Course detail
Project - Computational Modelling
FSI-ZP6 Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester
The subject provides an overview of theoretical modeling and numerical simulation fundamentals at solution of several tasks from mechanics of rigid and deformable solids (e.g. bended beam with notch, kinematics and dynamics of catapult, peak force at mass body fall onto solid body, natural frequencies of machine parts). Emphasis is placed on development of creative thinking to understand all important aspects of computational modeling, from conceptual design of the model, the definition of boundary conditions, actual solution, discussion of results, and simple experimental verification. Teaching is based on team-based solution of a series of real-world problems. The course integrates the knowledge gained in the theoretical undergraduate courses in programming, mathematics, engineering mechanics, elasticity and strength. It enhances students’ ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the solution of selected problems.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Knowledge of solid mechanics (statics), mathematics and programming.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Conditions for successful accomplishment of seminars (0-100 points, the minimum required points are 50):
- active participation in the exercises in the form of consultations (min. 10 points out of 20),
- submission of a project in the required scope (min. 40 points out of 80).
Conditions for obtaining the examination (0-100 points, the minimum required points are 50):
- team defense of the project in front of the committee (min. 20 points out of 40),
- individual technical discussion in front of the committee on an issue related to the project and linked to the required prerequisites (min. 30 points out of 60),
up to 100 points in total, the final classification is given according to the ECTS scale.
Lecture: participation is recommended.
Exercises, laboratory exercises: attendance is compulsory and supervised by the lecturer; a maximum of two absences is allowed. In case of prolonged absence, the teacher is responsible for making up missed classes.
Language of instruction
Students will understand the principles of computational modelling and simulation of real systems and will be able to apply knowledge of statics, kinematics, dynamics, elasticity and strength to a real problem.
- Knowledge of mechanical systems modelling theory.
- Ability to work in team and solve real-world problems.
- Ability to analyze a real system and build a computational model.
- Ability to accept simplifications and estimate uncertainties and errors of a computational model.
- Ability to present and discuss results, compare theoretical model with experiment.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B-KSI-P: Mechanical Engineering Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 6 credits, compulsory
Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CLS: , 6 credits, elective
Type of course unit
14 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
- Introduction to modelling. Essentials of modelling theory.
- Theory of experiment and similarity.
- Methodology of computational modelling.
- Software for computational modelling.
- Methods of model analysis.
Laboratory exercise
12 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
Experimental results of solved problems will be obtained in the laboratory.
Computer-assisted exercise
52 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
- Force distribution, trusses and struts buckling.
- Static loading of a notched component.
- Combined stresses.
- Dynamic effects of mass.
- Dynamics of a body with rotational and linear motion.
- Kinematics of body motion in the earth's gravitational field.
- Kinematics of point masses motion.