Course detail

Engineering Drawing

FSI-2K Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Language of instruction



Graduates will be able to create basic documentation of machine parts, whose semi-finished product is casting, forging or weldment, they will also have knowledge of the gears and complete drawing documentation of the assembly unit, including basic dimensional calculations.
• knowledge and ability to process drawing documentation of products from cast, forged and welded semi-finished products
• the ability to create assembly unit documentation with an emphasis on ensuring function and interchangeability
• knowledge of preliminary calculation and documentation of gears
• basic knowledge of modern trends in the creation of design documentation

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-FIN-P: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory-optional

Programme B-MET-P: Mechatronics, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme B-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme B-ENE-P: Energy, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme B-KSI-P: Mechanical Engineering Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme B-PRP-P: Professional Pilot, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CLS: , 4 credits, elective

Programme B-ZSI-P: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's
branch MTI: Materials Engineering, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme B-ZSI-P: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor's
branch STI: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 4 credits, compulsory

Type of course unit



13 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


• Principle of castings production. Drawing documentation of cast parts. Drawing of the part whose semi-finished product is a casting and drawing of a casting. Technological design of casting.
• Tolerances and deviations in dimensional circuits. Full interchangeability method, compensation method. Information on other methods (statistical and group interchangeability).
• Welded parts and their drawing documentation. Technological requirements and technological design of welded parts. Materials suitable for welding technology.
• Overview of drawing documentation of volume-formed parts. Technological design of forgings.
• Drawing documentation of surface-formed parts.
• Soldered, glued and riveted joints.
• Requirements for documentation of plastic products.
• Modern trends in design documentation, drawing-free documentation, 3D printing.
• Design process algorithm. Overview of technical documentation requirements, assembly drawing of the assembly unit, list of items and technical report.
• Selected chapters from machine parts – drives and springs in terms of their documentation, bearings, mechanical couplings and basic mechanisms.

Computer-assisted exercise

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


• Application of geometric tolerances.
• Drawing documentation of cast components. Assignment of 1st program – casted part. Proposal for moulding of the casting.
• Tolerances and deviations in dimension chains – method of full interchangeability – examples.
• Tolerances and deviations in dimension chains – compensation method – examples.
• Dimensioning and accuracy of gears. Toothed gears. Preliminary calculation. Entering the 2nd program – gears.
• Drawing of weldment for welding and machining, drawings of weldment parts. Assignment of 3rd program – weldment.
• Assembly drawing, list of parts, technical report – basic rules.
• Introduction to documentation of volume formed parts.
• Drawing documentation of flat formed parts – examples.
• Overall evaluation of the submitted works. Check of programs and compositions completeness.