs). However, the growing number of electric vehicles poses many challenges that need to be addressed. One of them is the charging of EVs, as the existing electricity grid and infrastructure do not have the capacity to provide simultaneous charging of a large number of EVs. The aim of the research will be the development of computational tools for the optimization of the EV charging infrastructure (number of charging stations, their location, charging capacity, etc.), the prediction of its maintenance, and the analysis and prediction of user (EV driver) behaviour for the efficient operation and use of the charging infrastructure. For this purpose, the use of machine learning, artificial intelligence and predictive modelling tools is envisaged. The research topic is a part of the currently evaluated project submitted to the call Johannes Amos Comenius Programme - Intersection Cooperation, with an expected beginning in 2025. As a part of the study, it is expected that the student will actively participate in international scientific conferences abroad and undertake an internship (stay) at a foreign university. These activities represent a significant opportunity for professional networking and acquiring new knowledge and skills. Essential tools and equipment for advanced research will be available to the student, including access to high-performance computing (HPC) systems, simulation software, and other equipment.

    Tutor: Klimeš Lubomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Instabilities arising during flow around solid body

    Excitation and instabilities occur when a fluid flows around a solid body. Probably the most well-known excitation is from karman vortices, or instabilities such as stream breaking, fluttering or galloping on the body. The aim of this dissertation will be to model these phenomena, conduct experimental investigations and propose measures to prevent these instabilities or to exploit these oscillations for energy gain.

    Tutor: Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Investigation of coherent vortices dynamics rotating in the vaneless space of hydraulic turbine

    The flow interaction between stationary domain of guide vanes and rotating domain of runner blades is crucial aspect of any hydraulic turbine. During the turbine startup and shutdown, the low load conditions (e.g., Speed No Load regime) must be overcome. In low load operation the flow of high swirl and low discharge appears within the runner. With recent energy market scenarios, the turbine operation in low load conditions increases in number and time to compensate fluctuations in electricity production from intermittent renewable sources. Such conditions are strongly convenient for creation of secondary flow structures, where the most remarkable are vortices rotating in the vaneless space of the runner. In some researching studies it was shown, that the resulting flow structures, in a form of coherent vortices attached on the turbine hub, are not mandatory dependent on presence of turbine runner, but the runner has rather passive role. These rotating flow disturbances can induce severe rotor vibrations. Consequently, the runner encounters the high dynamic load which might result in fatigue failure of mechanical components. The most typical problems are blade cracks and the blade housing failure. The extensive vibrations and noise emission propagated into power house might also occur. Other aspect which might magnify the dynamic load is possible cavitation occurrence. The goal of this thesis is investigation of above-mentioned flow phenomenon and analyzing of its effect of mechanical part of hydraulic turbine.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Investigation of hydrodynamic cavitation and supercavitation for water treatment device CaviPlasma

    The CaviPlasma device combines hydrodynamic cavitation and low-temperature plasma discharge to clean wastewater from biological pollutants (bacteria, cyanobacteria) but also from residues of pharmaceuticals, contraceptives, pesticides, etc. The aim of the dissertation is to optimize the hydraulic part, i.e. to investigate the optimal generation of cavitation or supercavitation to ensure effective elimination of contaminants. A combination of CFD simulations and experimental research in a hydraulic laboratory using high-speed flow visualisation will be used.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Lifetime consumption of a water machine depending on the power output

    The lifetime of the individual parts of a water machine (blades, blade housings, bearings) is closely related to the operating condition. The influence of cavitation or machine vibration is very important, where especially low power, but also overload, significantly consume the lifetime of individual parts. The aim of the dissertation will be to determine the consumption of the lifetime of individual parts as a function of performance. Measurements on a large water turbine are planned within the project.

    Tutor: Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Optimization and application of cavitation nozzle technology: surface cleaning, erosion testing of materials, wastewater treatment, medical applications

    The cavitation jet utilizes the principle of the formation of a cloud of cavitation bubbles at the mouth of the cavitation nozzle immersed in the liquid. The cavitation bubbles then collapse on the surface of the body (e.g. a dirty surface) or inside the liquid (for water purification applications), accompanied by significant pressure pulses and other effects. The aim of this dissertation is to describe the behaviour of the cavitation nozzle using computational modelling (multiphase CFD model) and advanced experimental techniques (mainly high-speed camera) and to optimise the nozzle for the selected application. The thesis will build on previous extensive research.

