Branch Details


Original title in Czech: MechatronikaFSIAbbreviation: B-METAcad. year: 2024/2025

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2003Accredited until: 31.12.2024


Aim of the study is to gain basic interdisciplinary knowledge of mechanics, electronics and computer science, and the ability of their creative application to design of mechatronic systems. Such systems show certain degree of intelligent behavior, are able to respond to changing environment, detect critical operating states and to optimize its response to dynamic changes of boundary conditions. Besides theory, the study is concentrated to experimental verification of acquired knowledge in laboratories, equipped by reputable producers of measurement technology that have their commercial representation at the institute.
Career prospects of our students are versatile thanks to broad scientific basis of mechatronics. Our graduates work in both mechanical and electro engineering companies and the demand for their interdisciplinary qualification still grows. Last but not least, the system approach applied to problem solution in mechatronics now increasingly boosts in economics, biomedicine and business. There is also the possibility to follow up in the master program of mechatronics and later continue in the subsequent PhD program, with a prospect to scientific or academic career.

Key learning outcomes

Aim of the study is to gain basic interdisciplinary knowledge of mechanics, electronics and computer science, and the ability of their creative application to design of mechatronic systems. Such systems show certain degree of intelligent behavior, are able to respond to changing environment, detect critical operating states and to optimize its response to dynamic changes of boundary conditions. Besides theory, the study is concentrated to experimental verification of acquired knowledge in laboratories, equipped by reputable producers of measurement technology that have their commercial representation at the institute. Our goal is to pass on to our students a solid theoretical basis together with practical experience in the area of Mechatronics.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Career prospects of our students are versatile thanks to broad scientific basis of mechatronics. Our graduates work in both mechanical and electro engineering companies and the demand for their interdisciplinary qualification still grows. Last but not least, the system approach applied to problem solution in mechatronics now increasingly boosts in economics, biomedicine and business.
There is also the possibility to follow up in the master program of mechatronics and later continue in the subsequent PhD program, with a prospect to scientific or academic career.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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