Course detail

Marketing and Management in Design

FSI-YMM Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Acquisition of credit is conditioned by participation in seminars, completion of prescribed consultations, submission of the assigned project (determination of career plan for the first 5 years after graduation with consideration of diversity in design areas). oral defense of the project (max. 50 points).
Written exam form (max. 50 points).
To successfully complete the course, it is necessary to always obtain at least half of the maximum number of points (25 + 25) in both parts.
The classification of the subject follows the ECTS scale.

Attendance at lectures is recommended, attendance at seminars is mandatory. Teaching takes place according to weekly schedules. It is within the competence of the exercise leader to determine the methods of compensating for missed classes.

Language of instruction



The aim is to prepare the student for work in a market environment. To explain to him the systemic, chronological procedures in the marketing of design work and the organization of work. Bring to the student the reasoning and arguments of managers – design investors. Develop students' business literacy. Students will be able to implement preparation for business-planned activities. They will gain knowledge of the base of marketing – product, markets, competition, competitive strategy, marketing communication. They will acquire knowledge of basic management in the field of processes, human resources, finance, (and pricing) and information. They will get acquainted with the possibilities of protecting a design work from plagiarism or financial undervaluation. The course will support the student in fulfilling the prescribed content of the thesis.


Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme N-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Master's
branch ---: no specialisation, 4 credits, compulsory

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CZS: , 4 credits, elective

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


- Designer as entrepreneur. Starting a company and basic prerequisites for development.
- Financial management of an entrepreneur – a realistic view of one's own possibilities.
- Strategic view of the product.
- Strategic view of available markets.
- Strategic view of competition and competitive strategies.
- Strategic view of implementation costs and profit generation.
- Strategic view of marketing communications.
- Personnel management and employee flow in the firm. Self-analysis and personal compatibility with entrepreneurial vision.
- Information management, information security and information disposition.
- Copyright law and industrial legal protection against plagiarism.
- Royalty and licence, trading in one's own creative potential.
- Introduction to project management.
- Managerial and leadership approaches to organizing a company. Management and leadership.


Studio work

30 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


- Preparation of business plan and setting goals of the design business.
- Preparation of the financial model of the company's prosperity.
- Defining the main product for the business.
- Market research approaches.
- Exploring the differentiation potential of business in design.
- Profit generation analysis.
- Preparation of a communication plan for the promotion of design.
- Examining the student's suitability for individual or collective business.
- Elaboration of data protection in the company.
- Taking practical examples of copyright infringement.
- Determination of royalities and licenses for specific design work.
- Processing of the timeable using the critical path method.
- Defining the characteristics of a design project leader.