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Optimization of energy harvesting device based on vortex induced vibrations

    Energy harvesting from vortex induced vibrations (VIV) is a promising option for power generation for pressure, flow, vibration or water quality sensors with the aim of digitizing the water network. The aim of this dissertation is to design and optimize such a device to ensure maximum operating range under flow rate variations and the highest possible efficiency of kinetic energy conversionunsetady to electrical energy. The research will be carried out in a broad international collaboration within the Horizon Europe project and will rely on computational modelling of unsteady flow and intensive exp. research in the hydraulic laboratory. Topic is suitable both with focus on fluid mechanics and dynamics (vortex induced vibrations, computational and experimental modeling, vibrations) and mechatronics (electrical generator, control).

    Tutor: Rudolf Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Recovery of biochar by slow pyrolysis

    The pyrolysis of biofuels and waste is a very dynamic industry, which is moving towards the efficient transformation of solid fuels into well-utilized products. The focus of the research within the dissertation will be the optimization of the pyrolysis process in order to obtain a high quality solid residue - biochar.

    Tutor: Baláš Marek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Study of non-stationar changes of the cavitation bubble under the influence of magnetic field

    The problem of collaps of a cavitation bubble in a magnetic field will be addressed. A detailed analysis of Maxwell´s equations, a mathematical model and a numerical solution of the cavitation bubble collapse will be presented. The solution will include the derivation of Rayleigh-Plesset equation suúpplemented with a term including the influence of the magnetic field. Commercial software will be used in terms of flow and magnetic field effects as well as implemented procerures. The obtained solution will be verified experimentally.

    Tutor: Fialová Simona, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. The impact of renewable energy sources on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in on-road transportation

    The emissions footprint, associated with today's on-road transportation, mostly comes from the energy used to power vehicles. This energy is currently derived almost exclusively from fossil fuels. GHG-free road transportation cannot be achieved without a significant involvement of renewable energy sources. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology and a simulation model to analyze the impact of renewable energy sources on GHG emissions in on-road transportation.

    Tutor: Charvát Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. The use of acoustic emission in the diagnosis of fluid machinery

    The operation of a fluid machine can be monitored using accoustic signals, cavitation on the blades or in the interior of a turbine or pump can be observed. The aim of the PhD thesis will be to determine the potential of acoustics in monitoring fluid machinery, in terms of monitoring cavitation and selected machine damage such as material loss on blades, bearing wear or cracks. The work should be based on neural networks and artificial intelligence in processing the measured data.

    Tutor: Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Thermal modeling of battery storage

    Renewable energy sources are inherently intermittent; therefore, they cannot be effectively exploited without the use of energy storage. Battery storage appears to be a promising option for electricity storage. Charging and discharging battery storage involves the production of heat, which, depending on ambient conditions, can significantly affect the lifespan and reliability of battery storage. The aim of this work is to develop a simulation thermal model of battery storage.

    Tutor: Charvát Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. Transport of inhaled aerosols in models of human airways

    The mechanics of the flow of inhaled particles in successively branching channels find applications in various fields. Specifically, within respiratory airways, there are dual applications: protecting the lungs from harmful particles (nano-particles, asbestos fibers, or bioaerosols) and transporting medications for inhalation therapy. This work is interdisciplinary, requiring the integration of knowledge from mechanical engineering, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and pharmacy. The objective is to develop precise models for calculating the transport, particularly the delivered quantity of particles to specific areas of the lungs. Collaboration with international institutions is anticipated, such as the University of Delaware, Centre for Energy Research in Budapest, and others.

    Tutor: Lízal František, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9KVTBoilers and Heat Exchangerscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MKPFEM in Engineering Computationscs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MESEnergy System Modelingcs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9NM1Numerical Mathematics Ics, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9OMPOptimization - Mathematical Programmingcs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MZOComputer Methods of Image Processingcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PAFAdvanced use of ANSYS FLUENTcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PEXControlling the Experiment by PCcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9STAStatistical Analysiscs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TETThermal Turbomachinescs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9AMKAnalytical Mechanics and Mechanics of Continuumcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9DRSDynamics of Rotor Systemscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9NM2Numerical Methods IIcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9AJAcademic English for Doctoral Studiesen0CompulsoryDrExCj - 60yes
9APHApplied Hydrodynamicscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9ATHApplied Thermomechanicscs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9EAEEnergy and Emissionscs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9FLIFluid Engineeringcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9MOPMethodologies of Scientific Workcs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9PTLHeat and Mass Transfercs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9SVCComputer-Aided Design and Simulationscs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9SPESystem Approaches for Process and Power Industrycs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TPZHeat Transfer Processescs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9TPATransformation Technologies of Solid Fuelscs0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VAHVibrations and Noisecs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes
9VMTComputational Modeling of the Turbulent Flowcs, en0RecommendedDrExP - 20yes