Course detail

Mass Study

FSI-YZ1 Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

The course focuses on the basics of spatial design from a visual and tectonic point of view. Practical exercises on general themes are the introduction and stimulation of visual possibilities for later specific assignments in subjects of industrial design. Study models of mass emphasize art quality of objects, clear concept of solution, logic of construction of volume, significance of proportions and relationship of the whole and details. A part of the subject is mastering the realization of models from basic materials.

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Language of instruction



The aim of the course is to acquire the ability to create study models, which is a prerequisite for industrial design practice. Compositions are focused on the essence of shape and its formal and content context. The students are supervised in the scope of general assignment, which abstracts it from functional, technical and other aspects to singular concept of shape solution. The subject develops creative potential in students and supports their ability for formulate an opinion. The course enables students to acquire knowledge for the creation and analysis of spatial objects, acquaints them with basic techniques and tools for realization of physical models of industrial Plasticine, modelling clay, plaster, HPS and other materials.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme B-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 2 credits, compulsory

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CZS: , 2 credits, elective

Type of course unit


Studio work

39 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Assignment of 1st assignment – Composition study on general theme of basic geometric body and transforming such parts without the loss of volume into a new object, analysis of possibilities, 2D sketches, 3D sketches (clay, paper), variants
Modelling from industrial clay, work on poster
Assessment of the 1st assignment, analysis of individual works, assignment of 2nd task – Composition study on theme transformation of a natural object, analysis of possibilities, study of construction of a natural object, 2D sketches, 3D sketches (clay, industrial clay), variants
Modelling from industrial clay, work on poster
Assessment of the 2nd assignment, analysis of individual works, assignment of 3rd task -Composition study on theme of fixation of basic geometric body above a foundation, analysis of possibilities
2D sketches, 3D sketches, variants
Modelling from plaster and other materials, work on poster
Assessment of the 3rd assignment, analysis of individual works, overall assessment of the semester